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The Hekate RunTime

HeKatE Run Time (HeaRT) is a dedicated inference engine for the XTT2 rule bases. (see The engine implements the inference based on ALSVfd logic. It is implemented in Prolog in order to directly interpret the HMR representation which is generated by HQEd. HMR (HeKatE Meta Representation) is a textual representation of the XTT2 logic designed by HQEd. It is a human readable form, as opposed to the machine readable HML (HeKatE Markup Language) format. HeaRT allows to: store and export models in HMR files, and verify HMR syntax and logic.

Currently the runtime is in a beta stage.

HeaRT is part of HaDEs.

See also the developemnt page.

Getting it

Just download a HeaRT milestone file below.

You need a SWI-Prolog environment.



Download the heart-m2_1.tar.gz file.


Download the heart-m2.tar.gz file.


Download the heart-m1.tar.gz file.


  • 2009.08.19 – HeaRT M2_1, server invocation and documentation fixes.
  • 2009.08.14 – HeaRT M2, beta stage, most of the functionality implemented, halva framework and integration libraries provided.
  • 2009.05.13 – HeaRT M1, alpha stage, needs testing, support by

Use it

To use it:

cd heart

You can load an example model from the cmdline:


In HeaRT, try hlp.

While working in HeaRT you are in the pure SWI shell.

If you want to load a model when you are in HeaRT simply use:

?- [therm-rtl].



See the HeaRT Overview as well as the more technical HeaRT HowTo.

Report bugs

Please report the bugs, suggestions to the CVStrac system.


  • access the system with the wiki user/pass
  • do not extra login to the CVStrac itself
  • submit new Tickets anonymously, use HeaRT subsystem
  • please leave your contact information, as well as other reference, e.g. MIW project ID
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