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hekate:cases:hekate_case_thermostat:rules [2017/07/17 10:08]
hekate:cases:hekate_case_thermostat:rules [2019/06/27 15:49] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +Rule: 1   
 +if     the day is Monday ​
 +or     the day is Tuesday
 +or     the day is Wednesday ​
 +or     the day is Thursday
 +or     the day is Friday ​
 +then   today is a workday
 +Rule: 2   
 +if    the day is Saturday ​
 +or    the day is Sunday ​
 +then  today is the weekend
 +Rule: 3   
 +if    today is workday ​
 +and   the time is '​between 9 am and 5 pm' ​
 +then  operation is '​during business hours'
 +Rule: 4   
 +if    today is workday ​
 +and   the time is '​before 9 am' ​
 +then  operation is 'not during business hours'
 +Rule: 5   
 +if    today is workday ​
 +and   the time is 'after 5 pm' ​
 +then  operation is 'not during business hours'
 +Rule: 6   
 +if    today is weekend ​
 +then  operation is 'not during business hours'
 +Rule: 7   
 +if    the month is January ​
 +or    the month is February
 +or    the month is December ​
 +then  the season is summer ​
 +Rule: 8   
 +if    the month is March 
 +or    the month is April
 +or    the month is May 
 +then  the season is autumn ​
 +Rule: 9  ​
 +if    the month is June 
 +or    the month is July
 +or    the month is August ​
 +then  the season is winter ​
 +Rule: 10   
 +if    the month is September ​
 +or    the month is October
 +or    the month is November ​
 +then  the season is spring ​
 +Rule: 11   
 +if    the season is spring ​
 +and   ​operation is '​during business hours' ​
 +then  thermostat_setting is '20 degrees'​
 +Rule: 12   
 +if    the season is spring ​
 +and   ​operation is 'not during business hours' ​
 +then  thermostat_setting is '15 degrees'​
 +Rule: 13   
 +if    the season is summer ​
 +and   ​operation is '​during business hours' ​
 +then  thermostat_setting is '24 degrees'​
 +Rule: 14   
 +if    the season is summer ​
 +and   ​operation is 'not during business hours' ​
 +then  thermostat_setting is '27 degrees'​
 +Rule: 15   
 +if    the season is autumn ​
 +and   ​operation is '​during business hours' ​
 +then  thermostat_setting is '20 degrees'​
 +Rule: 16   
 +if    the season is autumn ​
 +and   ​operation is 'not during business hours' ​
 +then  thermostat_setting is '16 degrees'​
 +Rule: 17   
 +if    the season is winter ​
 +and   ​operation is '​during business hours' ​
 +then  thermostat_setting is '18 degrees'​
 +Rule: 18
 +if    the season is winter ​
 +and   ​operation is 'not during business hours' ​
 +then  thermostat_setting is '14 degrees'​
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