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Marek Mierzwa, Jakub Ostrowski,

How we could use Atlas for ARD, XTT, design and integration? ATL: Atlas Transformation…. eclipse

  • input
  • output




  • model ARD w ATL


  • próba opisu całego ARD z TPH przy pomocy HML jako p. wyjścia dla XMI


  • przyklad kodu KM3 (Source Metamodel)
 package ARD {

	class Wlasnosc {

		attribute name : String;

		reference atrybuty[*] container : Atrybut opposite of wlasnocAtrybut;

		reference dependency container : Wlasnosc opposite of dependencyAtrybut;

		reference dependencyWlasnosc[*] : Wlasnosc opposite of dependency;

	class Atrybut {

		attribute name : String;

		reference wlasnoscAtrybut[0-1] : Wlasnosc opposite of atrybuty;

package Primitive Types {

	datatype String;
  • kod XMI (Source Model) (the lowest level)
<Ard name="thermostat">

	<property name="month"/>

	<property name="day"/>

	<property name="hour"/>

	<property name="today">

		<dependency name="day"/>


	<property name="operation">

		<dependency name="today"/>

		<dependency name="hour"/>

  • opis ARD z TPH przy pomocy HML jako p. wyjścia dla XMI
<hml name = "termostat">
		<att name = "thermostat" id = "att_0"/>
		<att name = "time" id = "att_1"/>
		<att name = "temperature" id = "att_2"/>
		<att name = "date" id = "att_3"/>
		<att name = "thermostat_settings" id = "att_4"/>
		<att name = "operation" id = "att_5"/>
		<att name = "season" id = "att_6"/>
		<att name = "today" id = "att_7"/>
		<att name = "hour" id = "att_8"/>
		<att name = "month" id = "att_9"/>
		<att name = "day" id = "att_10"/>					
		<property name = "thermostat_pr" id="prp_0">
			<attref ref = "att_0"/>
		<property name = "time_temp_pr" id="prp_1">
			<attref ref = "att_1"/>
			<attref ref = "att_2"/>
		<property name = "time_pr" id="prp_2">
			<attref ref = "att_1"/>
		<property name = "temperature" id="prp_3">
			<attref ref = "att_2"/>
		<property name = "date_hour_seasion_operation_pr" id="prp_4">
			<attref ref = "att_3"/>
			<attref ref = "att_8"/>
			<attref ref = "att_6"/>
			<attref ref = "att_5"/>
		<property name = "date_hour_pr" id="prp_5">
			<attref ref = "att_3"/>
			<attref ref = "att_8"/>
		<property name = "season_operation_pr" id="prp_6">
			<attref ref = "att_6"/>
			<attref ref = "att_5"/>
		<property name = "day_month_today_pr" id="prp_7">
			<attref ref = "att_10"/>
			<attref ref = "att_9"/>
			<attref ref = "att_7"/>
		<property name = "day_today_pr" id="prp_8">
			<attref ref = "att_10"/>
			<attref ref = "att_7"/>
		<property name = "thermostat_settings_pr" id="prp_9">
			<attref ref = "att_0"/>
		<property name = "operation_pr" id="prp_10">
			<attref ref="att_1"/>
		<property name = "season_pr" id="prp_11">
			<attref ref="att_2"/>
		<property name = "today_pr" id="prp_12">
		    <attref ref="att_3"/>
		<property name = "hour_pr" id="prp_13">
		    <attref ref="att_4"/>
		<property name = "month_pr" id = "prp_14">
			<attref ref = "att_5"/>
		<property name = "day_pr" id = "prp_15">
			<attref ref = "att_6"/>
		<property name = "date" id = "prp_16">
			<attref ref = "att_3"/>
    	<trans src="prp_0" dst="prp_1"/>
		<trans src="prp_1" dst="prp_2"/>
		<trans src="prp_1" dst="prp_3"/>
		<trans src="prp_2" dst="prp_4"/>
		<trans src="prp_3" dst="prp_9"/>
		<trans src="prp_4" dst="prp_5"/>
		<trans src="prp_4" dst="prp_6"/>
		<trans src="prp_5" dst="prp_13"/>
		<trans src="prp_5" dst="prp_16"/>
		<trans src="prp_6" dst="prp_10"/>
		<trans src="prp_6" dst="prp_11"/>
		<trans src="prp_16" dst="prp_7"/>
		<trans src="prp_7" dst="prp_14"/>
		<trans src="prp_7" dst="prp_8"/>
		<trans src="prp_8" dst="prp_15"/>
		<trans src="prp_8" dst="prp_12"/>
    	<dep independent="prp_15" dependent="prp_12"/>
		<dep independent="prp_14" dependent="prp_11"/>
		<dep independent="prp_13" dependent="prp_10"/>
		<dep independent="prp_12" dependent="prp_10"/>
		<dep independent="prp_10" dependent="prp_9"/>
		<dep independent="prp_11" dependent="prp_9"/>



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