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pl:miw:miw08_hekateatl [2008/03/11 11:21]
pl:miw:miw08_hekateatl [2008/10/10 17:07]
Linia 1: Linia 1:
-====== Opis ======= 
-Marek Mierzwa, <​mierzwa.marek@gmail.com> ​ 
-Jakub Ostrowski, <​kubaostrowski@gmail.com>​ 
-How we could use Atlas for ARD, XTT, design and integration?​ ATL: Atlas Transformation.... eclipse 
-  * input 
-  * output 
-====== Spotkania ====== 
-===== 08.02.26 ===== 
-  * szto eta atlas? demo 
-[[http://​modelware.inria.fr/​rubrique.php3?​id_rubrique=12|Co nieco o ATL]] 
-[[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​ATLAS_Transformation_Language|ATL Wikipedia eng]] 
-[[http://​www.eclipse.org/​m2m/​atl/​|ATLAS i Eclipse]] 
-[[http://​www.eclipse.org/​m2m/​atl/​doc/​ATL_User_Manual%5Bv0.7%5D.pdf|ATL User Manual]] 
-[[http://​www.eclipse.org/​m2m/​atl/​doc/​ATLUseCase_Families2Persons.pdf |Prezentacja prostego przykladu uzycia ATL(takie "Hello World" dla ATL)]] 
-[[http://​www.eclipse.org/​m2m/​atl/​usecases/​index.php|Przyklady uzycia]] ​ 
-[[http://​www.eclipse.org/​m2m/​atl/​publication.php|Publikacje o ATL]] 
-===== 08.03.11 ===== 
-  * model [[hekate:​hekate_concepts#​ard|ARD]] w ATL 
-  * kod XMI (Source Model) 
- <​code>​ package ARD { 
- class Wlasnosc { 
- attribute name : String; 
- reference atrybuty[*] container : Atrybut opposite of wlasnocAtrybut;​ 
- reference dependency container : Wlasnosc opposite of dependencyAtrybut;​ 
- reference dependencyWlasnosc[*] : Wlasnosc opposite of dependency; 
- } 
- class Atrybut { 
- attribute name : String; 
- reference wlasnoscAtrybut[0-1] : Wlasnosc opposite of atrybuty; 
- } 
-package Primitive Types { 
- datatype String; 
-   * przyklad kodu KM3 (Source Metamodel) (the lowest level) 
-<Ard name="​thermostat">​ 
- <​property name="​month"/>​ 
- <​property name="​day"/>​ 
- <​property name="​hour"/>​ 
- <​property name="​today">​ 
- <​dependency name="​day"/>​ 
- </​property>​ 
- <​property name="​operation">​ 
- <​dependency name="​today"/>​ 
- <​dependency name="​hour"/>​ 
- </​property>​ 
- ... 
-====== Projekt ====== 
-====== Sprawozdanie ====== 
-====== Materiały ====== 
pl/miw/miw08_hekateatl.txt · ostatnio zmienione: 2019/06/27 15:50 (edycja zewnętrzna)
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