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mindstorms:lab:nxtlab-basics [2011/02/22 10:03]
ikaf translations/enhancements by IW
mindstorms:lab:nxtlab-basics [2011/02/22 10:03]
Line 75: Line 75:
   * include a screenshot of your program,   * include a screenshot of your program,
   * describe problems and difficulties you had.   * describe problems and difficulties you had.
 ---- ----
 ★ Lab instructions translated/​enhanced by [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​wojnicki|Igor Wojnicki, PhD]] (2010). ★ Lab instructions translated/​enhanced by [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​wojnicki|Igor Wojnicki, PhD]] (2010).
mindstorms/lab/nxtlab-basics.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:50 (external edit)
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