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hekate:ardplus [2009/03/19 12:32]
hekate:ardplus [2019/06/27 15:49] (current)
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 The main concepts behind ARD+ are: The main concepts behind ARD+ are:
-  * **attributive logic** based on the use of //​attributes//​ for denoting certain properties in a system (ali-book-springer),​[[hekate:​bib:​hekate_bibliography#​ali2007flairs-granular|ali2007flairs-granular)]].+  * **attributive logic** based on the use of //​attributes//​ for denoting certain properties in a system (ali-book-springer),​ [[hekate:​bib:​hekate_bibliography#​ali2007flairs-granular|ali2007flairs-granular)]].
   * **functional dependency** is a general relation between two or more attributes (or attribute sets), called "​dependent"​ and "​independent";​ the relation is such as  in order to determine the values of the dependent attributes, the values of the independent ones are needed.   * **functional dependency** is a general relation between two or more attributes (or attribute sets), called "​dependent"​ and "​independent";​ the relation is such as  in order to determine the values of the dependent attributes, the values of the independent ones are needed.
   * **graph notation** provides simple, standard, yet expressive means for knowledge specification,​ and transformation.   * **graph notation** provides simple, standard, yet expressive means for knowledge specification,​ and transformation.
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 ==== Syntax ==== ==== Syntax ====
-The ARD+ method aims at capturing relations between //​attributes//​ in terms of //​Attributive Logic// (AL)~\cite{ali-book-springer,​ali2007flairs-granular,​gjn2008ruleapps}+The ARD+ method aims at capturing relations between //​attributes//​ in terms of //​Attributive Logic// (AL)(ali-book-springer),([[hekate:​bib:​hekate_bibliography#​ali2007flairs-granular|ali2007flairs-granular]]),([[hekate:​bib:​hekate_bibliography#​gjn2008ruleapps|gjn2008ruleapps]])
 It is based on the use of //​attributes//​ for expressing knowledge about facts regarding world under consideration. It is based on the use of //​attributes//​ for expressing knowledge about facts regarding world under consideration.
 A typical atomic formula (fact) takes the form ''​A(o) = d'',​ where ''​A''​ is an attribute, ''​o''​ is an object ​ A typical atomic formula (fact) takes the form ''​A(o) = d'',​ where ''​A''​ is an attribute, ''​o''​ is an object ​
 and ''​d''​ is the current value of ''​A''​ for ''​o''​. and ''​d''​ is the current value of ''​A''​ for ''​o''​.
 More complex descriptions take usually the form of conjunctions of such atoms and are omnipresent in the AI literature. More complex descriptions take usually the form of conjunctions of such atoms and are omnipresent in the AI literature.
-Please read the separate [[.:ardplus:ardplussyntax|ARD+ SYNTAX]] page for details.+ 
 +=== Attribute === 
 +Let there be  given the following, pairwise disjoint ​ sets of symbols:​\\ 
 +''​O''​ -- a set of object name symbols,​\\ 
 +''​A''​ -- a set of attribute names,\\ 
 +''​D''​ -- a set of attribute values ​ (the //​domains//​). 
 +An attribute ''​A<​sub>​i</​sub>''​ is a function (or partial function) of the form: 
 +A<​sub>​i</​sub>​:o → D<​sub>​i</​sub>​. 
 +where ''​o ∈ O''​. 
 +A generalized attribute $A<​sub>​i</​sub>​$ is a function (or partial function) of the form ''​A<​sub>​i</​sub>:​o → 2<​sup>​D<​sub>​i</​sub></​sup>'',​ where ''​2<​sup>​D<​sub>​i</​sub></​sup>''​ is the family of all the subsets of D<​sub>​i</​sub>,​ to let the attribute take more than a single value at a time. 
 +A relaxed attribute definition, regarding a single object can be stated as: 
 +''​A<​sub>​i</​sub>:​ A<​sub>​i</​sub>​ → D<​sub>​i</​sub>''​. 
 +=== Conceptual Attribute === 
 +A conceptual attribute //A// is an attribute describing some general, abstract aspect of the system 
 +to be specified and refined. 
 +Conceptual attribute names are capitalized,​ e.g.: ''​WaterLevel''​. 
 +Conceptual attributes are being //​finalized//​ during the design process, into, possibly multiple, physical attributes, see Def. [[#​finalization_transformation|finalization]]. 
