Acyclic path 2
Path-finding in a graph, acyclic path with cost
Source: PROLOG programming for artificial intelligence, 3rd Edition, Harlow, 2001, ISBN 0-201-40375-7.
% Figure 9.21 Path-finding in a graph: Path is
% an acyclic path with cost Cost from A to Z in Graph.
:- op( 900, fy, not).
% path( A, Z, Graph, Path, Cost):
% Path is an acyclic path with cost Cost from A to Z in Graph
path( A, Z, Graph, Path, Cost) :-
path1( A, [Z], 0, Graph, Path, Cost).
path1( A, [A | Path1], Cost1, Graph, [A | Path1], Cost1).
path1( A, [Y | Path1], Cost1, Graph, Path, Cost) :-
adjacent( X, Y, CostXY, Graph),
not member( X, Path1),
Cost2 is Cost1 + CostXY,
path1( A, [X, Y | Path1], Cost2, Graph, Path, Cost).
% not Goal): negation as failure;
% Note: This is often available as a built-in predicate,
% often written as prefix operator "\+", e.g. \+ likes(mary,snakes)
not Goal :-
Goal, !, fail