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HeKatE Case: Thermostat


The system is a simple temperature controller. The basic idea is to set the temperature in an office based on time and working hours.

The case has been originally taken from a textbook by Michael Negnevitsky, Artificial Intelligence. A Guide to Intelligent Systems, 1st ed., Addison-Wesley, 2002.

The case has been the first HeKatE case to be modelled. It has been described in several papers FIXME.

See for a full Description (see Description in the design process).



Concepts: day, today, time, operation, month, season, thermostat_setting.

Relations: day → today, time → operation, month → season, season → thermostat_setting, operation → thermostat_setting.

See for a full Conceptualization (see Conceotualization in the design process).

Conceptual design

See for a full Conceptual Design (see Conceptual Design in the design process).

Attribute Specification

See for a full Attribute Specification. (see Attribute Specification in the design process).


XTT prototype


See for a full Prototyping. (see Prototyping in the design process).

Logical Design

See for a full Logical Design. (see Logical Design in the design process).

Formal Analysis

See for a full Formal Analysis. (see Formal Analysis in the design process).

Physical Design

See for a full Physical Design. (see Physical Design in the design process).

See for a full Integration. (see Integration in the design process).

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