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hekate:mirella [2009/04/19 10:49]
hekate:mirella [2019/06/27 15:49]
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-====== ​ Mirella and HeKatE ====== 
-//Mirella// was a prototype design and implementation tool for the first version of the XTT method. 
-The project has been discontinued. 
-However, it laid the foundation for the //​[[hekate:​start|HeKatE]] Project//. 
-Old information is provided below (for historical reasons). 
-===== Introduction ===== 
-Mirella is on of the results of the Ph.D. dissertation by Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Ph.D., entitled "​Meta-Level Approach to Integrated Process of Design and Implementation of Rule-Based Systems",​ 2004, AGH University of Science and Technology. 
-Mirella is an intelligent visual design tool supporting on-line verification of rule-based systems, based of the XTT knowledge representation. It is oriented towards designing reliable and safe rule-based systems in general. The main goal of the system is to move the design procedure to a more abstract, logical and graphical level, where knowledge specification is based on use of abstract rule representation. The designed graphical specification is automatically translated into a predefined XML (XTTML) knowledge format, so the designer can focus on logical specification of safety and reliability;​ simultaneously,​ practical code can be generated form a wide class of systems. On the other hand, formal aspects such as completeness,​ determinism,​ etc. may be automatically verified on-line during the design, so that it verifiable characteristics are preserved. 
-Mirella is based on the XTT knowledge representation method. The main idea behind new visual knowledge representation language called Extended Tabular-Trees aims at combining some of the existing approaches such as decision-tables and decision-trees by building a special a hierarchy of Object-Attribute-Tables. This hierarchy is based on the Psi-tree structure. The new language has some unique features such as: simplicity and transparency,​ due to an intuitive way of graphical knowledge specification,​ hierarchical,​ tree-like knowledge representation,​ highly efficient way of visualization with high data density using tables similar to Relational Database tables, power of the decision table representation,​ flexibility with respect to knowledge manipulation,​ analogies to the RDB data representation scheme, direct knowledge representation mapping into PROLOG schemes and rule-based systems. 
-Mirella and XTT have been discussed in more detail in several scientific papers, namely: 
-    * G. J. Nalepa, A. Ligęza, //A Visual Edition Tool For Design And Verification of Knowledge In Rule-Based Systems//, Systems Science, Wrocław, 2004. 
-    * G. J. Nalepa, A. Ligęza, //A Graphical Tabular Model For Rule-Based Logic Programming And Verification//,​ Systems Science, Wrocław, 2004. 
-    * G. J. Nalepa, A. Ligęza, //Designing reliable web security systems using rule-based systems approach//, Advances in Web Intelligence : first international Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference AWIC 2003 : Madrid, Spain, May 5--6, 2003 : proceedings / eds. Ernestina Menasalvas, Javier Segovia, Piotr S. Szczepaniak. -- Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag,​ 2003. -- (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) ; (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence ; 2663 
-===== Mirella design ===== 
-The architecture of Mirella consists of several modules and layers. There are four main system layers: environment it provides ways of importing, exporting and presenting knowledge base in both human and machine readable formats, visual - it allows for visual design of knowledge base, logic it provides means of formal verification of knowledge base, semantics it helps in adding domain-specific semantics to the knowledge base. The knowledge base itself is a repository for XTT based system description. 
-There are four principal modules of the system: 
-    * Mirella Creator - which supports defining of system attributes with specific constraints,​ and semantic information,​ 
-    * Mirella Designer - which allows for visual design of system knowledge base using XTT schema, 
-    * Mirella Validator - which performs on-line analysis of system formal properties via an integrated Prolog compiler, 
-    * Mirella Exchanger - which consists of number of import and exports plugins, exchanging data with other knowledge representation languages, and domain specific system prototypes. 
-{{ :​hekate:​mirella-arch-tng.png |Mirella Architecture}} 
-===== Mirella implementation ===== 
-The development platform for Mirella has been chosen with flexibility,​ portability and efficiency in mind. The platform consists of several middleware layers supporting GUI, canvas management, Prolog integration and XML handling; main components are: 
-    * GLib is a low-level general-purpose core utility library, providing a portable implementation of fundamental data types and algorithms and an advanced and extensible type/object system for ANSI C language. 
-    * GDK is a middleware that implements a portable general drawing toolkit providing an abstraction over native operating system drawing and windowing system. 
-    * GTK2 is an advanced library for building complex multiplatform graphical user interfaces, it provides multiple GUI components, widgets. GTK2 has a C-based object-oriented architecture that allows for maximum flexibility. 
-    * libGlade allows for dynamic runtime GUI building using an XML-based interface description;​ it also provides functions that can be used to connect signal handlers to parts of the interface. 
-    * GNOMECanvas provides a high-level engine for creating structured graphics that offers high performance rendering and rich imaging model; 
-    * libXML2 is a portable and efficient parser toolkit for XML that implements all core XML technologies such as XML-NameSpaces,​ XPath, and XSLT. 
-The architecture described above is implemented in pure, ANSI C language, and is able to run on multiple platforms. While the environment is being implemented in the GNU/Linux environment,​ it can be easily ported to Sun Solaris, and possibly Windows platform. 
-The SWI-Prolog is a modern ISO-compliant portable Prolog compiler. The SWI-Prolog was selected due to its: flexibility,​ portability,​ availability,​ and possibility of integration with other software. It offers a bi-directional programming interface to and from ANSI C language allowing for easy integration with other code. It provides a built-in XML/RDF parser, suitable for direct XML processing and applications in the field of Semantic Web. 
-Mirella Development Platform 
-===== Screenshots ===== 
-Below several real-life RBSs designs in Mirella are shown. 
-Mirella Thermostat 
-Mirella Traffic Example 
-Mirella Firewall Example 
-===== Availability ===== 
-A beta version of the tool was made available in 2004. 
-However, due to grave rework in XTT method itself, the codebase has beed //​discontinued//​. 
-Mirella experiences where the foundation for the //​[[hekate:​start|HeKatE]] project// 
hekate/mirella.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:49 (external edit)
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