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pl:miw:miw08_bizrulesvocabularies [2008/05/26 12:45]
pl:miw:miw08_bizrulesvocabularies [2019/06/27 15:50]
Linia 1: Linia 1:
-====== BizRulesVocabularies ====== 
-Tomasz, Bochen, <​tomasz_bochen@o2.pl>​ 
-:!:It is a common visual notation used in the Business_Process_Modeling that is a modeling/​design problem in the Business_process_management. The BPMN is officially standarized by OMG. Some possible areas of investigation(at 1st sight): 
-  * input 
-     * relation between BPMN and UML, e.g. see Use of UML and Model Transformations for Workflow Process Definitions 
-     * how could we use Business_Process_Execution_Language 
-     * the general idea of workflow and tools such as yawl is worth digging in... 
-     * SBVR 
-  * output 
-Extended ARD. 
-====== Spotkania ====== 
-===== 08.03.04 ===== 
-  * podejścia do budowania słowników (bizrulesvocab) w uml 
-===== 080318 ===== 
-  * przykłady w sbvr, umieszczać w wiki, próba opisu [[hekate:​hekate_case_thermostat|thermostatu]] w SBVR 
-  * jak SBVR mapuje się na UML? 
-===== 080401 ===== 
-  * j.w. po ang 
-  * jak zależności w SBVR maja się do ARD? 
-===== 080415 ===== 
-  * zapis  słownika do thermostato w sbcr 
-  * model thermostatu w sbeaver? 
-  * wyszukanie narzędzi do SBVR w Internecie 
-===== 080520 ===== 
-  * początek sprawozdania:​ co to jest sbvr, structured english, skąd dok., narzędzia obecne i przyszle, opis therm w sbvr, przejscie do uml, prpozycja algorytmu __ard<​->​sbvr__,​ obserwacje->​przyszłe możliwośći rozwoju 
-====== Projekt ====== 
-====== Sprawozdanie ====== 
-====== Materiały ====== 
-  * [[http://​student.agh.edu.pl/​~tbochen/​SBVR.pdf|Źródło przykładu i trochę informacji na temat wykorzystania UML przy modelowaniu SBVR (słowników)]] 
-  * [[http://​portal.acm.org/​citation.cfm?​id=1342211.1342221&​coll=Portal&​dl=GUIDE&​CFID=59641205&​CFTOKEN=86539360|SBVR -> UML]] 
-  * [[http://​qrdn.brmsblog.com/​2007/​04/​12/​the-business-rules-development-cycle-an-introduction/​|The Business Rule Development Lifecycle 
-  * [[http://​sbeaver.sourceforge.net/​support/​|SBeaver]] 
-  * http://​www.dulcian.com/​papers/​ODTUG/​2001/​RepresentingStructuralBusinessRules.htm 
-  * http://​www.omg.org/​news/​meetings/​ThinkTank/​past-events/​2006/​presentations/​04-WS1-2_Hall.pdf 
-  * http://​objectriver.net/​Leveraging%20Data%20Models.pdf 
-  * http://​www.semanticcore.org/​Docs/​Architecture%20of%20Business%20Modeling%2003-11-01.pdf 
-  * http://​bizrules.info/​page/​methodologies.htm 
-===== Próba opisu termostatu w SBVR ===== 
-  * [[hekate:​hekate_case_thermostat|thermostat]] 
-  * [[miw08_bizrulesvocabularies_sbvr_thermostat|thermostat sbvr]] 
-===== Próba opisu termostatu za pomocą UML (Activity Diagram) ===== 
-  *[[http://​student.agh.edu.pl/​~tbochen/​MIW/​p29-raj.pdf|Transformation of SBVR Business Design to UML Models]] ​ 
-  *[[http://​student.agh.edu.pl/​~tbochen/​MIW/​AD_themrostat.gif|Activity Diagram (thermostat)]] 
-===== Model Development Tools (MDT) ===== 
-  *[[http://​www.eclipse.org/​modeling/​mdt/?​project=sbvr|Coming soon...]] 
-====== Sprawozdanie ====== 
-=====1. Getting started with SBVR .. ===== 
-SBVR is an [[http://​omg.org|OMG]] specification that details how business rules and business vocabulary can be captured and specified in unambiguous terms. 
