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pl:dydaktyka:semweb:2016:labs:onto-reasoning [2017/11/05 16:40]
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Linia 1: Linia 1:
-====== Reasoning with Ontologies ====== 
-^  Last verification:​ | 20160924 | 
-^  Tools required for this lab: | [[http://​protege.stanford.edu/​products.php#​desktop-protege|Protégé Desktop 5.0]] | 
-^  ::: | [[http://​semanticweb.org/​wiki/​Pellet|Pellet 2.3.1]] ({{http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​~kkutt/​semweb/​pellet-2.3.1.zip|pellet-2.3.1.zip}}) | 
-===== Introduction ===== 
-  * Lecture: {{..:​..:​2015:​eis2015semweb-ontology-logic.pdf|Ontology engineering and reasoning in Semantic Web}} (2015) 
-  * [[#​if_you_want_to_know_more|If you want to know more...]] 
-  * OWL is based on Description Logics formalism -- if you want to know more about it, you can familiarize yourself with optional [[desc-logic|Intro to Description Logics]] lab. 
-===== Lab instructions ===== 
-==== - TBox and ABox [10 minutes] ==== 
-  * The knowledge base in OWL (which is based on Description Logics) consists of two types of concepts: 
-    * TBox - terminology,​ intensional representation 
-    * ABox - assertions about individuals,​ extensional representation 
-  * [[http://​www.mkbergman.com/​489/​ontology-best-practices-for-data-driven-applications-part-2/​|Why should we care about keeping them split?]] 
-  * 8-) Let's check if you understand this difference properly: Take your [[ontologies|casting agency ontology from WebProtégé lab]] or [[owl|multimedia ontology from Protégé lab]]. Identify which statements belong to Terminology (TBox) and World Description (ABox). Put them in the report divided into two sections: TBox and ABox (5 statements for each section). 
-==== - OWL Reasoning - Class Inference [10 minutes] ==== 
-  * In Description Logics on which the OWL language is based there are the following reasoning tasks for classes (terminology,​ TBox): 
-    - Class subsumption (Structuring the knowledge base) 
-    - Class equivalence (Are two classes in fact the same class?) 
-    - Class disjointness (Do classes A and B have common members?) 
-    - Class consistency (Isn't class A empty?) 
-  - Model the following ontology axioms in Protege:<​code>​ 
-Class: bus_driver 
-    EquivalentTo: ​ 
-        person 
-        that drives some bus 
-Class: driver 
-    EquivalentTo: ​ 
-        person 
-        that drives some vehicle 
-Class: bus 
-    SubClassOf: ​ 
-        vehicle 
-</​code>​ \\ Hints: 
-    - To build the first axiom: ​ 
-      - Create appropriate classes \\ {{.:​..:​..:​protege-reasoning1.png?​w200|}} \\ 
-      - and ObjectProperties:​ \\ {{.:​..:​..:​protege-reasoning2.png?​w200|}} \\ 
-      - Define the BusDriver class with ''​Equivalent classes''​ button \\ {{.:​..:​..:​protege-reasoning3.png?​w200|}} 
-    - Build the second axiom analogously:​ \\ {{.:​..:​..:​protege-reasoning4.png?​w200|}} \\ 
-    - Build the third axiom using the ''​SubClass of''​ button: \\ {{.:​..:​..:​protege-reasoning5.png?​w200|}} \\ 
-  - Start the reasoner (''​Reasoner -> start reasoner''​) and observe the inferred class hierarchy. What conclusions have been drawn? \\ {{.:​..:​..:​protege-reasoning6.png?​w200|}} \\ 
-    - 8-) Include the modified ontology in the report. 
-    - 8-) Explain the inferred relations and conclusions. 
-  - Analyze the reasoning examples given [[http://​mowl-power.cs.man.ac.uk/​2009/​07/​sssw/​people.html#​people-class|here]] in "Class Inferences"​ section. 
-==== - OWL Reasoning - Instance Inferences [10 minutes] ==== 
-  * In Description Logics on which the OWL language is based there are the following reasoning tasks for instances (world description,​ ABox): 
-    - Class membership (is instance //a// contained in class //C//?) 
