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en:dydaktyka:problog:lab3 [2019/01/14 11:30]
msl [Toy Problem]
en:dydaktyka:problog:lab3 [2019/01/14 15:53]
msl [Toy Problem]
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 +====== Statistical Relational AI ======
 +Statistical Relational AI (StaRAI) is a branch of Artificial Intelligence lying at the intersection between statistical and logical methods, applied to relational data.
 +This class will cover the most common types of tasks considered by the StaRAI methods. ​
 +Materials used in the class come from a workshop conducted by Marco Lippi at ACAI'​2018 summer school in Ferrara.
 +  - What is hidden under the term "​relational data"?
 +  - Could modern "​deep"​ learning methods work be used in the same context?
 +====== Link Prediction ======
 +Given a relational model of a domain (e.g. graph of connections in the social network) we have to learn how to predict connection between nodes in similar networks. ​
 +  - What types of networks can we spot in real life? 
 +  - What are the possible applications of the link predictor?
 +  - What does "​similar network"​ mean? How can we validate the predictor?
 +  - What learning features can be found in the network?
 +===== Toy Problem =====
 +{{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​problog:​toy_link_1.png?​200|}}Let assume we have a very tiny network, similar to the one shown on the right. In this problem all links are undirected and unlabeled. Nodes have labels shown using different colors. ​
 +Our ask is to train a link predictor using [[https://​dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/​problog/​|Problog]]. In case somebody forgot Problog installation is fairly easy given a working Python environment (''​pip install problog''​ and optionally ''​problog install''​ on Linux). In case it wasn't simple enough, one can try to use the [[https://​dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/​problog/​editor.html|on-line interface]]. The evidence file for the problem can downloaded from {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​problog:​link_prediction_data.pl | this link}}.
 +You can start from {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​problog:​link_prediction_empty.pl |this point}}.
 +== Questions: ==
 +  - How would you write a Problog model for this task?
 +  - Do you find this kind of predictor satisfying? Would you call it "​relational"?​
 +====== Entity Classification ======
 +Another problem is to classify entities in the network, e.g. given a social graph, guess gender of the people involved.
 +== Question: ==
 +  - What are the possible applications of such classificator?​
 +===== Toy Problem =====
 +Given a hypertext documents (or simply: linked text documents) classify them by the topic. Read the Problog model below:
 +<code prolog>
 +0.5::​topic(P,​sport) :- hasword(P,​game).
 +0.7::​topic(P,​food) :- hasword(P,​bread).
 +0.9::​topic(P,​food) :- link(P,Q), topic(Q,​food).
 +== Questions ==
 +  - What network'​s features have impact on the result?
 +  - Try to learn a similar (but bigger) model from the following evidence {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​problog:​hypertext_classification_data.pl|data}} and {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​problog:​hypertext_classification_network.pl|network definition}}. Is there any issue with creating such a model? ​
 +  - Could you learn similar classifier using classic machine learning classifiers?​
 +==== Information Retrieval ====
 +Let's make the toy problem a bit more interesting and create a basic search engine. Download and read a {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​problog:​information_retrieval_data_full.pl |following file}} that contains a basic set of data about an information retrieval scenario. ​
 +== Questions ==
 +  - What has to be changed in our classifier to make it a basic search engine?
 +  - Learn model parameters from scratch, using the file you have downloaded previously.
 +===== Intermission:​ Why? =====
 +Before moving to the next topic, let us analyze what good have we done.
 +  - What have our programs learned? What's the output?
 +  - What data had to be provided? What's the input?
 +  - Is there any advantage over other methods you know? Is there any disadvantage?​
 +===== Structure Learning =====
 +Sometimes we do not have domain knowledge - sometimes we analyze just chaotic data we can make no sense at all. Sometimes we need so called structure learning - algorithm learning not only parameters but also structure of the model.
 +== Questions: ==
 +  - What applications of structure learning can you imagine?
 +  - Do you know any related problems/​methods? ​
 +==== Quick ProbFOIL Tutorial ==== 
 +ProbFOIL is a probabilistic version of the famous FOIL induction system, that can learn problog models from data.
 +It is based on Problog and installation is analogous (''​pip install probfoil''​).  ​
 +The input of ProbFOIL consists of two parts: settings and data. These are both specified in Prolog (or ProbLog) files, and they can be combined into one.
 +The data consists of (probabilistic) facts. The settings define
 +  * target: the predicate we want to learn
 +  * modes: which predicates can be added to the rules
 +  * types: type information for the predicates
 +  * other settings related to the data
 +To use:
 +<code bash>
 +probfoil data.pl
 +Multiple files can be specified and the information in them is concatenated. (For example, it is advisable to separate settings from data).
 +Several command line arguments are available. Use ''​--help''​ to get more information.
 +==== Settings format ====
 +=== Target === 
 +The target should be specified by adding a fact 
 +<code prolog>
 +=== Modes ===
 +The modes should be specified by adding facts of the form 
 +<code prolog>
 +mode(predicate(mode1,​ mode2, ...).
 +</​code>,​ where ''​modeX''​ is the mode specifier for argument ''​X''​. Possible mode specifiers are:
 +  * ''​+'':​ input - the variable at this position must already exist when the literal is added
 +  * ''​-'':​ output - the variable at this position does not exist yet in the rule (note that this is stricter than usual)
 +  * ''​c'':​ constant - a constant should be introduced here; possible value are derived automatically from the data
 +=== Types ===
 +For each relevant predicate (target and modes) there should be a type specifier. This specifier is of the form 
 +<code prolog>
 +base(predicate(type1,​ type2, ...).
 +</​code>,​ where ''​typeX''​ is a type identifier. Type can be identified by arbitrary Prolog atoms (e.g. ''​person'',​ ''​a'',​ etc.)
 +=== Example generation ===
 +By default, examples are generated by quering the data for the target predicate. Negative examples can be specified by adding zero-probability facts, e.g.:
 +<code prolog>
 +0.0::​grandmother(john,​ mary).
 +Alternatively,​ ProbFOIL can derive negative examples automatically by taking combinations of possible values for the target arguments. Note that this can lead to a combinatorial explosion. To enable this behavior, you can specify the fact
 +<code prolog>
 +=== Example ===
 +Try to learn model from the following file:
 +<code prolog>
 +% Modes
 +% Type definitions
 +% Target
 +% How to generate negative examples
 +===== Big Fat Assignment ======
 +  - Try to learn structure of the Information Retrieval model, you've done earlier by hand.
 +  - Is the learned model satisfying? If not, what is the problem? Try to fix it by changing learning data by hand.
 +  - Modify model to consider more than only one query. What has to be changed?
en/dydaktyka/problog/lab3.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:49 (external edit)
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