-SBVR is targeted at business rules and business vocabularies,​ including those 
-relevant for usage in conjunction with those rules. Other aspects of business 
-models also have to be developed, including business process and organization 
-structure, which are being addressed by the OMG in RFPs concurrent with that for 
-SBVR is an integral part of the OMG’s [[http://​www.omg.org/​mda/​faq_mda.htm|Model Driven Architecture]] (MDA). Picture below shows positioning of SBVR in Model-Driven Architecture. 
-SBVR is targeted at business rules and business vocabularies,​ including those 
-relevant for usage in conjunction with those rules. Other aspects of business 
-models also have to be developed, including business process and organization 
-structure, which are being addressed by the OMG in RFPs concurrent with that for 
-==== 1.1. What is Semantics? ==== 
-‘Semantics’ is “the meaning or relationship of meanings of a sign or set of signs” 
-[Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary]. In SBVR the signs can be of any form: 
-words, phrases, codes, numbers, icons, sounds, etc. 
-SVBR includes two specialized vocabularies:​ 
-  * the SBVR "​Vocabulary for Describing Business Vocabularies",​ which deals with all 
-kinds of terms and meanings (other than meanings of Business Rules); 
-  * the SBVR "​Vocabulary for Describing Business Rules",​ which deals with the 
-specification of the meaning of business rules, and builds on the "​Vocabulary for 
-Describing Business Vocabularies"​. 
-The two have been separated so that the "​Vocabulary for Describing Business 
-Vocabularies"​ could be used independently - for example, as a basis for vocabularies 
-for business processes or organizational roles. 
-The next two sections deal with the semantics of business vocabularies and the 
-semantics of business rules. 
-==== 1.2. What is a Business Vocabulary? ==== 
-A business vocabulary contains all the specialized terms and definitions of concepts 
-that a given organization or community uses in their talking and writing in the course 
-of doing business. 
-Examples: process rate, order price, customer retention rate, Gold Level Support, Customer, Order, Order Item etc. 
-The vocabulary does not include the special SBVR syntax or other SBVR compliant syntaxes like in Rule Speak. 
-Rules are built using Vocabulary and the special SBVR syntax. 
-==== 1.3. What is a Business Rule? ==== 
-The SBVR follows a common-sense definition of '​business rule': 
-//Business Rule: rule that is under business jurisdiction//​ 
-'Under business jurisdiction'​ is taken to mean that the business can enact, revise and 
-discontinue business rules as it sees fit. If a rule is not under business jurisdiction in 
-that sense, then it is not a business rule. For example, the '​law'​ of gravity is 
-obviously not a business rule. Neither are the '​rules'​ of mathematics. 
-Examining the question more closely, it is obvious that if rules are to serve as guides 
-for conduct or action, they must also provide the actual criteria for judging and 
-guiding that conduct or action. In other words, for the context of business rules (and 
-probably in most other contexts), rules serve as criteria for making decisions. The 
-SBVR’s interpretation of '​rule'​ therefore encompasses the sense of '​criteria'​ as given 
-by authoritative dictionaries. 
-=== 1.3.1. Rules and Formal Logic === 
-Experts in this area recommended that the 
-best treatment for the SBVR’s interpretation of rules would involve obligation and 
-necessity claims. 
-Consequently,​ in SBVR, a Rule is "an element of guidance that introduces an 
-obligation or a necessity"​. The two fundamental categories of Rule are: 
-    - **Structural Rule (necessities)**:​ These are rules about how the business chooses to organize (i.e., '​structure'​) the things it deals with.                          
-      Structural Rules supplement definitions. For example (from EU-Rent):  ​ 
-Necessity: A Customer has at least one of the following: 
-    * a Rental Reservation. 
-    * an in-progress Rental. 
-    * a Rental completed in the past 5 years. 
-  - **Operative Rules (obligations)**:​ These are rules that govern the conduct of 
-business activity. In contrast to Structural Rules, Operative Rules are ones 
-that can be directly violated by people involved in the affairs of the business. 
-For example (from EU-Rent): 
-Obligation: A Customer who appears intoxicated or drugged must not 
-be given possession of a Rental Car. 
-=== 1.3.2. Rules, Fact Types and Concepts expressed by Terms === 
-Informally, a fact type is an association ("​Association"​ is used here in its everyday, business sense - not the narrower, 
-technical sense that would apply to a UML class model.) between two or more concepts; for example 
-"​Rental Car is located at Branch"​. 
-In SBVR, rules are always constructed by applying necessity or obligation to fact 
-types. For example, the rule "A Rental must not have more than three Additional 
-Drivers"​ is based on the fact type "​Rental has Additional Driver"​. 
