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pl:dydaktyka:dss:lab2 [2017/10/16 16:02]
kkluza [Testing the model]
pl:dydaktyka:dss:lab2 [2019/06/27 15:50]
Linia 1: Linia 1:
-====== Lab 2: Basics of working with Activiti Designer ====== 
-Web Activiti Modeler has several limitations. 
-Activiti Designer in Eclipse environment provides more functionalities,​ like in the case of additional properties of elements specification. 
-Therefore, we will open our model in Activiti Designer and prepare a jUnit test for it. 
-===== m2e plugin installation ===== 
-If the m2e plugin is not installed in your eclipse environment,​ please install it from the address: [[http://​download.eclipse.org/​technology/​m2e/​releases/​Maven Integration for Eclipse]] version 1.4.1. \\ 
-If slf4j plugin is missing as well, you can install them from another repository, e.g., http://​www.fuin.org/​p2-repository/​. \\ 
-After installation,​ remember to restart Eclipse. 
-===== Project and model development ===== 
-Create a new project in eclipse: 
-**New -> Project...**,​ następnie **Activiti -> Activiti Project**. 
-Next, add to the project (in **src/​main/​resources/​java**) ​ \\ 
-an empty Activiti diagram (**New->​Other...,​ Activiti -> Activiti Diagram**).\\ 
-Now, design some really simple process model. 
-===== Testing the model ===== 
-Convert the project: **Configure -> Convert to Maven Project**. 
-Click the right mouse button on the project tree 
-and select: ​ 
-**Activiti->​Generate unit test**.\\ 
-In ''​src/​test/​java/​org/​activiti/​designer/​test'',​ a JUnit test should be now available. 
-Run the test and check if it passed or failed. 
-<WRAP center round alert 60%> 
-If the test did not pass properly because e.g. not all libraries could be loaded, ​ 
-please adjust the version of Activiti on your computer. 
-To do this, we need to change the version of Actviti to 5.XX (where XX is the correct version) in the '​pom.xml'​ file.  
-You can also check the configuration file ''​activiti.cfg.xml''​ describing the Activiti mode. It should be in the directory: ''​src/​main/​resources/''​. 
-Using [[http://​activiti.org/​javadocs/​org/​activiti/​engine/​test/​ActivitiRule.html|ActivitiRule]], ​ 
-we have access to relevant services that provide interfaces for various functionalities:​ 
-  * **[[http://​www.activiti.org/​javadocs/​org/​activiti/​engine/​RepositoryService.html|RepositoryService]]** -- provides functionality for deployment, query execution, or process removal, 
-  * **[[http://​www.activiti.org/​javadocs/​org/​activiti/​engine/​RuntimeService.html|RuntimeService]]** -- provides the interface for starting and executing queries to process instances (including their variables); 
-  * **[[http://​www.activiti.org/​javadocs/​org/​activiti/​engine/​IdentityService.html|IdentityService]]** -- provides the authentication interface. 
-  * **[[http://​activiti.org/​javadocs/​org/​activiti/​engine/​TaskService.html|TaskService]]** -- provides the interface for managing tasks. 
-  * **[[http://​activiti.org/​javadocs/​org/​activiti/​engine/​FormService.html|FormService]]** -- provides the interface for managing forms. 
-<code java> 
-RepositoryService repositoryService = activitiRule.getRepositoryService();​ 
-RuntimeService runtimeService ​      = activitiRule.getRuntimeService();​ 
-IdentityService identityService ​    = activitiRule.getIdentityService();​ 
-TaskService taskService ​            = activitiRule.getTaskService();​ 
-FormService formService ​            = activitiRule.getFormService();​ 
-===== Extending the test ===== 
-Using the interface available through ''​ TaskService ''​ and ''​ FormService '',​ test the model from the previous classes (as below, if not timed) for two scenarios (selecting each of the XOR gateways). 
-Useful snippets of code: 
-  * user authentication (in this case: kermit): 
-<code java> 
-</​code> ​ 
-  * interface for downloading a task list for a specific user: 
-<code java> 
-List<​Task>​ taskList = taskService.createTaskQuery().processInstanceId(arg0).taskAssignee(arg0).list() 
-  * if the task is successfully completed, we can call: 
-  * interface for viewing the forms: 
-<code java> 
-FormService formService = processEngine.getFormService();​ 
-TaskFormData taskFormData = formService.getTaskFormData(taskList.get(0).getId());​ 
-List<​FormProperty>​ formList = taskFormData.getFormProperties();​ 
-For more information check [[http://​activiti.org/​javadocs/​|Activiti API]]. 
pl/dydaktyka/dss/lab2.txt · ostatnio zmienione: 2019/06/27 15:50 (edycja zewnętrzna)
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