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hekate:heart_howto [2011/06/15 16:27]
hekate:heart_howto [2012/05/14 13:51]
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 ==== Protocol commands ==== ==== Protocol commands ====
   - **[hello, +client_name].** - welcome message that client sends to HeaRT in order to obtain information about version of the protocol implemented on the server, and functionality offered by the protocol.\\ As a result the client gets <​code>​[true,​[heart,​hello,​1.0,​5,​[]]]</​code>​   - **[hello, +client_name].** - welcome message that client sends to HeaRT in order to obtain information about version of the protocol implemented on the server, and functionality offered by the protocol.\\ As a result the client gets <​code>​[true,​[heart,​hello,​1.0,​5,​[]]]</​code>​
-  - **[model, getlist].** - returns list of all models (with users' names that own them) that are store in HeaRT storage area.\\ As a result of the the client gets following answer <​code>​[true,​ [[username1,modelname1],[username1,​modelname2],​ [username2, ​modelname3]]]</​code>​ If there is no models in the storage area following answer is returned: <​code>​[true,​[]]</​code>​. If there are errors during reading a model list, following message is returned: <​code>​[false,​]</​code>​[false,'​Error occured while reading a model list'​]</​code>​ +  - **[model, getlist].** - returns list of all models (with users' names that own them) that are store in HeaRT storage area.\\ As a result of the the client gets following answer <​code>​[true,​ [[modelname1,​username1],[modelname2,username1], [ modelname3,username2]]]</​code>​ If there is no models in the storage area following answer is returned: <​code>​[true,​[]]</​code>​. If there are errors during reading a model list, following message is returned: <​code>​[false,​]</​code>​[false,'​Error occured while reading a model list'​]</​code>​ 
-  - **[model, get, +format, +modelname, +username, [+parts]].** - returns a model in the given format specified by modelname and username. The parts is a list defining which parts of model should be send in the responce. The following values are permitted: **[all]** - all parts, **[atrs]** all attributes, **[tpes]** - all types, **[tbls]** - all tables, **[clbs]** - all callbacks, **[atr,​id]** - attribute with given id, **[tpe,​id]** - type with given id, **[tbl,​id]** - table with given id, **[clb,​id]** - callback with given id. \\ In example, command:<​code>​[model,​ get, hml, +modelname, +username, [[atrs], [tpes], [tbl,​t]]].</​code>​get the all the attributes and types and one table with id ''​t''​ in HML format. \\ As a result client gets following answer: <​code>​[true,'​MODEL'​]</​code>​ where MODEL is the requested model or part of it. \\ If there is no requested model or user, follwing answer is sent: <​code>​[false,​ 'Model or username does not exist.'​]</​code>​+  - **[model, get, +format, +modelname, +username, ​+[+parts]].** - returns a model in the given format specified by modelname and username. The parts is a list defining which parts of model should be send in the responce. The following values are permitted: **[all]** - all parts, **[atrs]** all attributes, **[tpes]** - all types, **[tbls]** - all tables, **[clbs]** - all callbacks, **[atr,​id]** - attribute with given id, **[tpe,​id]** - type with given id, **[tbl,​id]** - table with given id, **[clb,​id]** - callback with given id. \\ In example, command:<​code>​[model,​ get, hml, +modelname, +username, [[atrs], [tpes], [tbl,​t]]].</​code>​get the all the attributes and types and one table with id ''​t''​ in HML format. ​The Heart accepts only:<​code>​[model,​ get, hmr, +modelname, +username, [[all]]]</​code>​\\ As a result client gets following answer: <​code>​[true,'​MODEL'​]</​code>​ where MODEL is the requested model or part of it. \\ If there is no requested model or user, follwing answer is sent: <​code>​[false,​ 'Model or username does not exist.'​]</​code>​