-By this means, SBVR realizes a core principle of the Business Rules Approach at the 
-business level, which is that "​Business rules build on fact types, and fact types build 
-on concepts as expressed by terms."​ 
-One important consequence of the SBVR’s approach in this regard is that concepts 
-(including fact types) are distinct from rules, which are in a separate Compliance 
-Point. This design permits SBVR’s support for concepts (including fact types) to be 
-optionally used on its own for building business vocabularies. 
-==== 1.4. Notations for Business Vocabulary+Rules ==== 
-=== 1.4.1. SBVR Structured English === 
-It should be remembered that SBVR Structured English (presented in  {{pl:​miw:​miw08_mindstormscontrolc:​{{:​pl:​miw:​miw08_bizrulesvocabularies:​semantics_of_business_vocabulary_and_business_rules_spec.pdf|Appendix C,D}}) is 
-just one of possibly many notations that can be used to express the SBVR 
-Metamodel, and, as a notation, is nonnormative in the SVBR standard. ​ 
-Two styles of SBVR Structured English are documented in this submission: 
-  - Prefixed Rule Keyword Style 
-  - Embedded (mixfix) Rule Keyword Style 
-The Prefix Style introduces rules by prefixing a statement with keywords that convey 
-a modality. Examples of some of the prefixes are shown in the table below. 
-^ Operative ​               ^ Structural ​           ^ 
-| It is obligatory that    | It is necessary that  | 
-| It is prohibited that    | It is impossible that | 
-| It is permitted that     | It is possible that   | 
-The Embedded Style features the use of rule keywords embedded (usually in front of 
-verbs) within rules statements of appropriate kinds. The table below shows a 
-sample of embedded keywords used to form rules. 
-^ Operative ​     ^ Structural ​   ^ 
-| … must …       | … always …    | 
-| … must not …   | … never …     | 
-| … may …        | … sometimes … | 
-=== 1.4.2. State === 
-'​State'​ is an important notion for business vocabularies and business rules. As far as 
-business people are concerned, ‘state’ is a concept they can refer to and use in 
-creating definitions,​ facts and rules. For example, in EU-Rent a car’s states would 
-include: '​available',​ '​allocated to rental',​ 'on rental',​ '​damaged'​ and so on. The 
-company uses these state names in defining business rules, e.g., "The car assigned 
-to a walk-in rental must be the available car with the lowest odometer reading in the requested car group."​ One way to express states is using unary predicates, e.g., "car is available"​. 
-==== 1.5.  Business Modeller Editors ==== 
-=== 1.5.1. SBeaVeR === 
-The [[http://​sbeaver.sourceforge.net|SBeaVeR]] is a tool for modeling business vocabularies and business rules. It is an Eclipse based plugin, part of the [[http://​www.digital-ecosystem.org/​|Digital Business Ecosystem]] project. 
-== SBeaVeR feature list == 
-SBeaVeR key features are: 
-    * Business knowledge representation:​ SBeaVeR provides a tool for formalizing the semantics of business knowledge using the Structured English notation. 
-    * Portability:​ SBeaVeR is written in Java for portability and could be installed on many different operating systems without code changes. SBeaVeR 
-    * comes with all source code with EPL licence which can be modified or tailored to meet a user's specific needs. 
-    * Integration and Extensibility:​ SBeaVeR is based on Eclipse platform which allows to easily extend or integrate the tool by a user through the use of a well-defined framework. 
-    * Model validation: SBeaVeR includes a number of features to support the verification and validation of business models including semantic analysis of rule to determine possible inconsistencies. ​ 
-From a functional point of view, SBeaVeR provides: 
-    * Presentation and user modification of SBVR Structured English business vocabularies and business rules. 
-    * Standard text editing operations (cut, copy, paste, find, replace). 
-    * Automatic syntax highlighting following the SBVR Structured English font styles. 
-    * Content assist to allow easy and fast creation of contents (automatic completion of known statements/​words,​ automatic text formatting, collapse/​expand). 
-    * Hierarchical navigation of vocabulary (multiple views). 
-    * Dictionary (at present we embed WordNet dictionary) support for synonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, meronyms, definitions. 
-    * Mapping from in-memory Java representation of vocabulary and rules to logical representation. 
