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hekate:hathor [2010/04/11 12:56]
kkluza uml trans
hekate:hathor [2011/02/22 13:02]
ikaf wtf->wta
Line 19: Line 19:
 ===== UML-based Translation ===== ===== UML-based Translation =====
 +UML-based Translators are based on //Analysis of UML Representation for XTT and ARD Rule Design Methods//
 +CSL Technical Report no. 5/2009 AGH University of Science and Technology (for [[http://​cslab.ia.agh.edu.pl/​csltr:​listaraportow|more reports...]]):​
 +  * [[http://​vtls.cyf-kr.edu.pl/​cgi-bin/​abc-k/​chameleon?​sessionid=2010010101371132340&​skin=abc-k&​lng=pl&​inst=consortium&​host=localhost%2b9898%2bDEFAULT&​search=FREEFORM&​function=CARDSCR&​SourceScreen=NEXTPAGE&​elementcount=1&​t1=kol:​KOL03%20%26%20bl:​m&​u1=0&​pos=46&​itempos=1&​rootsearch=FREEFORM|ABC-KRAKOW record of the report]]
 +  * [[http://​winntbg.bg.agh.edu.pl/​csl/​csltr-5-2009.pdf|CSL Technical Report no. 5/2009 online]]
 +Translators:​ {{:​hekate:​translators.tar.gz}}
 +  * The [[http://​xmlsoft.org/​XSLT/​xsltproc2.html|xsltproc]] tool (or similar XSLT processor)
 +  * hml.dtd file 
 +**HOW TO**:
 +An exemplary translation from hml file to xmi file:
 +xsltproc translator.xsl hekate_case_nazwa.hml > hekate_case_nazwa.xmi
 +===== HaThoR v.2.0 =====
 +HaThoR (v.2.0) is a set of XSLT translators which translate (parts of) [[hekate:​hekate_markup_language|HML]] files into other knowledge representation languages.
 +  * Information about the first version of HaThoR can be found [[hekate:​hathor|here]].
 +  * Evaluation of the first version (including miw projects: [[pl:​miw:​2009:​miw09_swrltrans|XTT->​SWRL]] and [[pl:​miw:​miw08_xtt_rif|XTT->​RIF]]) can be found [[hekatedev:​hathor_evaluation|here]].
 +__HaThoR v.2.0 consists of the following translators:​__
 +  * ATTML -> OWL (RDF/XML syntax)
 +  * ATTML -> OWL2 (RDF/XML syntax)
 +  * ARDML -> OWL (RDF/XML syntax)
 +  * ARDML -> OWL2 (RDF/XML syntax)
 +  * XTTML -> SWRL (RDF/XML syntax)
 +  * XTTML -> RIF Core
 +  * XTTML -> RIF PRD
 +  * STATE -> OWL (RDF/XML syntax)
 +  * STATE -> OWL2 (RDF/XML syntax)
 +  * HML -> SWRL/OWL (RDF/XML syntax)
 +  * HML (without XTTML) -> OWL2 (RDF/XML syntax)
 +==== Download ====
 +==== HaThoR online ====
 +[[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​~wta/​onto/​hathor2/​www/​|HaThoR online]]
 +==== Translators - shortly ​ ====
 +  * **attml2owl1** ​     [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​wta/​onto/​hathor2/​attml2owl1.xsl|attml2owl1.xsl]]
 +    * based on hathor1 by JSJ
 +    * syntactic changes
 +    * HML2 compliance
 +      * some potentially misleading changes of datatype properties:
 +        * range(ordered)={ordered,​unordered} -> range(tpeIsOrdered)=boolean
 +        * range(att_value)={single,​multiple} -> range(attHasClass)={simple,​general}
 +        * range(att_class)={ro,​rw,​wo,​state} -> range(attHasComm)={in,​io,​out,​state}
 +  * **attml2owl2** [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​wta/​onto/​hathor2/​attml2owl2.xsl|attml2owl2.xsl]]
 +    * hierarchy of types (SymbolicType,​ NumericType as subclasses of Type)
 +    * datatypes (XSD) and value ranges in domain declarations
 +  * **ardml2owl** [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​wta/​onto/​hathor2/​ardml2owl1.xsl|ardml2owl1.xsl]]
 +  * **ardml2owl2** [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​wta/​onto/​hathor2/​ardml2owl2.xsl|ardml2owl2.xsl]]
 +    * based on hathor1 by JSJ
 +  * **xttml2rif** [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​wta/​onto/​hathor2/​xtt2rif-prd-simple.xsl|xtt2rif-prd-simple.xsl]],​ [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​wta/​onto/​hathor2/​xtt2rif-core.xsl|xtt2rif-core.xsl]]
 +    * based on miw_08_rif (but it's for RIF-BLD)
 +    * nested groups as in jsj-msc
 +    * variables removed
 +  * **xttml2swrl** [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​wta/​onto/​hathor2/​xttml2swrl.xsl|xttml2swrl.xsl]]
 +    * production rules can be encoded but will not work, as in [[https://​ai.ia.agh.edu.pl/​wiki/​hekate:​cases:​hekate_case_upsell:​start|Upsell case study]]
 +    * no support for conditions like: attr > Tuesday (swrlb:​greaterThan,​ SWRLJessTab)
 +  * **state2owl** [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​wta/​onto/​hathor2/​state2owl1.xsl|state2owl1.xsl]]
 +  * **state2owl2** [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​wta/​onto/​hathor2/​state2owl2.xsl|state2owl2.xsl]]
 +    * ''​attTakesValue(att,​value)''​
 +  * **hml2owl2** [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​wta/​onto/​hathor2/​hml2owl2.xsl|hml2owl2.xsl]]
 +    * attml2owl2+ardml2owl2+state2owl2 (**NO RULES**)
 +  * **hml2swrl** [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​wta/​onto/​hathor2/​hml2swrl.xsl|hml2swrl.xsl]]
 +    * attml2owl1+ardml2owl+xttml2swrl+state2owl1
 +==== Translators - more details ====
 +===Translation ATTML - OWL/RDF===
 +  * The main classes are Attribute and Type.
