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eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

Before the lab


Lab instructions

The lab is divided into sections. You should allow aprox. 10 minutes for each section. However, note that the tasks are increasingly difficult and latter sections may be more time-consuming than the former ones.

1 Warm-up: Well-formedness of the XML

8-) Determine which of the following XML documents is well-formed. If a document is well-formed, show its corresponding tree model. If it is not well-formed, explain why not. You may assume that all of these documents are intended to be XML 1.0 documents, and thus the declaration is not needed.

NOTE: Assume that the prolog of the documents is present and the following lines are the body of the document.

  - <a><b/><a>
  - <a><b>foo</b></a><a>bar</a>
  - <a><b>foo</b><b>bar</a>
  - <a><b><c>foo</b>bar</c></a>
  - <a/><b>foo</b><b>bar<b>
  - <a><b><c>foo</c>baz<c>bar</c></b></a>
  - <a x="1" X="2"><b>foo</b></a>
  - <a x="1"><b x="2">foo</b></a>
  - <a x="1" y="2" x="3"><b>foo</b></a>
  - <a><b x="3"><c y="1">foo</c><c>bar</c></b></a>

2 Creating XML document

8-) Modify the code below to describe the best book from your bookshelf:

  <author>Grigoris Antoniou</author>
  <author>Frank van Harmelen</author>
  <title>A Semantic Web Primer</title>
  <publisher>The MIT Press</publisher>
  • You can modify the markup and hierarchy.


  • Using a text editor, define a DTD definition for your XML syntax. Put it in the report 8-)
  • You can define DTD definition inside XML file:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?> 
    <!DOCTYPE root [
    XML content

4 Validating XML with DTD

  • Test your XML against defined DTD using online validator - it requires embedded DTD.
  • You can also test your XML using xmlstarlet command:
    Testing xml file against external DTD definition file use:
    xmlstarlet val -e -d file.dtd file.xml

    or when you use embeded DTD definition use:

    xmlstarlet val -e -E file.xml


  • Using a text editor, define an XSD definition for your XML syntax. Put it in the report 8-)

6 Validating XML with XSD

7 XPath

  • Go to the XPath Tool
  • Paste your XML code in the prepared tesxtfield
  • Build and test the XPathc for the following:
    • find the lastnames of all students,
    • find all lastnames of members from a given group,
    • find an address of the second member from a given group,
    • find all the cities of all members,
    • find all the students which are older/younger than a given age,
    • find a lastname of your group leader.
  • Put the queries in the report 8-)


  • Go to the W3Schools' online XSLT editor.
  • Paste your XML code in the left textarea
  • Modify the XSLT code in the right text area to display your data in a table. Make experiments.

Control questions

  • What are the required elements of XML file?
  • What is an empty element?
  • Does the XML have any predefined tags?
  • How to define a comment?
  • Is the XML platform dependent?
  • What is a CDATA section in XML file?
  • What is the meaning of the colon within tag name?
  • What is the DTD?
  • What is the XSD?
  • Which language (DTD or XSD) is more expressive?
  • What is the XPath?
  • Does the XPath allow for nested queries?
  • What is XSLT for?
  • How does the XSLT work?

If you want to know more

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