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Semantic Web

Welcome to the Semantic Web zone!



  • Please work alone or in pairs.
  • After each class, please prepare a report and send it to Krzysztof Kutt.
    • Write the report in English or Polish.
    • Be concise and specific.
    • Name the file as follows: semweb2019_labN_surname1[_surname2].pdf, using your name(s) and the number of the lab e.g., semweb2019_lab1_hewlett_packard.pdf
    • If you need to send additional files (besides the report in pdf), zip them into a *.zip or *.tar.gz file and name accordingly.
    • DEADLINE for the reports: a minute before the next lab.
    • If you submit the report after the deadline you will get -1 point for each started day.
  • You may get 0-2 points for each report:
    1. Answer the questions marked 8-) in lab instructions.
    2. (Optionally) Add extra feedback section in the report to earn extra credit.
  • If you get at least 75%, you will be exempted from the Test (and get as many points as you earned from the reports).


No. Date Lab Instruction
1. 01.10.2019 Introduction. Modeling knowledge with RDF
2. 08.10.2019 Advanced modeling with RDF
3. 15.10.2019 Querying the Semantic Web with SPARQL
4. 29.10.20191)
5. 05.11.2019 Introduction to ontologies
6. 12.11.2019 Ontology engineering with Protégé
7. 19.11.2019 Reasoning with Ontologies
OPTIONAL: Intro to Description Logics
TEST (30 minutes)

Attendance and notes


FIXME Information will be given later…

Additional materials

Additional labs

  1. Semantic Web Programming (external copyrights)
    • JavaOne Online Technical Sessions and Labs: JavaOne2009 - Lab-4449: Semantic Web Programming
    • Uses: Jena Framework, Pellet Reasoner, NetBeans IDE


Old projects

General reading





TED talks:





Online Semantic Web courses:

Semantic Web tools and applications:

Triplestores / graph databases:


These course materials are prepared by GEIST Research Group and are available according to license.

If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns regarding the course materials and lab instructions, please contact us:

There is no lab on 22.10.2019 :!:
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