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pl:miw:miw08_semantic_wiki [2008/03/18 16:04]
pl:miw:miw08_semantic_wiki [2008/06/14 15:08]
Linia 1: Linia 1:
-====== Opis ====== 
-Marcin Juszkiewicz,​ <​monitorr@interia.pl>​ 
-prolog wiki plugin, [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Semantic_wiki|semantic wiki]] research, comparison 
-====== Spotkania ====== 
-<swp goal="​spotkanie(X)"​ scope="​pl:​miw"/>​ 
-swipl -f mojpliktymcz.pl -g '​spotkanie(X),​write(X),​halt.'​ 
-===== 08.03.04 ===== 
-  * ogólnie: kto coś już z tym robił? 
-  - http://​korrekt.org/​papers/​KroetzschVrandecicVoelkelHaller_SemanticMediaWiki_2007.pdf 
-  - http://​www.semanticwiki.com/​ 
-  - http://​www2006.org/​programme/​files/​xhtml/​4039/​xhtml/​fp4039-voelkel.html 
-  - http://​argentera.inria.fr/​wiki/​data/​Main/​MainHome.jsp 
-  * przechowywanie wiedzy semantycznej w wiki 
-  - http://​pediaview.com/​openpedia/​Resource_Description_Framework 
-  - http://​pediaview.com/​openpedia/​Web_Ontology_Language 
-  * przechowywanie //reguł// w wiki 
-  - http://​wiki.splitbrain.org/​wiki:​syntax 
-  - http://​kaukoluwiki.opendfki.de/​wiki/​SemanticWikiSyntax 
-  - http://​www.xml.com/​pub/​a/​2006/​12/​13/​semantic-wikis-and-disaster-relief-operations.html?​page=2 
-===== 08.03.18 ===== 
-  * plugin w php do dokuwiki, urucham po stronie serwera swiprolog 
-  - http://​student.agh.edu.pl/​~mjuszkie/​miw.txt 
-  - http://​gollem.science.uva.nl/​SWI-Prolog/​Manual/​compilation.html 
-====== Projekt ====== 
-====== Sprawozdanie ====== 
-====== Materiały ====== 
-===== Wybrane Wikis ===== 
-  * [[http://​semantic-mediawiki.org/​|SemanticMediaWiki]] 
-  * [[http://​ikewiki.salzburgresearch.at/​|Ike Wiki]] 
-  * [[http://​argentera.inria.fr/​|SweetWiki]] 
-===== Propozycja Dr Wojnickiego ===== 
-To support AI teaching process and idea of a Semantic Wiki based on Prolog emerged. 
-It would support running Prolog code on the web server while rendering a wiki page. 
-Contents of such a page consists of a human-readable text, and optionally images, attachments etc, and a machine-readable and automatically interpreted knowledge expressing what the page is about. 
-To support Prolog programming within the wiki there is an ongoing prototype implementation of a Prolog inference engine embedded into a DokuWiki system working as its extension. 
-It is called Prolog DokuWiki. 
-As a result, in addition to text-based human-readable contents, there are Prolog clauses embedded into wiki pages. 
-These clauses can be automatically interpreted upon requesting the page. 
-Results of the interpretation (inference) process are directly rendered into the page. 
-This constitutes a Semantic Wiki System based on Prolog. 
-It is similar, to some extent, to the semantic wiki systems currently available (Semantic MediaWIki, IkeWiki, SweetWiki). 
-Other semantic wiki systems use XML to annotate gathered information semantically while Prolog DokuWiki uses Prolog language clauses. 
-Furthermore,​ the clauses are interpreted upon displaying a given page. 
-The extension introduces a new element indicated by a tag called ''​prolog''​. 
-Any text within the element is treated as Prolog clauses, it is interpreted by an externally launched Prolog inference engine. 
-As the inference engine SWI-Prolog is used. 
-Upon rendering a page with a ''​prolog''​ element, the wiki system launches the inference engine which process clauses within the tag. 
-Standard output of the inference process is displayed in place of the element. 
-There are special predicates which allow populating knowledge base with clauses from arbitrary chosen pages or namespaces. 
-There is a ''​wiki/​1''​ predicate defined which triggers the inference engine to interpret clauses embedded within other wiki pages. 
-If the first argument is a valid wiki page, the predicate browses it and interprets (consults) all clauses within ''​prolog''​ tags on this page. 
-If the argument is a namespace it browses all pages from this namespace and interprets all clauses found within the pages. 
-There is another predicate ''​wiki_recursive/​1''​ which interprets clauses from all pages in the given as a first argument namespace and all namespaces within it recursively. 
pl/miw/miw08_semantic_wiki.txt · ostatnio zmienione: 2019/06/27 15:50 (edycja zewnętrzna)
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