 +=== Physical Attribute === 
 +A physical attribute //a// is an attribute describing an  aspect of the system with its domain defined. ​  
 +Names of physical attributes are not capitalized,​ e.g. ''​theWaterLevelInTank1''​. 
 +By finalization,​ a physical attribute origins from  one or more (indirectly) conceptual attributes, see Def. [[#​finalization_transformation|finalization]]. 
 +Physical attributes cannot be finalized, they are present in the final rules capturing knowledge about the system. 
 +=== Property === 
 +''​P''​ is a non-empty set of attributes representing knowledge about certain part of the system being designed. 
 +Such attributes //​describe//​ the property. 
 +=== Simple Property === 
 +''​PS''​ is a property which consists of (is described by) a  //single// attribute. 
 +=== Complex Property === 
 +''​PC''​ is a property which consists of (is described by) //​multiple//​ attributes. 
 +=== Dependency === 
 +A dependency ''​D''​ is an ordered pair of properties 
 +''​D<​sub>​1,​2</​sub>​=[P<​sub>​1</​sub>,​ P<​sub>​2</​sub>​]'',​ 
 +where ''​P<​sub>​1</​sub>''​ is the independent property, and ''​P<​sub>​2</​sub>''​ depends functionally on ''​P<​sub>​1</​sub>''​. 
 +=== Derivative === 
 +''​V''​ is an ordered pair of properties, such as: 
 +''​V=[P<​sub>​1</​sub>,​ P<​sub>​2</​sub>​]'',​ 
 +where ''​P<​sub>​2</​sub>''​ is derived from ''​P<​sub>​1</​sub>''​ upon transformation. 
 +=== DPD === 
 +A Design Process Diagram is a triple 
 +''​R=[P,​D,​V]''​ where ''​P''​ is a set of properties, ''​D''​ is a set of dependencies and ''​V''​ is a set of derivatives. 
 +=== ARD+ === 
 +An Attribute Relationship Diagram\\ 
 +''​G''​ is a pair\\ 
 +''​G=[P,​ D]'',​\\ 
 +where ''​P''​ is a set of //​properties//,​ and ''​D''​ is a set of  //​dependencies//​ if there is a //DPD// ''​G=[P,​D,​V]''​. 
 +===== Diagram Restrictions ===== 
 +The diagram constitutes a //directed graph// with possible cycles. 
 +=== TPH === 
 +A Transformation Process History ''​TPH''​ is a pair: 
 +''​TPH=[P,​V]''​ if there is a //DPD// ''​G=[P,​D,​V]''​. 
 +The ''​TPH''​ can be expressed as a directed graph with properties being nodes and derivatives being edges.
 ==== Transformations ==== ==== Transformations ====
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 A transformed diagram ''​G<​sub>​2</​sub>''​ constitutes a more detailed //diagram level//. A transformed diagram ''​G<​sub>​2</​sub>''​ constitutes a more detailed //diagram level//.
-Please read the [[.:​ardplus:​ardplustransformation|ARD+ TRANSFORMATION]] page for details.+=== Finalization Transformation === 
 +Finalization ''​TF''​ is a function 
 +which transforms a //DPD// ''​R''​ into ''​R<​sub>​TF</​sub>''​ by transforming a simple property ''​PS''​ consisting of a single conceptual attribute into a ''​P<​sub>​new</​sub>'',​ where the attribute belonging to ''​PS''​ is substituted by one or more conceptual or physical attributes belonging to ''​P'';​ 
 +appropriate dependencies must be transformed as well and a derivative has to be introduced. 
 +It introduces more attributes (more knowledge) regarding particular property. 
 +An interpretation of the substitution is, that new attributes belonging to ''​P''​ are more detailed and specific than attributes belonging to ''​PS''​. 
 +=== Split Transformation === 
 +A split transforms a //DPD// ''​R''​ into ''​R<​sub>​TS</​sub>''​ by transforming a complex property ''​PC''​ into some number of properties (a set) ''​P<​sub>​new</​sub>'';​ appropriate dependencies and derivatives must be introduced. 
 +This transformation introduces new properties and defines functional relationships among them. 
 +=== Attribute Disjunction === 
 +Attribute sets belonging to each of the properties ''​P<​sub>​1</​sub>​ ... P<​sub>​r</​sub>''​ have to be disjoint. 
 +=== Attribute Matching === 
 +All attributes ''​PC''​ consists of have to belong to properties ''​P<​sub>​1</​sub>,​ ... P<​sub>​r</​sub>''​. 