   - **[model,​exists,​+modelname,​ +username].** - checks if a given modelname that belongs to username is present in HeaRT storage area. If it is stored by the interpreter,​ following answer is sent to the client: <​code>​[true,​true]</​code>​ If there is no such file <​code>​[true,​false]</​code>​ is sent back. If there is an error during this procedure, following error message is sent to the client: <​code>​[false,'​Error while checking file existence'​]</​code>​   - **[model,​exists,​+modelname,​ +username].** - checks if a given modelname that belongs to username is present in HeaRT storage area. If it is stored by the interpreter,​ following answer is sent to the client: <​code>​[true,​true]</​code>​ If there is no such file <​code>​[true,​false]</​code>​ is sent back. If there is an error during this procedure, following error message is sent to the client: <​code>​[false,'​Error while checking file existence'​]</​code>​
-  - **[model, add, hmr, +modelname, +username, +'MODEL' ]**. - adds new model to HeaRT storage area, overriding any existing models of the sam ename.\\ If adding succeed, <​code>​[true]</​code>​ is returned. In case of an error following error message is sent to the client:<​code>​[false,'​Error ​while saving model.'​]</​code>​+  - **[model, add, +format, +modelname, +username, +'CONTENT_OF_THE_MODEL_IN_SPECIFIED_FORMAT' ]**. - adds new model to the server ​storage area, overriding any existing models of the sam ename.\\ If adding succeed, <​code>​[true]</​code>​ is returned. In case of an error following error message is sent to the client:<​code>​[false,'​Error ​message.'​]</​code>​
   - **[model,​remove,​ +modelname, +username].** - removes a model specified by modelname and username. After successful deletion fo the model <​code>​[true]</​code>​ is returned. In case of an error, following error message is sent back to the client<​code>​[false,'​Error while deleting model.'​]</​code>​   - **[model,​remove,​ +modelname, +username].** - removes a model specified by modelname and username. After successful deletion fo the model <​code>​[true]</​code>​ is returned. In case of an error, following error message is sent back to the client<​code>​[false,'​Error while deleting model.'​]</​code>​
   - **[model,​run,​ +modelname, +username, +{ddi | gdi | tdi | foi}, +tables, +{statename | statedef} ].** - runs inference process for the specified by specified model in one of the four modes, ddi, gdi, tdi or foi for given tables (schemas) - (see [[gox/3]] for details). State from which the inference should start can be either a name of the state that is located in HMR file, or a full definition of the state. The full definition of the state (statedef) should look as follows: <​code>​[[attribute_name1,​ value],​[attribute_name2,​ value] ... ]</​code>​ If the inference process succeed, the following answer is sent back to the client:<​code>​[true,​system_state,​ system_trajectory]</​code>​ The system_state is final state of the system defined as statedef. The system trajectory is a list of rules that were fired in the form of <​code>​[schema_name,​rule_id,​schema_name,​ rule_id, ...]</​code>​ If there is an error during this procedure, the following error message will be sent back to the user: <​code>​[false,'​Error occurred while running model'​]</​code>​   - **[model,​run,​ +modelname, +username, +{ddi | gdi | tdi | foi}, +tables, +{statename | statedef} ].** - runs inference process for the specified by specified model in one of the four modes, ddi, gdi, tdi or foi for given tables (schemas) - (see [[gox/3]] for details). State from which the inference should start can be either a name of the state that is located in HMR file, or a full definition of the state. The full definition of the state (statedef) should look as follows: <​code>​[[attribute_name1,​ value],​[attribute_name2,​ value] ... ]</​code>​ If the inference process succeed, the following answer is sent back to the client:<​code>​[true,​system_state,​ system_trajectory]</​code>​ The system_state is final state of the system defined as statedef. The system trajectory is a list of rules that were fired in the form of <​code>​[schema_name,​rule_id,​schema_name,​ rule_id, ...]</​code>​ If there is an error during this procedure, the following error message will be sent back to the user: <​code>​[false,'​Error occurred while running model'​]</​code>​
