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pl:dydaktyka:dss:lab1 [2017/10/09 23:27]
kkluza [Modeling a simple process]
pl:dydaktyka:dss:lab1 [2019/06/27 15:50] (aktualna)
Linia 1: Linia 1:
-====== Lab. 1: Working with the Activiti platform ======+====== Lab. 1: Working with Activiti platform ======
 ===== Signavio Process Editor ===== ===== Signavio Process Editor =====
 +**This part will be required for the next classes!**
 Please sign up for the Signavio Platform: [[http://​academic.signavio.com/​p/​register?​link=0b77d60921ec4ab2ac93286867a9af7d|Registration for the Signavio BPM Academic Initiative]] Please sign up for the Signavio Platform: [[http://​academic.signavio.com/​p/​register?​link=0b77d60921ec4ab2ac93286867a9af7d|Registration for the Signavio BPM Academic Initiative]]
Linia 23: Linia 25:
   password: kermit   password: kermit
-You can also use the temporary server version at our server: http://​​8080/​activiti-explorer/​ui/​+You can also use the temporary server version at our server: ​\\ 
 When logged in, you should have noticed the top bar displaying the menu of 4 icons for administration of: When logged in, you should have noticed the top bar displaying the menu of 4 icons for administration of:
Linia 38: Linia 41:
 So, create a new user for you. Remember about a unique identifier! ​ So, create a new user for you. Remember about a unique identifier! ​
-Assign your user to some groups but not the Admin group. 
 ==== Creating a new process model ==== ==== Creating a new process model ====
Linia 83: Linia 85:
   * //​Specifications details// (id: ''​specDetails''​) -- the level of detail of the order specification (as for now, we can set this as a boolean, and later we will convert it to enum, for representing more values like: accurate, sufficient, insufficient).   * //​Specifications details// (id: ''​specDetails''​) -- the level of detail of the order specification (as for now, we can set this as a boolean, and later we will convert it to enum, for representing more values like: accurate, sufficient, insufficient).
   * //Person responsible//​ (id: ''​responsible''​) -- person assigned to the formal analysis of the request (responsible for the analysis); this is done for assigning a person and assigning it to the variable.   * //Person responsible//​ (id: ''​responsible''​) -- person assigned to the formal analysis of the request (responsible for the analysis); this is done for assigning a person and assigning it to the variable.
 +So far, to test such a simple process, we abandon the further elements of the process.
 +In the meantime, let's do one of the final tasks: // Approve offer // in which we set only the contractor -- the person assigned to carry out the formal analysis (please use the identifier of the defined variable).
 +==== Start a simple process ====
 +After saving the model, closing the **Activiti Modeler**, go to **Activiti Explorer**.
 +In the //Model workspace// tab, select your process from the menu,
 +and from the list //Model action// choose **Deploy**.
 +You should have been moved to the //​Deployments//​ tab (in **Manage**),​ where you can choose your process (by clicking on its name) in the //Process Definitions//​ \\
 +{{  :​pl:​dydaktyka:​bim:​lab1::​proces1-deploy.png ​ |}}
 +Once deployed, from the //Deployed process definitions//​ tab, you can start your process with the **Start process** button. ​
 +The following form should opened: \\
 +{{  :​pl:​dydaktyka:​bim:​lab1:​proces1-run1-form.png ​ |}}
 +Complete the form with any data and click **Start process**.
 +If everything is like it should be, under the tab **Processes** -> //My instances//,​ you should see the instance of your process.
 +As the first task was assigned to the user who started the process, click the **Tasks** icon and go to the //Inbox// tab, where a task //Specify offer// should wait for you.
 +Fill up the //​Responsible//​ field with the name of another user (eg ''​fozzie''​ or some predefined user); check the checkbox //​Specifications details//. Then click **Complete task**.
 +Now click the **Processes** icon and go to the //My instances// tab to view the diagram, the task list and variables of your process.
 +Since the //Approve offer// is waiting for another user, we log in to the account of the specified user (if it was ''​fozzie'',​ his password is: ''​fozzie''​),​ and then we finish the task //Approve offer//.
