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Process mining in Python


Python 3.x, opyenxes, pygraphviz.

Implementing a simple heuristic miner

Using the following excerpt of code import a repairExample.xes file into your Python script:

from opyenxes.data_in.XUniversalParser import XUniversalParser
path = 'repairExample.xes'
with open(path) as log_file:
    # parse the log
    log = XUniversalParser().parse(log_file)[0]

Take a look at the log variable. Using log.get_features() or log.get_attributes(), you can check some information about the log. As the parsed log consists of lists of events, you can also select a single event and check its attributes:

event = log[0][0]

For ease of further work, we will create a workflow_log consisting of names of events:

workflow_log = []
for trace in log: 
    workflow_trace = []
    for event in trace[0::2]:
        # get the event name from the event in the log
        event_name = event.get_attributes()['Activity'].get_value()

To create a simple heuristic net of task (simplified process model like in Disco tool), we will create a structure in which for each event, we gather a set of all events that precede this event:

w_net = dict()
for w_trace in workflow_log:
    for i in range(0, len(w_trace)-1):
        ev_i, ev_j = w_trace[i], w_trace[i+1]
        if ev_i not in w_net.keys():
            w_net[ev_i] = set()

Take a closer look at the w_net dictionary:

{'Analyze Defect': {'Inform User', 'Repair (Complex)', 'Repair (Simple)'},
 'Archive Repair': {'End'},
 'Inform User': {'Archive Repair', 'End', ...}, 

It represents the connections between events:

Analyze Defect Archive Repair Inform User End
Analyze Defect
Archive Repair
Inform User

Using Pygraphviz, we can render an image depicting the process:

import pygraphviz as pgv
G = pgv.AGraph(strict=False, directed=True)
G.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'LR'
G.node_attr['shape'] = 'Mrecord'
for event in w_net:
    G.add_node(event, style="rounded,filled", fillcolor="#ffffcc")
    for preceding in w_net[event]:
        G.add_edge(event, preceding)
G.draw('simple_heuristic_net.png', prog='dot')

Diagram enhancing

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