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 ==== Protocol examples ==== ==== Protocol examples ====
-  - Adding a model <​code>​ [model,​add,'​MyName','​Username','​xtype [ name: week_days, base: symbolic, ordered: yes, domain: [moday,​tuesday],​ desc: \'This is only one definition\'​].'​]. </​code>​ +  - Adding a model in hmr format ​<​code>​ [model,add,hml,'​MyName','​Username','​xtype [ name: week_days, base: symbolic, ordered: yes, domain: [moday,​tuesday],​ desc: \'This is only one definition\'​].'​]. </​code>​ 
-  - Getting a model <​code>​ [model,​get,'​MyName','​Username'​].</​code>​As a result following message should be returned:<​code>​[true,​ [xtype[name:​week_days,​ base:​symbolic,​ ordered:​yes,​ domain:​[moday,​ tuesday], desc:'​This is only one definition'​].]]</​code>​ +  - Getting a whole model in hmr format ​<​code>​ [model,get,hmr, '​MyName','​Username'​, [[all]]].</​code>​As a result following message should be returned:<​code>​[true,​ [xtype[name:​week_days,​ base:​symbolic,​ ordered:​yes,​ domain:​[moday,​ tuesday], desc:'​This is only one definition'​].]]</​code>​ 
-  - Getting a list of all models stored by the server: <​code>​ [model,​getlist].</​code>​ Folling answer can be returned:<​code>​[true,​ [[PHP, hqedmodel0][PHP, temostat], [PHPTermostat2], [PHP, therm-rt], [Username, ​MyName], [XTTd, Termostat1]]]</​code>​+  - Getting all the atrributes and types in hml format <​code>​[model,​get,​hml,​ '​MyName','​Username',​ [[atrs], [tpes]]]</​code>​ 
 +  - Getting a two attribute with IDs ''​att_1'',​ ''​att_2''​ and all the callbacks in the hmr format: <​code>​[model,​get,​hmr,​ '​MyName','​Username',​ [[clbs], [atr, atr_1], [atr, atr_2]]]</​code>​ 
 +  - Getting a list of all models stored by the server: <​code>​ [model,​getlist].</​code>​ Folling answer can be returned:<​code>​[true,​ [[hqedmodel0,​ PHP], [temostatPHP], [Termostat2, ​PHP][therm-rt, PHP], [MyName, Username], [Termostat1, XTTd]]]</​code>​
   - Deleting a model: <​code>​ [model,​remove,​ '​MyName','​Username'​].</​code>​   - Deleting a model: <​code>​ [model,​remove,​ '​MyName','​Username'​].</​code>​
   - Running a model <​code>​ [model,​run,'​temostat','​PHP',​ddi,​ [ms,dt], s1].</​code>​This command will run a Data-Driven inference from state //s1// on the model //​temostat//​ belonging to PHP user. Following return message can be sent by the server:<​code>​[true,​ [[day, 3.0], [hour, 3.0], [month, [2.0]], [season, 3.0], [today, 1.0], [operation, 2.0], [thermostat_settings,​ 16.0]], [ms, 4, dt, 1, th, 3, os, 7]]</​code>​ Instead of state name, clinet can send a full state definition over the protocol:<​code>​ [model,​run,'​MyName','​Username',​ddi,​ [ms,​dt,​th,​os],​ [ [day,​monday],​ [hour,13], [month, january] ] ].</​code> ​   - Running a model <​code>​ [model,​run,'​temostat','​PHP',​ddi,​ [ms,dt], s1].</​code>​This command will run a Data-Driven inference from state //s1// on the model //​temostat//​ belonging to PHP user. Following return message can be sent by the server:<​code>​[true,​ [[day, 3.0], [hour, 3.0], [month, [2.0]], [season, 3.0], [today, 1.0], [operation, 2.0], [thermostat_settings,​ 16.0]], [ms, 4, dt, 1, th, 3, os, 7]]</​code>​ Instead of state name, clinet can send a full state definition over the protocol:<​code>​ [model,​run,'​MyName','​Username',​ddi,​ [ms,​dt,​th,​os],​ [ [day,​monday],​ [hour,13], [month, january] ] ].</​code> ​
hekate/heart_howto.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:49 (external edit)
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