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hekate:cases:hekate_case_upsell:attribute_specification [2009/11/17 18:07]
hekate:cases:hekate_case_upsell:attribute_specification [2019/06/27 15:49]
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== Attribute Specification ===== 
-  * {{hekate_case_skel-att.hml|attribute specification}} 
-==== Types ==== 
-|boolean|numeric|{0;​ 1}|- |1 |0 |boolean | 
-|integer|numeric|[-2147483648;​ 2147483647]\\ |- |10 |0 |integer | 
-|default|symbolic|none|yes |- |- | | 
-|profile|symbolic|{New;​ Bronze; Silver; Gold; Platinum}|yes |- |- |one of the possible customer status | 
-|products|symbolic|{Checking Account; Overdraft Protection; Saving Account; CD with 25 basis point increase; CD with 50 basis point increase; Brokerage Account; Money Market Mutual Fund; Mortgage Loan; Home Equity Loan; Car Loan; Credit Card; Credit Card with no annual fee; Debit/ATM Card; Web Banking; Web Banking with no charge}|no |- |- |products offered by the bank | 
-|amount|numeric|[-1000000000.00;​ 1000000000.00]\\ |- |12 |2 |amount of money | 
-|date|numeric|[19700101;​ 20991231]\\ |- |8 |0 |date | 
-    ​ 
-==== Attributes ==== 
-|ClientCharacteristics|simple|default|input| - |Clie1| | 
-|ClientProfile|simple|default|input/​output| - |Clie2| | 
-|OfferedProducts|simple|default|input/​output| - |Offe1| | 
-|UpSell|simple|default|input/​output| - |UpSe1| | 
-|balance|simple|amount|output| - |balan| | 
-|profile|simple|profile|input/​output| - |prof|one of the possible customer status | 
-|registerDate|simple|date|input/​output| - |regi1| | 
-|offeredProducts|general|products|input/​output| - |off1|products offered by the bank to the customer | 
-|products|general|products|input/​output| - |pro1| | 
hekate/cases/hekate_case_upsell/attribute_specification.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:49 (external edit)
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