-    * XMI XML Schema serialization (following SBVR specs) allowing interchangeability of models between software tools. ​ 
-== Screenshots == 
-  * Business rules editor 
-  * Collapse/​expand 
-  * Content assistant 
-  * Vocabulary editor 
-  * Wordnet integration 
-  * XMI XML schema 
-=== 1.5.2. Part of Model Development Tools (MDT) === 
-[[http://​www.eclipse.org/​modeling/​mdt/?​project=sbvr|The Model Development Tools (MDT)]] project focuses on modeling within the Modeling project. Its purpose is twofold: 
-     - To provide an implementation of industry standard metamodels. 
-     - To provide exemplary tools for developing models based on those metamodels. 
-The next release of MDT is tentatively scheduled for the end of June 2008. For the previous release, see New & Noteworthy. 
-**SBVR** provides a metamodel implementation and sample tools based on the adopted Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) OMG specification. 
-The objectives of the SBVR component are to provide: 
-    * an open source "​reference"​ implementation of the SBVR specification 
-    * an EMF-based foundation on which business vocabulary and business rules modeling tools can be built 
-    * a basis for integrating and interchanging artifacts between business vocabulary and business rules tools 
-    * a forum for engaging the community in validation of the SBVR specification 
-In addition to an implementation of the SBVR metamodel, this component will include sample tools that aid in testing and validating the metamodel implementation,​ and that help SBVR newcomers to better understand its use and potential. 
-    * Project Explorer navigator view for business vocabularies and rules 
-    * Import business vocabulary from UML domain models 
-    * Code generation to Platform-Independent Model (PIM) technologies,​ such as UML and OCL 
-For more details on SBVR, see the Wiki. 
-**Downloads coming soon!** 
-===== 2. Modelling '​thermostat'​ in SBVR ===== 
-This is attempt to map '​thermostat',​ modelled in ARD, to SBVR. 
-This is the ARD model of '​thermostat':​ 
-{{:​pl:​miw:​miw08_bizrulesvocabularies:​thermostatard.png|ARDthermostat}} ​ 
-All process of building this diagram is [[hekate:​hekate_case_thermostat|here]] 
-There are phrases of strucural language presented SBVR model of '​thermostat':​ 
-== Vocabulary == 
-  * office - local, where thermostat is installed 
-  * business hours (bizhrs) - time, when office is occupied 
-  * (nbizhrs) - time, when office isn't occupied 
-  * workday - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday ​ 
-  * weekend - Saturday, Sunday 
-  * spring - March, April, May 
-  * summer - June, July, August 
-  * fall - September, October, November 
-  * winter - January, February, December 
-== Rules == 
-  * It is necessary, that in winter, on business hours, on workday, thermostat keep temperature 25 degrees Celsius in office. 
-  * It is necessary, that in winter, beside business hours, on workday, thermostat keep temperature 18 degrees Celsius in office. 
-  * It is necessary, that in winter, all weekend, thermostat keep temperature 18 degrees Celsius in office. 
-  * It is necessary, that in spring, on business hours, on workday, thermostat keep temperature 20 degrees Celsius in office. 
-  * It is necessary, that in spring, beside business hours, on workday, thermostat keep temperature 15 degrees Celsius in office. 
-  * It is necessary, that in spring, all weekend, thermostat keep temperature 15 degrees Celsius in office. 
-  * It is necessary, that in summer, on business hours thermostat keep temperature 24 degrees Celsius in office. 
-  * It is necessary, that in summer, beside business hours thermostat keep temperature 27 degrees Celsius in office. 
-  * It is necessary, that in summer, all weekend, thermostat keep temperature 27 degrees Celsius in office. 
-  * It is necessary, that in fall, on business hours thermostat keep temperature 20 degrees Celsius in office. 
-  * It is necessary, that in fall, beside business hours thermostat keep temperature 16 degrees Celsius in office. 
-  * It is necessary, that in fall, all weekend, thermostat keep temperature 16 degrees Celsius in office. 
-===== 3. Transformation of SBVR Business Design to UML Models ===== 
-==== 3.1. Introduction ==== 
-Here is presented a methodology for transforming business 
-designs written in OMG’s standard Semantics of Business 
-Vocabulary and Rules (SBVR) framework, into a set 
-of UML models. It involves the transformation of business 
-vocabulary and rules written in SBVR’s ”Structured English” 
-into a set of UML diagrams, which includes Activity 
-Diagram(AD),​ Sequence Diagram(SD),​ and Class Diagram( 
-CD). This transformation works by detecting the distinction 
-between rules which will participate in the construction 
-of Activity Diagram and rules which do not. These 
-rules are imperative in nature. The work in the paper also 
-includes the detection of activities embedded implicitly in 
-those rules and establishment of sequence between those activities. 