 +  * Class Attribute represents attributes from the ATTML ''​attributes''​ section, and types of attributes from ATTML ''​types''​ section are represented by subclasses ​ of  a class Type.
 +  * Each type is represented by a class deriving from the superclass Type, and  for each type an instance is generated
 +  *  there  are   main subclasses ​ of the class Type NumericType and SymbolicType, ​ thhey are   ​created based on  information from HML
 +  * multiple ​ properties for types and attributes (translated attributes of HML elements <​attribute>​ and  <​type>​) -  One can describe the attributes in details, e.g. the use of the attribute in the system, its type and class, description etc.
 +  *  in  **attml2owl1** the domains ​ are represented as strings, e.g. ''​0-24''​. In  **atttml2owl2** the data  ranges ​ are used. 
 +  * in  **attml2owl1** the  domains are represented with  properties (for each type a new property is defined), in **attml2owl2**,​ types are defined by the  values they allow, ​ e.g. ''​Boolean ≡ tpeHasValues {0,​1}''​
 +===Translation ARDML - OWL/RDF===
 +  * ARDML properties are represented in OWL as instances of a class Property.
 +  * Relations between properties are represented using Objet Property ''​hasAttribute'',​ ''​dependsOn''​ for dependencies betweeen attribute, and ''​transformedInto''​ for TPH relations.
 +===Translation XTTML - RIF ===
 +== RIF PRD ==
 +2 approaches: simple and frame-based
 +  * simple: using representing attributes and their values by defining/​using external predicates construct extensively
 +    * attributes references are constanst identified with URIs (''​rif:​iri''​)
 +    * attributes'​ values are bound using predicates ''​xtt:​name_of_the_relation(attr,​value_or_a_set)''​
 +  * frame-based:​ representing attributes as frames, //to be considered in future?//
 +General remarks (common for both translations):​
 +  * XTTML model as a RIF Group,
 +  * XTT tables as RIF Nested Groups,
 +  * XTT rules as RIF Rules; the rule conditions are placed in the ''<​if>''​ section, and the decisions in ''<​then>''​ realized in RIF ACTION_BLOCK
 +  * Connections between XTT tables represented with ''​xtt:​link'' ​ predicate (calling external action)
 +  * Logical operators used in rule preconditions are externally defined using RIF ''<​op>''​ tag
 +  * primitive datatypes as defined in  RIF DTB
 +  * new operators and predicates for XTT: ''​**xtt:​range**''​ for ranges <a;b> and ''​**xtt:​set**''​ for sets {a,b,c} (previously:​ xtt:set and xtt:​complex_set)
 +  * in the decision part external actions are used - for better compatibility with RIF BLD and beause of the nuances of ''​Assert'',​ ''​Retract'',​ ''​Modify''​ (e.g. should we assert or modify the attribute value?)
 +  * not compatible with other translations,​ but in this case I think it doesn'​t matter. In the end the others may change, in RIF alternative there are some interesting ideas, e.g:
 +    * [[https://​ai.ia.agh.edu.pl/​wiki/​pl:​miw:​miw08_xtt_rif#​niuanse_zapisu_xtt_w_rif|attr in any]]
 +  * problems: no RIF PRD Validators, only syntax checking (the translator produces valid XML documents)
 +== RIF Core ==
 +  * based on the above translator, only some PRD constructs removed
 +  * validated with [[http://​idi.fundacionctic.org/​rifle/​validator.jsf|RIFLE Validator]] - yields analogous warnings as for the [[http://​www.w3.org/​2005/​rules/​test/​repository/​tc/​|standard W3C RIF files...]] ;-) 
 +===Translation XTTML - SWRL===
 +  * no support for  production rules in SWRL -> rules translated, and asserting new facts can be done  (e.g. by  JessSWRLTab in Protege), but updating an  attribute value would not work
 +  * translated rules' conditions: att=val,​att>​val,​att<​val,​ att in {v1,v2,v3} only partly: if this  is the  only condition in a rule  (as  in thermostat)
 +   * translated ​  ​rules'​ conclusions: ​ att:=val.
 +  * example rule:
 +    attTakesValue(att_10,​ "​workday"​) ​ ∧ attTakesValue(att_11,​ ?​var_att_11) ​ ∧ swrlb:​lessThan(?​var_att_11,​ "​9"​) → attTakesValue(att_7,​ "​not_during_business_hours"​)
 +   ​* ​ no support ​  ​for ​ symbolic ​ ranges (e.g. att> Tuesday)
 +=== STATE - OWL ===
 +  * A state of a system is modelled with the following ​ properties (role assertions):​ ''​attTakesValue(a,​d)''​ for simple attributes ​ and ''​attTakesValue(a,​v1),​attTakesValue(a,​v2)...attTakesValue(a,​vn)''​ for generalized ones.
 +  * each state in an instance of a class State,with a set of datatype property assertions: ''​stDescibeAttribute(state,​att)''​
 +==== Cases ====
 +HeKatE cases:
 +  * cardio
 +  * cashpoint
 +  * health
 +  * hello
 +  * thermostat
 +  * upsell
 +Download: {{:​hekatedev:​hathor2-hekate-cases.tar.gz|hekate cases translated with hathor2}}
hekate/hathor.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:49 (external edit)
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