 +We're going back to our account, checking if in the //My Instances// tab, a process has disappeared.
 +The historical data of our process is stored in the database, which is quickly available in the //​Database//​ tab (click on the **Manage** icon). Look for the '​ACT_HI_PROCINST'​ table and find your process there.
 +Because the installation of the Activiti with Activiti Modeler in the lab does not have a permanent database for models, we will save our model on disk. To do this, select //Show all// from the menu //​Deployments//​ and look for our process. Please save your process file (file with extension **.bpmn20.xml**) and view its syntax. Check the additional attributes of the '​process'​ tag as well as additional attributes of other process elements and note which are used by Activiti.
 +==== Model development ====
 +Let's go back to the //Model workspace// page to enhance our model with gateways.
 +Depending on the level of detail of the offer specifications, ​
 +if it is insufficiently detailed, we will want to ask the tenderer to provide additional information.
 +To enhance our model, select the appropriate model, and then click //Edit model//.
 +Please extend the model as in the following diagram: \\
 +An important element of the model is the use of appropriate conditions on flows from the XOR gateway (depending on the ''​specDetails''​ variable value).
 +How to define the appropriate conditions for the gateway, you can check in the [[http://​www.activiti.org/​userguide/​index.html|Activiti User Guide]].
 +===== Further development of the model =====
 +=== Timer Boundary Event ===
 +Our subprocess consists of two tasks consisting in contacting the customer by email and calling to inform the customer about this email. In a very detailed version, we should have modeled the task of waiting for a response from the customer -- for simplicity, let's assume that when the customer has provided enough information on the phone, the user completes the "Call customer"​ task; otherwise, it will not finish until obtaining sufficient information.
 +In the standard case, when the deadline for offer submission expires, the subprocess should automatically terminate and terminate the process. To do this, we can extend the process using the ''​Timer Boundary Event'':​
 +{{  :​pl:​dydaktyka:​bim:​lab1:​process5-eclipse-example.png?​800 ​ |}}
 +The ''​Timer Boundary Event''​ element has the following attributes:
 +  * ''​cancelActiviti''​ -- in our case it should be set to **''​true''​** for the subprocess to be interrupted when the event is called,
 +  * ''​timeDate''​ -- sets a specific date (in the [[wp>ISO 8601]] format) when launching an event,
 +<code xml>
 +    <​timeDate>​2012-12-06T17:​00:​00</​timeDate>​
 +  * ''​timeDuration''​ -- sets the time that must pass until the event is triggered, e.g. for 3 days:
 +<code xml>
 +    <​timeDuration>​P3D</​timeDuration>​
 +  * ''​timeCycle''​ -- sets recurring intervals of time to trigger a periodic event, e.g. 5 repetitions,​ each of which lasts an hour:
 +<code xml>
 +    <​timeCycle>​R5/​PT1H</​timeCycle>​
 +To test the process and not wait too long for effects, I suggest setting the ''​timeDuration''​ to 2 minutes.
 +Please test your model, and view the process instance diagram during this waiting (it should look similar to the model shown in the diagram below):
 +{{  :​pl:​dydaktyka:​bim:​lab1:​process5-run-example.png?​800 ​ |}}
 +At this point, the new "Timer job" should appear in the **Manage** -> **Jobs** tab. If necessary, you can manually trigger the event with the **Execute** button:
 + ​{{ ​ :​pl:​dydaktyka:​bim:​lab1:​timer-job.png ​ |}}
 +=== Task Mail ===
 +One of the tasks in the subprocess should send the mail to the client. \\
 +In the full process, this would require some additional information to send the email \\
 +like what details would you like to know. \\
 +But for now, we will just mock this task.
 +There is no mail server configured, but one can try to send messages to the local address, like ''​student@AML-Lab-316.geist.agh.edu.pl''​ (check the address at your local machine). After sending the email, we can check the terminal with ''​mail'',​ if we have it on the mailbox.
 +In the e-mail, you can also send some information stored in some variables instances of the process.
pl/dydaktyka/dss/lab1.1507584456.txt.gz · ostatnio zmienione: 2019/06/27 15:57 (edycja zewnętrzna)
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