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hekate:cases:hekate_case_hello:conceptualization [2009/11/17 17:05]
hekate:cases:hekate_case_hello:conceptualization [2019/06/27 15:49]
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-===== Conceptualization ===== 
-==== Original Rules ==== 
-==== Observations ==== 
-The attributes used to determine the greeting are completely separate from those used to determine the salutation. Therefore, the original description will be modified to include the **user_message** attribute, being the concatenation of greeting and salutation, e.g. //"​Good morning, Mrs. Jones"//​. 
hekate/cases/hekate_case_hello/conceptualization.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:49 (external edit)
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