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pl:dydaktyka:semweb:start [2015/10/04 17:32]
kkutt [Lectures and labs]
pl:dydaktyka:semweb:start [2019/12/08 13:38] (aktualna)
kkutt [General reading]
Linia 2: Linia 2:
 Welcome to the Semantic Web zone! Welcome to the Semantic Web zone!
-===== Lectures ​and labs =====+===== Lectures =====
-Course materials: **lectures**, **lab instructions** and **useful links** can be found in the namespace ​of appropriate academic year:+  * [[http://​geist.re/​pub:​teaching:​courses:semweb|General course information]] 
 +  ​* **FINAL NOTE** = 0.25 * LAB + 0.25 * PROJECT + 0.5 * EXAM 
 +  * Slides (2018/​2019):​ 
 +    - mostly see the old ones//BUT// 
 +    - see also talks by //​[[http://​www-sop.inria.fr/​members/​Fabien.Gandon/​|prof. Fabien Gandon]]//​ 
 +    - as well as his class //​[[https://​www.fun-mooc.fr/​courses/​course-v1:​inria+41013+session02/​about|Introduction to a Web of Linked Data]]// 
 +  ​Old slides (2014/​2015):​ 
 +    - **07.10.2014** Intro & Overview {{:​pl:​dydaktyka:​semweb:​2014:​eis2014semweb-intro.pdf|}} {{:​pl:​dydaktyka:​semweb:​2014:​eis2014semweb-overview.pdf|}} 
 +    - **14.10.2014** Metadadata & RDF {{:​pl:​dydaktyka:​semweb:​2014:​eis2014semweb-metadata.pdf|}} 
 +    - **21.10.2014** RDF in Use {{:​pl:​dydaktyka:​semweb:​2014:​eis2014semweb-rdfsinuse.pdf|}} 
 +    - **28.10.2014** Ontology design {{:​pl:​dydaktyka:​semweb:​2014:​eis2014semweb-ontologies.pdf|}} 
 +    - **09.12.2014** Ontology Engineering and Reasoning {{:​pl:​dydaktyka:​semweb:​2014:​eis2014semweb-ontology-logic.pdf|}} 
 +    - **09.12.2014** Reasoning with Rules, {{:​pl:​dydaktyka:​semweb:​2014:​eis2014semweb-reasoning.pdf|}} Introduction to Semantic wikis {{:​pl:​dydaktyka:​semweb:​2014:​eis2014semweb-apps.pdf|}} 
 +    - **27.01.2015** Applications of SemWeb, Semantic wikis 
 +===== Labs ===== 
 +  * Please work alone or in pairs. 
 +  * After each class, please prepare a report and send it to [[kkutt@agh.edu.pl|Krzysztof Kutt]]. 
 +    * Write the report in English or Polish. 
 +    * Be concise and specific. 
 +    * Name the file as follows: ''​semweb2019_labN_surname1[_surname2].pdf'',​ using your name(s) and the number of the lab e.g., ''​semweb2019_lab1_hewlett_packard.pdf''​ 
 +    * If you need to send additional files (besides the report in pdf), zip them into a *.zip or *.tar.gz file and name accordingly. 
 +    * DEADLINE for the reports: a minute before the next lab. 
 +    * If you submit the report after the deadline you will get -1 point for each started day. 
 +  * You may get 0-2 points for each report: 
 +    - Answer the questions marked 8-) in lab instructions
 +    - (Optionally) Add extra //​feedback//​ section in the report to earn extra credit. 
 +  ​If you get at least **75%**, you will be exempted from the Test (and get as many points as you earned from the reports). 
 +==== Schedule ==== 
 +^ No. ^ Date ^ Lab Instruction ^ 
 +| 1. | 01.10.2019 | [[.:​lab-rdfmodel|Introduction. Modeling knowledge with RDF]] | 
 +| 2. | 08.10.2019 | [[.:​lab-rdfmodel2|Advanced modeling with RDF]] | 
 +| 3. | 15.10.2019 | [[.:​lab-sparql|Querying the Semantic Web with SPARQL]] | 
 +| 4. | **29.10.2019**((There is no lab on 22.10.2019 :!:)) | ::: | 
 +| 5. | 05.11.2019 | [[.:​lab-ontologies|Introduction to ontologies]] | 
 +| 6. | 12.11.2019 14:00 | [[.:​lab-owl|Ontology engineering with Protégé]] | 
 +| 7. | 12.11.2019 15:30 | [[.:​lab-onto-reasoning|Reasoning with Ontologies]] | 
 +| ::: | ::: | //OPTIONAL: [[.:​lab-desc-logic|Intro to Description Logics]]// | 
 +| ::: | ::: | **TEST** (30 minutes) | 
 +==== Attendance and notes ==== 
 +See: https://​krzysztof.kutt.pl/​wiki/​teaching:​semweb2019:​start 
 +===== Project(s) ===== 
 +  * Org: 
 +    * Work in teams of 2-3 students. 