 +No new attributes can be introduced for properties ''​P<​sub>​1</​sub>​ ... P<​sub>​r</​sub>''​. 
 +Such introduction is possible through //​finalization//​ only (see Def. [[#​Finalization_Transformation|finalization]]). 
 +=== Attribute Pool === 
 +All attributes ''​PC''​ consists of have to belong to ''​[P<​sub>​1</​sub>,​ ... P<​sub>​r</​sub>​]''​. 
 +=== Dependency Inheritance === 
 +All dependencies in ''​D<​sub>​PC</​sub>''​ have to be covered by dependencies in ''​D<​sub>​new</​sub>''​.  
 +If a ''​PC''​ depends on some property ''​P<​sub>​x</​sub>''​ (or some property depends on it), such a dependence must be stated (in ''​D<​sub>​new</​sub>''​) regarding at least one of the elements from ''​P<​sub>​new</​sub>''​ and ''​P<​sub>​x</​sub>''​. 
 +=== Transformation Limit === 
 +A number of transformations in a single design step 
 +is limited to //one per property//​. 
 +It means that a property can be either //split// or //​finalized//​ but not both.
 ==== Refactoring ==== ==== Refactoring ====
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 ==== Semantics ==== ==== Semantics ====
 +The semantics of ARD+ will be explained and visualized using a reworked //​Thermostat example//, discussed in (ali-book-springer),​ ([[hekate:​bib:​hekate_bibliography#​gjn2005:​kkio|gjn2005:​kkio]]).
 +The goal of the system is to set the temperature in the office to the given set-point, based on the current time.
 +A property always consists of a set of attributes, these attributes identify such a property uniquely.
 +The single most important concept in ARD+ is the concept of the //property functional dependency//​.
 +It indicates that in order to evaluate a dependent property, all independent properties have to be evaluated first.
 +It means, that in order to calculate dependent property attribute values, independent properties attribute values have to be calculated first.
 +It indicates that a property described by ''​Temperature''​ depends on a property described by ''​Time''​.
 +Identifying all possible properties and attributes in a system could be a very complex task.
 +Transformations (see [[#​transformations|transformation]]) allow to gradually refine properties, attributes and functional dependencies in the system being designed.
 +This process ends when all properties are described by //physical attributes//​ and all functional dependencies among properties are defined.
 +An example of the //​finalization//​ is given in Figures:
 +{{ .:​ard-finalization-ex1.png?​273x140 }}
 +The top diagram represents the system before the finalization.
 +The property described by attribute ''​Time''​ is finalized.
 +As a result new attributes are introduced: ''​Date'',​ ''​Hour'',​ ''​season'',​ ''​operation''​.
 +The outcome is the bottom diagram.
 +Semantics of this transformation is that the system property described by a //​conceptual attribute// ''​Time'',​ can be more adequately described by a set of more detailed attributes: ​ ''​Date'',​ ''​Hour'',​ ''​season'',​ ''​operation'',​ which more precisely define the meaning ''​Time''​ in the design.
 +The two latter attributes are //​physical//​ ones, used in the final rule implementation.
 +Finalization of properties based on such attributes is not allowed.
 +An example of  //simple finalization//​ is given in Figure:
 +{{ .:​ard-finalization-ex2.png?​292x100 }}
 +A property described by a //​conceptual attribute// //​Temperature//​ is finalized into a property described by a single //physical attribute// ''​thermostat_settings''​.
 +In other words, a general concept of temperature,​ represented by ''​Temperature'',​ is  to be represented by an attribute ''​thermostat_settings''​.
 +Another ARD+ transformation is the //split//.
 +An example is given in Figure:
 +{{ .:​ard-split-dep1.png?​353x136 }}
 +The top diagram shows a situation before, and the bottom one after, the //split transformation//​.
 +This //split// allows to refine new properties and define functional dependencies among them.
 +A property described by attributes: ''​Date'',​ ''​Hour'',​ ''​season'',​ ''​operation'',​ is split into two properties described by ''​Date'',​ ''​Hour'',​ and ''​season'',​ ''​operation''​ appropriately.
 +Furthermore there is a functional dependency defined such as ''​season''​ and ''​operation''​ depend on ''​Date''​ and ''​Hour''​.
 +During the split, some of the properties can be defined as functionally independent.
