
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

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mindstorms:start [2009/03/17 14:37]
kkluza created
mindstorms:start [2019/06/27 15:50]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Previous version of this page ====== 
-This is a beta-version of LEGO Mindstorms service. 
-If you are looking for the old version of this webpage, check here: 
-\\ [[mindstorms2|Previous version of this page]] 
-====== AGH Laboratory - LEGO Mindstorms ====== 
-  * [[mindstorms:​start|Main page]] 
-  * [[pl:​mindstorms:​start|Wersja polska]] 
-  * Mindstorms 
-    * [[mindstorms:​description|About Mindstorms]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​history|History]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​kit|Mindstorms Kit]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​extensions|Kit extensions]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​interface|Interface]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​programming|Programming]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​realisations|Realisations]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​emulators|Emulators]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​documentation|Documentation]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​download|Download]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​literature|Literature]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​links|Links]] 
-  * Laboratory 
-    * [[mindstorms:​lab:​info|Informations]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​lab:​aims|Aims of laboratory]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​lab:​gallery|Gallery]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​lab:​equipment|Equipment]] 
-    * [[mindstorms:​lab:​projects|Our projects]] 
mindstorms/start.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:50 (external edit)
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