-These activities incur some action. We also detect 
-their owner and refer to them as the doer of the action. This 
-plays a very important role in the development of Class Diagrams. 
-==== 3.2. SBVR toUMLActivity Diagram Mapping Rules ==== 
-This section mainly deals with the mapping of SBVR components 
-to UML Activity diagram components. 
-=== 3.2.1. Initial Node === 
-This is the start state of the activity diagram. It doesn’t 
-play a very important role but significantly shows the starting 
-point of a scenario. We have given it a default name 
-=== 3.2.2. Activity Node === 
-As we have already discussed in section 3.3, the fact types 
-having transitive verbs will be assumed as the activity node. 
-=== 3.2.3. Activity Edge === 
-An activity edge is a set of event, guard conditions and 
-actions which allows the transition from one activity node 
-to another activity node. An event is the trigger of the 
-transition. Upon triggering the transition, the condition is 
-checked, if the condition holds true, then the corresponding 
-action occurs and brings another activity into existence. It 
-is not necessary that a transition must have trigger. Transitions 
-without the trigger is known as trigger less transitions. 
-A typical SBVR operative rule may be written as: 
-upon event, ​ 
-if <​propositional expression 2>, then 
-<​propositional expression 1> 
-But we are using the following format of operative business 
-rules in SBVR 
-<​propositional expression 1> [if <​propositional expression 2>] 
-So, the mapping from these type of SBVR rules to UML 
-AD will create the trigger less transitions. The propositional 
-expression 2 will help to find out the guard condition and 
-propositional expression 1 will help to find out the action. 
-  * Guard Condition: Assume an operative business rule like given below. The propositional expression 2 in 
-it is obligatory that each atm request exactly one password if a user inserts card 
-if clause refers to the fact type ’user inserts card’. Depending 
-upon the fact type, we are creating a boolean 
-variable like ’inserts card’. And the guard condition 
-will become ’insert card == true’ as shown in Table 1. 
-Fact Type Corresponding Boolean Variable Corresponding condition 
-user inserts card inserts card inserts card = true 
-atm request password request password request password = true  ​ 
-  * Action: These are the actions which should be invoked during the transition from one activity to another. 
-For example in the above rule, if a user inserts a card in the atm, then the atm will do an action 
-”request password”. What we are doing is taking the propositional expression 1 and find out the corresponding 
-fact type. Merging of verb and last term of the fact type will create the name of the action like 
-”request password()” 
-=== 3.2.4. ForkNode/​JoinNode === 
-  * ForkNode: This is a pseudo-state where one transition 
-is coming and multiple parallel transitions are going 
-out of it. A SBVR rule like ”’it is obligatory that 
-each atm print exactly one receipt and each atm eject 
-the card if bank return badAccountmessage”’ represent 
-the enforcement of two activities ”’atm print receipt”’ 
-and ”’atm eject card”’ on the delivery of bad account 
-message from the bank. This situation will generate 
-the fork state. There will be an incoming transition 
-having the guard condition ”’return badAccountmessage 
-== true”’ and two outgoing parallel transitions 
-pointing toward activities ”’atm print receipt”’ and ”’atm 
-eject card”’. 
-  * JoinNode: This is another pseudo-state where multiple 
-parallel transitions are coming and only one transition 
-is outgoing. The generation of this state will be 
-same as the above except there will be multiple guard 
-conditions and only one outgoing transition. 
-=== 3.2.5. ActivityGroup === 
-The ActivityGroup in UML activity diagrams are generally 
-known as swimlanes which basically represents who 
-is doing the activity. The entity doing an activity will be 
-referred as the giver of the activity. As we have already discussed 
-that the representation of fact type(activity) can be 
-of two type, active form and passive form. In a sentence having 
-an active, transitive verb, the giver of the action of the 
-verb is the subject of the sentence. In English, the ”giver” 
-corresponds to the object filling the role of the first placeholder 
-in the fact type form, e.g. ”customer” in ”customer 
-places order.” If the fact type form is passive, e.g. ”order 
-is placed by customer,​” it is the reverse. These means the 
-same thing. They are synonymous forms. Facts of either of 
-these forms would be logically equivalent. 
-=== 3.2.6. Activity Final Node === 
-This is the point in an activity diagram where all the 
-activities get end up. We are creating a default end state 
-with the default name ”End”. 
-==== Mappin ARD '​thermostat'​ to Activity Diagram ==== 
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