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hekate:cases:hekate_case_cashpoint:vocabulary [2009/10/28 09:31]
hekate:cases:hekate_case_cashpoint:vocabulary [2019/06/27 15:49]
Line 1: Line 1:
-==== Vocabulary ==== 
-**Concepts:​** ​ 
-  * //​enteredPin//​ - a PIN number that has been entered by user. 
-  * //​correctPIN//​ - a PIN number that is stored on the card.  
-  * //​authorized//​ - indicates if the user has entered the correct PIN. 
-  * //​userAccountAmount//​ - the amount of the free founds on the user account. 
-  * //​cashPointAmount//​ - the amount of the founds that are available in a cashpoint. 
-  * //​failedAttempts//​ - the number of failed attempts to authorization. 
-  * //​requestedAction//​ - the operation that user want to execute. 
-  * //​cashPointActivity//​ - the final operation invoked by cashpoint. 
-  * enteredPin -> authorized 
-  * correctPIN -> authorized 
-  * enteredPin -> failedAttempts 
-  * correctPIN -> failedAttempts 
-  * authorized -> cashPointActivity 
-  * userAccountAmount -> cashPointActivity 
-  * cashPointAmount -> cashPointActivity 
-  * failedAttempts -> cashPointActivity 
-  * requestedAction -> cashPointActivity 
hekate/cases/hekate_case_cashpoint/vocabulary.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:49 (external edit)
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