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mindstorms:nxt_prolog_api [2008/04/21 12:06]
gjn draft version
mindstorms:nxt_prolog_api [2019/06/27 15:50] (current)
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 These areas are much more accessible with the use of a declarative programming solutions, compared to classic, low-level imperative languages. These areas are much more accessible with the use of a declarative programming solutions, compared to classic, low-level imperative languages.
-The paper presents research developed within the //​[[hekate:​HeKatE]]//​ project [[http://​hekate.ia.agh.du.pl]] aimed at providing a high-level rule-based programming solution for Mindstorms NXT, based on the Prolog language API for the NXT platform.+The paper presents research developed within the //[[hekate:start|HeKatE]]// project [[http://​hekate.ia.agh.du.pl]] aimed at providing a high-level rule-based programming solution for Mindstorms NXT, based on the Prolog language API for the NXT platform.
mindstorms/nxt_prolog_api.1208772362.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:51 (external edit)
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