-    - Instance retrieval (find all (known) individuals belonging to a given class) 
-  * and for the whole Knowledge Base (ABox+TBox):​ 
-    - Global consistency of a knowledge base (Is the knowledge base meaningful?​) 
-  - Download the {{http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​~kkutt/​semweb/​people-prep.owl|pre-prepared ontology}} and load it in Protege (**NB:** the ontology classes and those on screenshots may differ a little). 
-  - Model the following ontology axioms in Protege:<​code>​ 
-Individual: Daily_Mirror 
-    Types: ​ 
-        owl:Thing 
-Individual: Q123ABC 
-    Types: ​ 
-        van, 
-        white_thing 
-Individual: Mick 
-    Types: ​ 
-        man 
-    Facts: ​ 
-        reads  Daily_Mirror,​ 
-        drives ​ Q123ABC 
-Class: white_van_man 
-    EquivalentTo: ​ 
-        man 
-        that drives some (van 
-        and white_thing) 
-    SubClassOf: ​ 
-        reads only tabloid 
-</​code>​ \\ //For those not familiar with UK culture, White Van Man is a stereotype used to describe a particular kind of driver. [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​White_van_man|Wikipedia]] provides an entry with some additional information and references.//​ \\ Hints: 
-    - Create appropriate instances in ''​Individuals''​ tab \\ {{.:​..:​..:​protege-reasoning7.png?​w200|}} 
-    - If the instance is of 2 types, create it only once and then add the second type: \\ {{.:​..:​..:​protege-reasoning8.png?​w200|}} 
-    - Add object properties to connect individuals:​ \\ {{.:​..:​..:​protege-reasoning9.png?​w200|}} 
-    - Define the class: \\ {{.:​..:​..:​protege-reasoning10.png?​w200|}} 
-  - Start the reasoner (''​Reasoner -> start reasoner''​) and observe the inferred class hierarchy. Where is the ''​white_van_man''?​ What conclusions have been drawn? ​ 
-    - 8-) Include the modified ontology in the report. 
-    - 8-) Explain the inferred relations and conclusions. 
-  - Analyze the reasoning examples given [[http://​mowl-power.cs.man.ac.uk/​2009/​07/​sssw/​people.html#​people-instance|here]] in "​Instance Inferences"​ section. 
-==== - OWL Reasoning - Reasoners [5 minutes] ==== 
-DL reasoners may be integrated with other tools - as in the case of Protege presented before - as well as run independently via various interfaces. Popular DL reasoners include: FaCT++, Pellet, HermiT, RacerPro and many others. 
-We will use the <wrap download><​wrap caution>​{{http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​~kkutt/​semweb/​pellet-2.3.1.zip|Pellet}}</​wrap></​wrap>​ reasoner. 
-  - Unpack the zip. 
-  - Run ''​pellet.sh help''​ to get familiar with available commands. 
-  - Try ''​pellet.sh consistency <​ontology>''​ where the ''<​ontology>''​ is: 
-    - Your ontology from [[.:​owl|previous lab]] 
-    - ''​people+pets.owl''​ ontology provided with Pellet in ''​examples/​data/''​ directory \\ and observe the results. ​ 
-  - Try ''​pellet.sh classify <​ontology>''​ with the two above mentioned ontologies and observe the results. 
-    - 8-) What are the results? Write them down or provide a screenshot of the answer in the report. 
-==== - Advanced OWL reasoning [50 minutes] ==== 
-These instructions are based on the [[http://​www.cs.man.ac.uk/​~stevensr/​menupages/​fhkb.php|The Family History Knowledge Base Tutorial]] by The University of Manchester, School of Computer Science 
-  - Download the {{.:​..:​..:​ontologies.zip|}} pack. 
-  - Open Protege (type ''​protege''​ in command line on lab316 laptop). 
-=== - Warm up === 
-  - Open (''​Family-tree-0.owl''​) 
-  - It contains ''​Sex'',​ ''​Female'',​ ''​Male'',​ ''​Person'',​ ''​Man''​ and ''​Woman''​ Classes. 
-  - Create ''​hasSex''​ property, Set domain and ranges on ''​hasSex''​ (Person/​Sex),​ make it //​functional//​. 
-  - Create restrictions on ''​Person'' ​ ''​hasSex some Sex''​. 