 +    * Final raport and working piece of code is evaluated (Jupyter Notebook, PDF, whatever you want; code will be presented on your own laptops, so there are no limitations on technology used) 
 +    * Deadline: before the exam! ;-) 
 +  * Topics: 
 +    * [1-2 groups] **Review of knowledge graphs embeddings methods** (with evaluation of existing libraries ​in Python) -- may be extended as a workshop project (topic listed on SBK list) 
 +    * [1 group] **Loki on triple store** -- may be extended as a workshop project (topic listed on KKT list) 
 +    * [1-3 groups] **Semantic mashup** -- link data from at least 3 sources (eg. Wikidata, Geonames.org,​ dataset from LOD Cloud, polish GUS data) in a fancy way (e.g. question answering systems, recommendation system, some analysis using statistical methods or machine learning methods) 
 +    * [1 group] **Beyond ​the RDF/OWL** -- review ​of other knowledge graphs approaches = "What do people do when they say they do knowledge graphs?"​ (with some code if possible) (start from[[http://​www.mkbergman.com/​2244/​a-common-sense-view-of-knowledge-graphs/​|A Common Sense View of Knowledge Graphs]])
-  * **[[.:​2015:​|2015/​2016 winter term]]** [current] 
-  * [[.:​2014:​|2014/​2015 winter term]] 
-  * [[.:​2013:​|2013/​2014 winter term]] 
 ===== Additional materials ===== ===== Additional materials =====
Linia 25: Linia 82:
   - [[.:​reasoning|Reasoning on the Semantic Web]]   - [[.:​reasoning|Reasoning on the Semantic Web]]
 +==== Old projects ====
 +  - [[.:​2014:​start|2014/​2015]]
 +  - [[.:​2013:​start|2013/​2014]]
 ==== General reading ==== ==== General reading ====
 Books: Books:
 +  * {{http://​library.lts-portal.org/​bitstream/​handle/​123456789/​18/​reprezentacja_i_logika_Emag.pdf|Reprezentacja i logika}} (for free, in Polish)
 +  * [[http://​workingontologist.org/​|Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist]] (good book with many examples)
   * [[http://​www.amazon.com/​Semantic-Primer-Cooperative-Information-Systems/​dp/​0262012421|G. Antoniou, F. van Harmelen - Semantic Web Primer]] ([[http://​www.ics.forth.gr/​isl/​swprimer/​presentation.htm|online slides]])   * [[http://​www.amazon.com/​Semantic-Primer-Cooperative-Information-Systems/​dp/​0262012421|G. Antoniou, F. van Harmelen - Semantic Web Primer]] ([[http://​www.ics.forth.gr/​isl/​swprimer/​presentation.htm|online slides]])
   * [[http://​semantic-web-book.org/​page/​Foundations_of_Semantic_Web_Technologies|P. Hitzler, M. Krötzsch, S. Rudolph - Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies]]   * [[http://​semantic-web-book.org/​page/​Foundations_of_Semantic_Web_Technologies|P. Hitzler, M. Krötzsch, S. Rudolph - Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies]]
 +  * [[http://​www.mkbergman.com/​2244/​a-common-sense-view-of-knowledge-graphs/​|A Common Sense View of Knowledge Graphs]]
 +  * Semantic Web begins here: {{semantic_web-sciam.pdf|The Semantic Web (Scientific American, 2001)}}
 +  * [[http://​www.w3.org/​People/​Ivan/​CorePresentations/​SW_QA/​|Questions (and Answers) on the Semantic Web]]
 +  * [[http://​www.w3.org/​People/​Ivan/​CorePresentations/​RDFTutorial/​|Tutorial on Semantic Web (3.5-4h)]]
 +  * [[http://​www.w3.org/​DesignIssues/​Semantic.html|Semantic Web Road map /September 1998/]]
 +  * [[http://​www.xml.com/​pub/​a/​2001/​01/​24/​rdf.html|What Is RDF]]
 +  * [[http://​www.slideshare.net/​marakana/​a-hands-on-overview-of-the-semantic-web-5533841|A hands on overview of the semantic web]]
 +  * [[http://​dret.net/​lectures/​web-fall09/​semweb|Semantic Web (2009)]]
 +  * [[http://​www.slideshare.net/​ivan_herman/​a-year-on-the-semantic-web-w3c|A year on the Semantic Web @ W3C (2010)]]
 +  * [[http://​videolectures.net/​iswc2017_vienna/​|International SemWeb Conference 2017]] -- especially Keynote talks are interesting
 +  * [[http://​videolectures.net/​pintro05_studer_swci/​|Semantic Web a Concise Introduction (2005)]]
 +  * [[http://​videolectures.net/​solomon_sure_stsw/​|A short Tutorial on Semantic Web (2003)]]
 +  * [[http://​videolectures.net/​iswc08_hendler_ittsw/​|Introduction to the Semantic Web (2008)]]
 +  * [[http://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=OGg8A2zfWKg|Intro to the Semantic Web (2007)]]
 +TED talks:
 +  * [[http://​www.ted.com/​talks/​tim_berners_lee_on_the_next_web|The next web (2009)]]
 +  * [[http://​semanticweb.org/​wiki/​Main_Page|Semantic Web wiki]]
 +  * [[https://​www.wikidata.org/​wiki/​Wikidata:​Introduction|Wikidata:​Introduction]]
 +  * [[http://​sadl.sourceforge.net/​|Semantic Application Design Language (SADL)]]
 +  * [[http://​decentralyze.com/​2010/​03/​22/​the-why-and-how-of-linked-data/​|The Why and How of Linked Data]]
 +  * [[http://​googleblog.blogspot.com/​2011/​06/​introducing-schemaorg-search-engines.html|Google introduces schema.org]]
 +  * [[http://​www.huffingtonpost.com/​steve-hamby/​semantic-web-technology_b_1228883.html|Steve Hamby - 2012: The Year of the Semantic Web]]
 +  * [[http://​searchengineland.com/​trust-unique-identification-impact-semantic-search-235673|How Trust & Unique Identification Impact Semantic Search]]
 +  * [[https://​news.ycombinator.com/​item?​id=8510401|Is the semantic web still a thing?]]
