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mindstorms:links [2017/07/17 10:08]
mindstorms:links [2019/06/27 15:50] (current)
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 +====== Links ======
 +=====  Lego website: =====
 +  * [[http://​mindstorms.lego.com|Lego]]
 +  * [[http://​www.lego.com/​eng/​education/​mindstorms/​default.asp|LEGO Education]]
 +=====  News: =====
 +  * [[http://​mindstorms.lego.com/​eng/​news/​default.aspx|News]]
 +  * [[http://​mindstorms.lego.com/​Overview/​NXTreme.aspx|NXTreme 4 developers]]
 +  * [[http://​mindstorms.lego.com/​Support/​Updates/​|Updates]]
 +===== Website of National Instruments,​ the producer of LabView: =====
 +  * [[http://​www.ni.com/​academic/​mindstorms/​]]
 +===== Communities,​ forums, blogs: =====
 +  * Forum: LEGO.com MINDSTORMS
 +    * http://​messageboards.lego.com/​ShowForum.aspx?​ForumID=1042
 +  * Forum: LabVIEW Fans of LEGO
 +    * http://​forums.ni.com/​ni/​
 +  * Blog: Lego
 +    * http://​mindstorms.lego.com/​news/​
 +  * Blog: NXTasy
 +    * http://​www.nxtasy.org/​
 +  * Blog: The NXT STEP
 +    * http://​www.thenxtstep.blogspot.com/​
 +  * Blog: NXTbot
 +    * http://​www.nxtbot.com/​
 +  * Blog: NXTclub
 +    * http://​www.nxtclub.com/​
 +===== Robots projects: =====
 +  * Lego projects
 +    * http://​mindstorms.lego.com/​MeetMDP/​default.aspx
 +  * Lego NXTLOG
 +    * http://​mindstorms.lego.com/​NXTLOG/​default.aspx
 +  * Fun Projects for your LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT!
 +    * http://​www.nxtprograms.com/​
 +  * Mario Ferrari
 +    * http://​www.marioferrari.org/​lego_mindstorm.html
 +  * MA thesis website
 +    * http://​www.sprawozdania.info/​lego.php
 +  * Serious Lego
 +    * http://​www.jpbrown.i8.com/​
 +  * Mindstorms.pl
 +    * http://​www.mindstorms.pl/​galeria.html
 +  * Philohome
 +    * http://​www.philohome.com/​mindstorms.htm
 +  * Robot Dreams
 +    * http://​www.robots-dreams.com/​mindstorms/​
 +===== General about Mindstorms =====
 +  * [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Lego_Mindstorms|Mindstorms in Wikipedia]]
 +===== Programing =====
 +  * [[http://​lejos.sourceforge.net/​|leJOS]]
 +  * [[http://​bricxcc.sourceforge.net/​nbc/​|NBC]]
 +  * [[http://​bricxcc.sourceforge.net/​nqc/​|NQC]] (for Mindstorms RCX only)
 +  * [[http://​www.freertos.org/​portsam7xlwIP.html|FreeRTOS Port for LM NXT controller]]
 +===== LOGO dla LEGO =====
 +  * [[http://​el.media.mit.edu/​Logo-foundation/​products/​software.html|LOGO foundation]]
 +  * [[http://​www.alice.org/​|Alice]]
 +  * [[http://​prologo.sourceforge.net/​|ProLOGO]]
 +  * [[http://​www.cs.berkeley.edu/​~bh/​logo.html|Berkeley LOGO]] also available [[http://​packages.debian.org/​ucblogo|in Debian]]
 +===== Robotics and Mindstorms =====
 +  * [[http://​www.robots-dreams.com/​mindstorms/​|Robot Dreams]]
 +===== Other =====
 +  * [[http://​www.teachers.ash.org.au/​dbrown/​robolab/​rcx.htm|Mindstorms vs. Robolab]]
 +  * [[http://​diydrones.ning.com/​|Amateur UAVs]]
 +===== Links do links: =====
 +  * http://​www.dmoz.org/​Recreation/​Collecting/​Toys/​Lego/​Themes/​Mindstorms//​
 +  * http://​www.dmoz.org/​Kids_and_Teens/​Sports_and_Hobbies/​Toys/​Lego/​Mindstorms//​
 +  * http://​www.mindstorms.pl/​linki.html
 +  * http://​www.extremenxt.com/​lego.htm#​links
 +  * http://​www.teachers.ash.org.au/​dbrown/​robolab/​linkm.htm
 +  * http://​www.msl.ri.cmu.edu/​projects/​ballbot
 +  * http://​www.robotshop.ca -- shop 300-2400usd for robot
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