Semantic Web Programming - Hackaton

Before the hackaton

  1. Please read Chapter1 and Chapter2 from the Semantic Web Programming book
  2. Install the following software on your computer:
  3. Optionally you can download:
  4. Download and browse the Semantic Web Programming book

General Rules

  • You work on a single project you choose or propose.
  • You can have a team of 1-4 persons (2 is optimal, additional people should be justified e.g., GUI specialist, graphic/visualization specialist, DB specialist etc.)
  • You should generally use Java and Jena framework, but you may also propose other technology.

Project Ideas

Generally a project you develop should

  • integrate information from at least two sources,
  • align it into a single semantic model and manipulate it
  • incorporate ontology-based reasoning (a simple example may be mapping between concepts present in different sources)

Below you have a few example projects, but you are free to choose your topic.

  1. Concert Planner:
    • Find artists of a given genre
    • Find information about upcoming concerts of the artists (place, date, costs etc.) Choose a concert nearest the user location.
    • Display a map with a route to the concert.
  2. RDFriends
    • Integrate information about your friends into a graph that can be navigated (extra points for visualization)
    • Take information from their FOAF profiles and Facebook activities
    • Add alignment information between Facebook and FOAF ontologies to enable reasoning
  3. Travel Map:
    • Create a map of your travels. Add information about visited places (cities, interesting locations etc.) fetching appropriate data from DBPedia.
  4. Writer's help:
    • Create a program that will search for additional information (in selected data sources) about objects that appear in a piece of text and will propose to include this additional information.
  5. Hobbyst's mashup
    • integrate information on a given topic from several data sources, display in an interesting format.
  6. An intelligent agent that given a set of instruction crawls the Semantic Web and responds accurately…


Further inspirations:

Hackaton instructions

  1. Choose your team.
  2. Choose your topic.
  3. Get to know Jena: do exercises 1-3 from Semantic Web Programming with Jena
  4. Enjoy working on your project :-)

Ontologies and data sources


The Book

Most useful chapters (IMHO):

  • Chapter 2 - Hello Semantic Web World
  • Chapter 6 - Discovering Information
  • Chapter 8 - Applying a Programming Framework

Jena tutorials

Linked Data

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