 Reports: Reports:
Linia 35: Linia 135:
   * [[http://​cslab.ia.agh.edu.pl/​_media/​csltr:​csltr-2-2010.pdf?​id=csltr%3Alistaraportow&​cache=cache|W.T.Adrian,​ G.J.Nalepa, K.Kaczor, M.Noga - Overview of selected approaches to rule representation on the Semantic Web]]   * [[http://​cslab.ia.agh.edu.pl/​_media/​csltr:​csltr-2-2010.pdf?​id=csltr%3Alistaraportow&​cache=cache|W.T.Adrian,​ G.J.Nalepa, K.Kaczor, M.Noga - Overview of selected approaches to rule representation on the Semantic Web]]
-Courses+Online Semantic Web courses
-  * [[http://www.inf.unibz.it/~debruijn/teaching/swt/#le1|Semantic Web Technologies ​course - WS 2008/2009]] at Free University of Bozen/​Bolzano +  * [[https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/linked-data/1/todo|Introduction to Linked Data and the Semantic Web @FutureLearn]] 
-  * [[http://www.cs.uu.nl/docs/vakken/smw/literature.htm|Semantic Web Seminar reading list]] at Utrecht University ​+  * [[https://​www.fun-mooc.fr/​courses/​course-v1:​inria+41013+self-paced/about|Introduction to a Web of Linked Data @FunMOOC]] 
 +  ​* Hasso-Platern-Institute:​ 
 +    ​* [[https://open.hpi.de/​courses/​semanticweb|2013:​ Semantic Web Technologies]] 
 +    * [[https://​open.hpi.de/courses/semanticweb2015|2015:​ Knowledge Engineering with Semantic Web Technologies]] 
 +    * [[https://open.hpi.de/​courses/​semanticweb2016|2016: Linked Data Engineering]] 
 +    * [[https://​open.hpi.de/​courses/​semanticweb2017|2018: ​Semantic Web Technologies]]
-:: News :+Semantic Web tools and applications: 
-  * [[http://​www.slideshare.net/ivan_herman/​a-year-on-the-semantic-web-w3c|A year on the Semantic Web @ W3C]] //2010-06-17//+  * [[http://​www.w3.org/​wiki/​ConverterToRdf|ConverterToRdf]] 
 +  * [[http://​esw.w3.org/​TaskForces/​CommunityProjects/​LinkingOpenData/​SemWebClients|Linked Data Browsers]] 
 +  * [[http://​www.mkbergman.com/sweet-tools/​|Sweet Tools]] 
 +  * [[http://​readwrite.com/​2009/​12/​02/​top_10_semantic_web_products_of_2009|Top 10 Semantic Web Products of 2009]], [[http://​readwrite.com/2010/12/29/​top_10_semantic_web_products_of_2010|Top 10 Semantic Web Products of 2010]]
 +Triplestores / graph databases:
 +  * [[http://​www.dataversity.net/​triplestores-101-storing-data-efficient-inferencing/​|Triplestores 101]]
 +  * [[https://​www.blazegraph.com/​|blazegraph]] + [[http://​www.snee.com/​bobdc.blog/​2016/​05/​trying-out-blazegraph.html|Trying out blazegraph]]
 +  * [[https://​ontotext.com/​products/​graphdb/​|Ontotext GraphDB Free]]
 +  * [[https://​neo4j.com/​|Neo4j]]
 ===== About ===== ===== About =====
 These course materials are prepared by [[http://​geist.agh.edu.pl|GEIST Research Group]] and are available according to [[http://​geist.agh.edu.pl/​pub:​copyright|license]]. ​ These course materials are prepared by [[http://​geist.agh.edu.pl|GEIST Research Group]] and are available according to [[http://​geist.agh.edu.pl/​pub:​copyright|license]]. ​
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