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hekate:cases:howto [2009/08/17 16:49]
hekate:cases:howto [2019/06/27 15:49]
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-====== HeKatE Cases HowTo ====== 
-Having some real-life case, the [[hekate:​HeKatE Process]] description,​ and the [[hekate:​cases:​hekate_case_skel:​start]],​ follow the steps defined below to submit the new case description. 
-===== Preparation ===== 
-==== Tools ==== 
-  - choose your case, identify sources, files, etc 
-  - download tools: [[:​hekate:​VARDA]],​ [[:​hekate:​HJEd]],​ [[:​hekate:​HQEd]],​ [[:​hekate:​HeaRT]] 
-  - prepare runtime environment:​ [[http://​www.swi-prolog.org/​|SWI Prolog]], [[http://​graphviz.org/​|GraphViz]] (VARDA), [[http://​java.sun.com/​|Java SE JDK]] (HJEd, HeaRT), optionally, for HeaRT integration:​ [[http://​python.org/​|Py thon]], [[http://​php.net/​|PHP]] 
-  - test the tools with provided examples, //report problems// in [[https://​hekate.ia.agh.edu.pl/​webtrac/​hades/​trac.vc|HaDEs CVStrac]] 
-==== Wiki Setup ==== 
-  - choose your test //NAME// - this is cruicial, should be a single word, lowercase, ''​mycase'',​ e.g. ''​thermostat'',​ ''​cardio''​ 
-  - clone the skeleleton namespace [[hekate:​cases:​hekate_case_skel:​]] to your case [[hekate:​cases:​hekate_case_mycase:​]] (GJN might get you a copy) 
-==== CVS Setup ==== 
-  - checkout the cases modules: 
-  cvs -d :​ext:​MYLOGIN@charon.ia.agh.edu.pl/​mnt/​cvs/​cvs-hades co cases 
-  - add your new case: 
-  cd cases ; mkdir hekate_case_mycase ; cvs add hekate_case_mycase ; cvs ci 
-//CVS vs wiki:// 
-The simple idea is, that all the files generated by tools (.pl, .xml, .dot, etc.) as well as other uploded files (PDF descriptions,​ etc) are to be submitted to the CVS using the ''​cases''​ module and the ''​mycase''​ directory, see examples below. 
-The ''​cases''​ module is then checkoud automagically into the wiki's ''​media''​ directory. 
-So all the files from the HaDEs CVS module ''​cases''​ are accessible in the 
-  {{:​hekate:​cases:​}} 
-media directory. 
-So if you do 
-  cd cases/​mycase ; cp /​tmp/​myfile.png . ; cvs add myfle.png ; cvs ci 
-then the file will be accessible from the wiki as 
-  {{:​hekate:​cases:​hekate_case_mycase:​myfile.png}} 
-The wiki-visible version of the repository is updated periodically every 30 mins: 1, 31. 
-===== Phases ===== 
-In all the phases at leas one //separate wiki page// is created. 
-The name of the page matches the phase name,  
-e.g. in the //​Conceptualization//​ a page called 
-''​[[hekate:​cases:​hekate_case_mycase:​Conceptualization]]''​ is to be created. 
-Some phase can require extra pages, e.g. in the //​Conceptualization//​ the page 
-is created. 
-In most of the pages some extra files generated with the [[:​hekate:​HaDEs]] tools are generated. 
-These files are to be submitted to the CVS and simply referenced (liked) form the wiki pages. 
-See the [[hekate:​cases:​hekate_case_thermostat:​]] case. 
-==== Description ==== 
-Simply create a comprehensive description in English. 
-Try to use simple short sentences. 
-Provide sources, references bibliography. 
-Save the description in the file indicated in [[hekate:​hekate_process#​Description]]. 
-If your case is based on some sources in electronical form (PDF, html, etc), 
-submit the to the CVS, besides providing links. 
-==== Conceptualization ==== 
-Depending on the source of the case, 
-provide the original rules in a separate wiki page (see the skel). 