-  - Make Man and Woman **defined** ​ (use ''​Equivalent classes''​):​ ''​Man EquivalentTo Person that hasSex some Male''​ etc. \\ {{.:​..:​..:​owl-man.png?​180|}} 
-  - Import plain-individuals,​ observe that none of them have any assertions on them. (''​Active Ontology''​ tab -> ''​Imported ontologies''​ -> ''​Direct imports''​). 
-  - Choose an individual, add ''​Types'':​ ''​Person and (hasSex some Male)''​ \\ {{.:​..:​..:​owl-robert-individual.png?​300|}} 
-  - Using the ''​Reasoner''​ menu in Protege (''​Reasoner -> Start/​Synchronize reasoner''​),​ classify the ontology. What inferences are made? Write them in the report 8-) 
-=== - Characteristics of properties === 
-  - Close the previous ontology. Load ''​Family-tree-1.owl''​. Check how ''​Man''​ and ''​Woman''​ classes are defined. 
-  - Create object properties: ''​hasFather'',​ ''​hasMother'',​ make them //​functional//,​ add //domain// and //range//: ''​Person'', ​ ''​Man/​Woman'',​ add //inverse properties//:​ \\ {{.:​..:​..:​owl-hasmother.png?​200|}} 
-  - Create restrictions on Person: ''​has Mother some Woman'',​ ''​hasFather some Man''​ \\ {{.:​..:​..:​owl-hasparents.png?​200|}} 
-  - Load ''​individuals-1-parantage.owl''​ file. 
-  - Classify the ontology. What inferences are made? Write them in the report 8-) 
-=== - Datatype properties === 
-  - Close the previous ontology. Load ''​Family-tree-2.owl''​. ​ 
-  - Create or find datatype properties: ''​birthYear'',​ ''​deathYear'',​ make them //​functional//​. \\ {{.:​..:​..:​owl-datatypes.png?​200|}} 
-  - Create ''​Victorian''​ class: ''​Person and birthYear some integer[>​=1837,​ <​=1901]''​ 
-  - Classify the ontology. How many individuals have been classified as Victorians? 8-) 
-=== - Transitive properties === 
-  - Close the previous ontology. Load ''​Family-tree-3.owl''​. ​ 
-  - Create a new super-property of ''​hasParent''​ called ''​hasAncestor'',​ 
-  - Make it transitive and create inverse property. 
-  - Clasify, look at property hierarchy. What do we know about Robert? 8-) 
-  - Close the previous ontology. Load ''​Family-tree-4.owl''​. ​ 
-  - Model the information about David: \\ {{.:​..:​..:​owl-david.png?​300|}} 
-  - Classify the ontology. Answer the questions: 
-    - What type does David_bright_1934 have? 8-) 
-    - How many children does he have? 8-) 
-=== - Property chains === 
-  - Close the previous ontology. Load Family-tree-5.owl. 
-  - Add hasGrandParent sub prop of hasAncestor (inverse grandparentOf) 
-  - Add domain and ranges 
-  - Add sub properties ''​hasGrandMother/​Father''​ + domains and ranges 
-  - Add property chain ''​hasParent o hasFather/​Mother -> hasGrandFather/​Mother''​ \\ {{.:​..:​..:​owl-grandpa.png?​300|}} 
-  - Classify the ontology. What do we learn about Robert? 8-) 
-=== - Classes with Individuals,​ Open World Assumption === 
-  - Close the previous ontology. Load Family-tree-6.owl. 
-  - Make class of all ancestors and class of robert'​s ancestors. \\ {{.:​..:​..:​owl-class-individuals.png?​400|}} 
-  - Classify. What are the results? 
-  - Make class of people with min 3 children. ​ 
-  - Classify the ontology, do we find parents with 3 children? Why? 8-) 
-  - How to really find parents that have 3 children? 8-) 
-  - How to make individuals different from each other? 8-) 
-===== If you want to know more ===== 
-OWL Tutorials: 
-  * http://​www.cs.man.ac.uk/​~horrocks/​ISWC2003/​Tutorial/​ 
-  * http://​mowl-power.cs.man.ac.uk/​2009/​07/​sssw/​ 
-  * http://​mowl-power.cs.man.ac.uk/​2008/​iswc-tones/​ 
-  * http://​owl.cs.manchester.ac.uk/​publications/​talks-and-tutorials/​ 
-  * http://​protege.stanford.edu/​conference/​2009/​tutorials.html 
-  * http://​www.linkeddatatools.com/​introducing-rdfs-owl 
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