 +An example of such a split is given in Figure:
 +{{ .:​ard-split-indep1.png?​306x154 }}
 +Properties described by ''​season''​ and ''​operation''​ are functionally independent.
 +The ARD+ design process based on transformations leads to a diagram representing properties described only by ''​physical attributes''​.
 +An example of such a diagram is given in Figure:
 +{{ .:​ard-therm-01.png?​420x151 }}
 +All properties of the designed system are identified.
 +Each of them is described by single //physical attribute//​.
 +All functional dependencies are defined as well.
 +Each transformation creates a more detailed diagram, introducing new attributes (//​finalization//​) or defining functional dependencies (//​split//​).
 +These  more detailed diagrams are called //levels of detail// or just //diagram levels//.
 +In the above examples, ​ transitions between two subsequent levels are presented.
 +A complete model consists of all the levels capturing knowledge about all //splits// and //​finalizations//​.
 ==== Hierarchical Model ==== ==== Hierarchical Model ====
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   * big picture of the designed system.   * big picture of the designed system.
-The implementation of such hierarchical model is provided through ​ storing the lowest available, most detailed diagram level, and, additionally,​ information needed to recreate all of the higher levels, so called //​Transformation Process History//, TPH for short (see Def. [[.ardplus:​ardplussyntax#​TPH|TPH]]).+The implementation of such hierarchical model is provided through ​ storing the lowest available, most detailed diagram level, and, additionally,​ information needed to recreate all of the higher levels, so called //​Transformation Process History//, TPH for short (see Def. [[#​TPH|TPH]]).
 The TPH captures information about changes made to properties at consecutive diagram levels. The TPH captures information about changes made to properties at consecutive diagram levels.
 These changes are carried out through the transformations:​ split or finalization. These changes are carried out through the transformations:​ split or finalization.
-The TPH forms a tree structure then, denoting what particular properties is split into or what attributes a particular property attribute is finalized into, according to Def. [[.ardplus:​ardplussyntax#TPH|TPH]].+The TPH forms a tree structure then, denoting what particular properties is split into or what attributes a particular property attribute is finalized into, according to Def. [[#​TPH|TPH]].
-An example TPH for the transformation ​presented in Fig.~\ref{fig:​attfin} ​is given in Fig.~\ref{fig:final-tph}.+An example TPH for the transformation is given in Figure: 
 +{:hekate:final-tph.png }}
 It indicates that a property described by an attribute ''​Time''​ is refined into a property described by attributes: ''​Date'',​ ''​Hour'',​ ''​season'',​ ''​operation''​. It indicates that a property described by an attribute ''​Time''​ is refined into a property described by attributes: ''​Date'',​ ''​Hour'',​ ''​season'',​ ''​operation''​.
-Another TPH example for the split transformation ​shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:​hsplit} ​is given in Fig.~\ref{fig:split-tph}.+Another TPH example for the split transformation is given in Figure: 
 +{:hekate:split-tph.png }}
 It indicates that a property described by attributes: ''​Date'',​ ''​Hour'',​ ''​season'',​ ''​operation''​ is refined into two properties described by: ''​Date'',​ ''​Hour''​ and ''​season'',​ ''​operation''​ attributes respectively. It indicates that a property described by attributes: ''​Date'',​ ''​Hour'',​ ''​season'',​ ''​operation''​ is refined into two properties described by: ''​Date'',​ ''​Hour''​ and ''​season'',​ ''​operation''​ attributes respectively.
-\begin{figure} +Having a complete TPH and the most detailed level (namely ARD+), which constitute the //DPD// (according to Def[[#DPD|DPD]]) it is possible to automatically recreate any, more general, level.
-  \centering +
-  \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{final-tph} +
-  \caption{Transformation Process History for the diagrams from Fig.~\ref{fig:​attfin}} +
-  \label{fig:​final-tph} +
-\begin{figure} +===== Rule Prototyping Algorithm =====
-  \centering +
-  \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{split-thp} +
-  \caption{Transformation Process History for the diagrams from Fig.~\ref{fig:​hsplit}} +
-  \label{fig:​split-tph} +
-Having a complete TPH and the most detailed level (namely ​ARD+), which constitute the //​DPD// ​(according to Def.~\ref{def:cdiagram}it is possible to automatically recreate any, more generallevel.+The goal of the algorithm is to automatically build prototypes for rules from the ARD+ design ​([[hekate:​bib:hekate_bibliography#​gjn2008aaia|gjn2008aaia]])
 +The targeted rule base is structuredgrouping rule sets in decision tables with explicit inference control. 
