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You can turn the NXT on by pressing the orange button. The same button confirm choices in the menu. To move around between positions, use the triangle-shaped buttons. Dark button below is used to cancel a selection and to turn the NXT off (when you are in the main menu).


Turning BT can be found in the NXT menu. Choose: Bluetooth → On / Off → {On or Off}. When BT is turned on, in the upper left corner of the display there is a symbol of BT and to the right of it there is a '<' symbol. After a connection is established next to a '<' symbol appears '>' symbol. Together: '<>'. After a connection is closed a '>' symbol disappears.


In the upper right corner of the display there is a battery level indicator. When it is black as a whole, the batteries are full.

Sensors readings

The sensors readings can be read directly form the NXT menu. Please select View → {sensor_type} → {port}



NXT has a “sleep” function. It is set to 10 minutes by default. If by that time, no button will be pressed, a NXT deactivates. This means that it can also do this during work. This can be really annoying. To turn this function of, select from the menu: Settings → Sleep → Never.


NXT can make annoying sounds when it's turned on. You can turn them off from the menu by selecting: Settings → Volume → 0.

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