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hekate:alsvfd [2008/11/27 16:23]
hekate:alsvfd [2019/06/27 15:49] (current)
Line 6: Line 6:
 //Please put bigger remarks/​discussusion,​ to the [[hekatedev:​alsvfd|ALSV(FD) development page]]// //Please put bigger remarks/​discussusion,​ to the [[hekatedev:​alsvfd|ALSV(FD) development page]]//
-This page is dedicated for the discussion of the 
-//not finalized// ALSV(FD) issues. 
-Please adhere the same structure as the public [[hekate:​ALSVFD]] page. 
 ===== Introduction to Attributive Logics ===== ===== Introduction to Attributive Logics =====
hekate/alsvfd.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:49 (external edit)
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