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Attribute Specification


tAge numeric [0; 150] 0 yes The age of the patients
tAllegics symbolic {penicillin; none} - no The types of allergics of the patients
tWeight numeric [0; 999.99] 2 yes The weight of the patients
tDiagnosis symbolic {AcuteSinusitis} - no The types of diagnosis
tMedications symbolic {Amoxicillin; Cefuroxime; Levofloxacin} - no The names of drugs prescribed by doctor
tCreatinineLevel numeric [0.01, 15.00] 2 yes The type of the medical factor
tCreatinineClearance numeric [-inf, inf] - yes The type of the second medical factor
tDose symbolic {NotKnownYet; 500mgEvery24hoursFor14days; 250mgEvery24hoursFor14days} - no The amount of the drug prescribed by a doctor


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