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hekate:start [2009/05/07 21:16]
hekate:start [2019/06/27 15:49]
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-====== HeKatE ====== 
-[[hekatedev:​start|For Developers]] 
-{{:​hekate.png |Hekate Logo}} ​ 
-**HeKatE** is an acronym for 
-**Hybrid Knowledge Engineering** 
-The research project regards Software Engineering based on Knowledge Engineering. ​ 
-The scope of the project includes but it is not limited to Knowledge Representation,​ Processing and Visualization methods. 
-Main areas include: 
-    * Knowledge Representation Methods 
-    * Software Design Methods based on Knowledge Engineering 
-    * Knowledge-based Runtime Environments for Standalone and Embedded Systems 
-The main HeKatE Web Page: http://​hekate.ia.agh.edu.pl 
-===== News ===== 
-  * 2009/05: first major [[HaDEs]] toolset integration,​ release of: [[HMR]], newer version of [[hekate_markup_language|HML]],​ related research 
-  * 2009/04: [[hekate:​HJEd]] design tool released 
-  * 2009/03: [[PlNXT:]] first official release 
-  * 2009/02: HJEd beta, HQEd M6 alpha versions 
-  * 2009/01: Draft [[hekate:​bib:​hekate_bibliography#​gjn2009flairs-oo|UML-based representation for XTT and ARD]] (see the [[hekate:​umlrep:​Visual Rules Process Modeling]] presentation) 
-  * 2008/12: Draft [[hekatedev:​xtt2|XTT2 formulation]] published 
-  * 2008/11: The [[hekate:​semweb:​dl_intro|possible integration of ALSV(FD) with Description Logic]] considered 
-  * 2008/10: Rule prototyping algorithm presented at [[http://​www.imcsit.org/?​cont=91&​type=page&​page=72|AAIA workshop]] 
-  * 2008/09: The [[https://​ai.ia.agh.edu.pl/​wiki/​kese:​kese2008|KESE 2008 workshop]], UML based representation discussed 
-  * 2008/09: [[plnxt:​start|PlNXT prototype]] presented at [[http://​ki2008.dfki.uni-kl.de/​|KI 2008]] 
-  * 2008/07: Project results presented at the [[http://​oxygen.informatik.tu-cottbus.de/​RuleApp2008/​|RuleApp 2008]] workshop at [[http://​www.ece.upatras.gr/​ecai2008|ECAI 2008]] 
-  * 2008/06: Preliminary [[hekate:​alsvfd|ALSV(FD)]] formulation 
-  * 2008/05: Project results presented at [[http://​flairs.com/​|FLAIRS 2008]] conference 
-  * 2008/04: [[HeKatE markup language]] proposed 
-  * 2008/03: HeKatE tools released, see [[hekate:​varda]] and [[hekate:​hqed]] 
-  * 2008/02: VARDA and HQed go GPLv3! This day (29/02) is //special// :-) 
-  * 2007/11: HeKatE papers on line, finally; see: [[hekate:​bib:​hekate_bibliography]] 
-  * 2007/11: ARD+ prototype description 
-  * 2007/09: Project'​s papers and publications available on-line at: [[.bib:​Hekate Bibliography]] 
-  * 2007/09: HeKatE is under heavy development 
-  * 2007/07: XTT+ and/or GREP proposal 
-  * 2007/03: The grant proposal has been accepted! 
-  * 2006/11: The first article for [[http://​www.flairs.com/​|Flairs]] conference regarding the project is out 
-  * 2006/07: The Grant Proposal has been sent 
-Development Team meetings are available at [[hekatedev:​hekate_meetings]]. 
-===== Papers ===== 
-Papers and publications regarding the HeKatE project are at: [[.bib:​Hekate Bibliography]] 
-===== Mottos ===== 
-  If a machine is expected to be infallible, it cannot also be intelligent. ​ 
-  -- A.Turing 
-  Insufficient facts always invite danger ​ 
-  -- Spock, "Space Seed" 
-===== Insight ===== 
-See [[hekate:​hekate concepts]] for more info about the ideas, [[hekate process|process]],​ architecture,​ applications etc. 
-===== Tools ===== 
-The [[HaDEs]] environment includes: 
-  * knowledge formalization with [[alsvfd|ALSV(FD)]] 
-  * conceptual modeling with [[hekate:​ARDplus]] using [[HJEd]] and [[hekate:​VARDA]] 
-  * logical design with [[hekate:​XTT2]] using [[hekate:​HQEd]] 
-  * automated implementation with [[HeaRT]] 
-  * knowledge translation with [[HaThoR]] 
-Rule-based knowledge is: 
-  * described in a human-readable textual [[HMR]] notation, and 
-  * serialized to a machine-redable XML [[hekate_markup_language|HML]] format. 
-===== Cases ===== 
-  * [[hekate case thermostat|Thermostat]] 
-===== Motivation ===== 
-  * There is a [[misc:​semantic_gap]] in the contemporary Software Engineering which should be minimized 
-  * Designed Knowledge Base is a '​program'​ capable of running, assuming that a proper runtime environment is supplied 
-  * The Knowledge Base can be verified and its proper behavior can be assured -- minimize the number of bugs 
-  * The Knowledge Base can be easily extended to meet new requirements,​ implement new functionality etc. 
-===== Logo ===== 
-The logo depicts a few triplets: 
-  * three faces of Hekate, 
-  * Model, View, Controller, 
-  * Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining, Human-Computer Interfacing,​ 
-  * Software Engineering,​ Knowledge Engineering,​ Interfacing,​ 
-  * Art, Spirit, Science. 
-===== Related research ===== 
-  * 2009: [[Beating Heart]] - an inference engine loosly inspired by XTT, //not compatible//​ with HeKatE toolset. 
-  * 2002-4: the [[Mirella]] project, where the most important ideas for HeKatE were formulated, including XTT. Currently //not functional and not supported in any way//. 
-  * '90: early works of Prof. Antoni Ligęza traced in the   ​[[hekate:​bib:​hekate_bibliography#​gjn2009amcs]] paper. 
hekate/start.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:49 (external edit)
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