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hekate:beating_heart [2009/10/26 13:57]
hekate:beating_heart [2019/06/27 15:49] (current)
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 ===== Concept ===== ===== Concept =====
-The main concept is to provide a runtime environment for the [[:​hekate:​hml1| Hekate Markup Language Mark 1]] supported with I/O primitives complying with the ideas emerged form [[hekatedev:​hekate_case_io]] and roughly ​implemented in Prolog ​as [[hekatedev:​hekate_prolog_io]] ​(a Java based implementation is under development now).+The main concept is to provide a runtime environment for the [[:​hekate:​hml1| Hekate Markup Language Mark 1]] supported with I/O primitives complying with the ideas emerged form [[hekatedev:​hekate_case_io]] and implemented in Prolog ​(based on [[hekatedev:​hekate_prolog_io]]) ​or Java.
 The runtime is coded in Prolog (guess why ;-)). The runtime is coded in Prolog (guess why ;-)).
 ==== Starting inference process ==== ==== Starting inference process ====
hekate/beating_heart.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:49 (external edit)
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