-Try to provide or identify vocabulary, i.e. concepts and relations that //seem// to be important in the case (such a vocabulary can be present in the original case description,​ e.g. UServ). 
-Try to provide some observations,​ insights, ideas, if possible. 
-==== Conceptual Design ==== 
-[[hekate:​hekate_process#​Conceptual Design]] 
-The main phase where the [[:​hekate:​ARDplus]] model is built. 
-[[:​hekate:​VARDA]] is to be used as a generic tool. 
-[[:​hekate:​HJEd]] is to be used as a additional tool. 
-Number of files have to be generated with VARDA. 
-If everything goes well just run the scipt: 
-  cd varda; ./​varda-case-gen mycase 
-this //should// generate all the files. 
-Also, try to model the case form scratch using [[:​hekate:​HJEd]]. 
-Compare the resulting HML file. 
-Report observatins and differences. 
-In general three design approches can be considered: 
-  * general, 
-  * directed, 
-  * refined. 
-Having some original case description,​ the //​directed//​ design has to be provided. 
-It is directed, becasue the designer tries to match the orignal rules. 
-If possible some other approaches should be tried (//​general//​),​ 
-as well as optimizing the //​directed//​ (the //​refined//​). 
-==== Attribute Specification ==== 
-[[hekate:​hekate_process#​Attribute Specification]] 
-In this phase attribute named types and domains have to be specified. 
-Follow the general description of [[hekate:​Attributes]]. 
-As of now (09.2009) the tool support is only provided by HQEed. 
-Use the HML file generated with VARDA to specify named types and physical attributes. 
-Commit the new file. 
-Please put the description of attributes in the wiki page! 
-In the future an XSLT translator from HML might be provided. 
-==== Prototyping ==== 
-Use VARDA to generate the XTT prototype. ​ 
-Save both the visual model, as well as the new hml. 
-In fact, the script should have done it for you. 
-Pleas compare the Prototype generated by VARDA, 
-with the prototype generated by HQEd 
-(load the //​-att.hml//​) file into HQEd and generate prototype). 
-==== Logical Design ==== 
-[[hekate:​hekate_process#​Logical Design]] 
-Load the prototype to HQEd. 
-Design XTT by: 
-  * adding rules/rows 
-  * specifying links 
-Define states (around 10) from which the inference can be run! (FIXME check if states get saved from HQEd). 
-Save the new HML file. 
-Generate HMR. 
-Test communication with HeaRT! 
-==== Formal Analysis ==== 
-[[hekate:​hekate_process#​Formal Analysis]] 
-In this phase the formal analysis of the model is performed. 
-Start with the previously defined XTT model. 
-Perform analysis with [[:​hekate:​HalVA]]. 
-Comment on results. 
-Try to modify the model in a way that allows to test verification plugins (e.g. remove rules, change attribute values in conditions). 
-Additionally,​ try to modify models in a way that allows to test builtin HQEd quality checks. 
-==== Physical Design ==== 
-[[hekate:​hekate_process#​Physical Design]] 
-Start HeaRT. 
-Run from different states in different modes. 
-Repeat with saving the full trajectory, save to files FIXME. 
-Start server. 
-Repreat simulation from HQEd. 
-==== Integration ==== 
-The minimum requirement is to implement callbacks allowing for an integration with a Java, Py thon, or PHP application. 
-Use the HeaRT 
-[[hekate:​heart_overview#​heart_integration|overview]] and the 
-Commint callback source files to the CVS. 
-FIXME more description 
-=== UML === 
-Use the XSLT translators implemented by K. Kluza to build a UML representation. 
-=== HaThoR === 
-Use the XSLT translators implemented by J. Szostek-Janik and W. T. Furmańska to build SemWeb representations. 
-=== Serialization === 
-Use the serializers implemented by Ł. Łysik to build Java serialization and Drools model. 
hekate/cases/howto.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:49 (external edit)
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