 +It is especially suitable for the XTT rule representation. 
 +Moreover, this approach is more genericand can be applied to any forward chaining rules.
-===== Rule Prototyping Algorithm =====+The input of the algorithm is the most detailed ARD+ diagram, that has all of the physical attributes identified 
 +(in fact, the algorithm can also be applied to higher level diagrams, generating rules for some parts of the system being designed). 
 +The output is a set of //rule prototypes//​ in a very general format (''​atts''​ stands for attributes):​ 
 +rule: condition atts | decision atts 
 +The algorithm is //​reversible//,​ that is having a set of rules in the above format, it is possible to recreate the most detailed level of the ARD+ diagram. 
 +In order to formulate the algorithm some basic subgraphs in the ARD+ structure are considered. 
 +These are presented in Figures: 
 +{{ .:​ard-case0.png?​100x112 }} \\ 
 +{{ .:​ard-case1.png?​100x112 }} 
 +Now, considering the ARD+ semantics (functional dependencies among properties),​ the corresponding rule prototypes are as follows: 
 +  * for the case in Figure //​ard-case0//:​ 
 +  rule: e       | f, g, h 
 +  * for the case in Figure //​ard-case1//:​ 
 +  rule: a, b, c | d 
 +In a general case a subgraph in Figure:  
 +{{ .:​ard-case-gen.png }}  
 +is considered. 
 +Such a subgraph corresponds to the following rule prototype:​ 
 +rule: alpha, beta, gamma, aa | bb 
 +rule: aa                     | xx, yy, zz 
 +Analyzing these cases a general prototyping algorithm has been formulated. 
 +Assuming that a dependency between two properties is formulated as:  
 +the algorithm is as follows: 
 +  * choose a dependency ''​D:​ D(F,T), F ≠ T'',​ from all dependencies present in the design, 
 +  * find all properties ''​F'',​ that ''​T''​ depends on: \\ let ''​F<​sub>​T</​sub> ​[F<​sub>​Ti</​sub>:​ D(F<​sub>​Ti</​sub>,​T),​ F<​sub>​Ti</​sub>​ ≠ F]'',​  
 +  * find all properties which depend on ''​F''​ and ''​F''​ alone:\\ let ''​T<​sub>​F</​sub>​=[T<​sub>​Fi</​sub>:​ D(F,​T<​sub>​Fi</​sub>​),​ T<​sub>​Fi</​sub>​ ≠ T, ¬∃ T<​sub>​Fi</​sub>:​ (D(X,​T<​sub>​Fi</​sub>​),​ X ≠ F )]''​ 
 +  * if ''​F<​sub>​T</​sub>​ ≠ ∅, T<​sub>​F</​sub>​ ≠ ∅''​ then generate rule prototypes:​ 
 +rule: F, FT1, FT2,... | T 
 +rule: F               | TF1, TF2,... 
 +  * if ''​F<​sub>​T</​sub> ​∅, T<​sub>​F</​sub>​ ≠ ∅''​ then generate rule prototypes:​ 
 +rule: F | T, TF1, TF2,... 
 +  * if ''​F<​sub>​T</​sub>​ ≠ ∅, T<​sub>​F</​sub> ​∅''​ then generate rule prototypes:​ 
 +rule: F, FT1, FT2,... | T 
 +  * if ''​F<​sub>​T</​sub> ​∅, T<​sub>​F</​sub>​ = ∅''​ then generate rule prototypes:​ 
 +rule: F | T 
 +  * if there are any dependencies left goto step 1. 
 +Rule prototypes generated by the above algorithm can be further optimized. 
 +If there are rules with the same condition attributes they can be merged. 
 +Similarly, if there are rules with the same decision attributes they can be merged as well. 
 +For instance, rules like: 
 +rule: a, b | x  ;  rule: a, b | y 
 +can be merged into a single rule: ''​rule:​ a, b | x, y''​ 
 +The practical support form the ARD+ design method, including logical modelling, visualization,​ and the prototyping algorithm has been implemented in the VARDA.
 ===== Design Tool Prototype ===== ===== Design Tool Prototype =====
 ===== SPOOL ===== ===== SPOOL =====
hekate/ardplus.1237462338.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/27 16:00 (external edit)
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