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mindstorms:description [2008/11/27 16:30]
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mindstorms:description [2017/07/17 10:08]
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-====== Mindstorms overview ====== 
-===== What is LEGO Mindstorms? ===== 
-**LEGO Mindstorms is an educational kit, with which you can:** 
-  * build robots, 
-  * build automatics installations,​ 
-  * communicate with them: 
-    * f.e. by Bluetooth or USB, 
-  * programing them. 
-**In the kit you can find:** 
-  * '​brick'​ - CPU, 
-  * electronic sensors, 
-  * servomotors,​ 
-  * LEGO blocks. 
-**With sensors, the possibility of programming and communicating with '​brick',​ it's possible to:** 
-  * load programmed actions, 
-  * manual control the robot, 
-  * interact robot with environment,​ 
-  * detect barriers and aims. 
-===== Mindstorms NXT ===== 
-  * successor of Robotics Invention System 2.0. 
-  * can be used to build models of embedded systems, which can be used in every day life 
-===== More about Mindstorms ===== 
-  * [[http://​mindstorms.lego.com/​]] 
-  * [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Lego_Mindstorms]] 
-  * [[http://​www.robonet.pl/?​net/​robotest/​lego-mindstorms-nxt]] 
-  * [[http://​www.robonet.pl/?​shop&​p=lego_nxt]] 
mindstorms/description.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:50 (external edit)
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