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hekate:mirella [2009/04/19 11:08]
hekate:mirella [2019/06/27 15:49] (current)
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 //Mirella// was a prototype design and implementation tool for the first version of the XTT method. //Mirella// was a prototype design and implementation tool for the first version of the XTT method.
-The project has been discontinued. 
-However, it laid the foundation for the //​[[hekate:​start|HeKatE]] Project//. 
-Old information is provided below (for historical reasons).+It laid the foundation for the //​[[hekate:​start|HeKatE]] Project//​. 
 +**The project has been discontinued,​ it is not compatible with HeKatE tools!** 
 +//Old information is provided below (for historical reasons).//
 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
hekate/mirella.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:49 (external edit)
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