% Figure 15.11 An interpreter for belief networks.
:- op( 900, fy, not).
% not Goal): negation as failure;
% Note: This is often available as a built-in predicate,
% often written as prefix operator "\+", e.g. \+ likes(mary,snakes)
not Goal :-
Goal, !, fail
% Reasoning in belief networks
% Belief network is represented by relations:
% parent( ParentNode, Node)
% p( Node, ParentStates, Prob)
% where Prob is conditional probability of Node given
% values of parent variables ParentStates, for example:
% p( alarm, [ burglary, not earthquake], 0.99)
% p( Node, Prob)
% probability of node without parents
% prob( Event, Condition, P):
% probability of Event, given Cond, is P;
% Event is a variable, its negation, or a list
% of simple events representing their conjunction
prob( [X | Xs], Cond, P) :- !, % Probability of conjunction
prob( X, Cond, Px),
prob( Xs, [X | Cond], PRest),
P is Px * PRest.
prob( [], _, 1) :- !. % Empty conjunction
prob( X, Cond, 1) :-
member( X, Cond), !. % Cond implies X
prob( X, Cond, 0) :-
member( not X, Cond), !. % Cond implies X is false
prob( not X, Cond, P) :- !, % Probability of negation
prob( X, Cond, P0),
P is 1 - P0.
% Use Bayes rule if condition involves a descendant of X
prob( X, Cond0, P) :-
delete( Y, Cond0, Cond),
predecessor( X, Y), !, % Y is a descendant of X
prob( X, Cond, Px),
prob( Y, [X | Cond], PyGivenX),
prob( Y, Cond, Py),
P is Px * PyGivenX / Py. % Assuming Py > 0
% Cases when condition does not involve a descendant
prob( X, Cond, P) :-
p( X, P), !. % X a root cause - its probability given
prob( X, Cond, P) :- !,
findall( (CONDi,Pi), p(X,CONDi,Pi), CPlist), % Conditions on parents
sum_probs( CPlist, Cond, P).
% sum_probs( CondsProbs, Cond, WeigthedSum)
% CondsProbs is a list of conditions and corresponding probabilities,
% WeightedSum is weighted sum of probabilities of Conds given Cond
sum_probs( [], _, 0).
sum_probs( [ (COND1,P1) | CondsProbs], COND, P) :-
prob( COND1, COND, PC1),
sum_probs( CondsProbs, COND, PRest),
P is P1 * PC1 + PRest.
predecessor( X, not Y) :- !, % Negated variable Y
predecessor( X, Y).
predecessor( X, Y) :-
parent( X, Y).
predecessor( X, Z) :-
parent( X, Y),
predecessor( Y, Z).
member( X, [X | _]).
member( X, [_ | L]) :-
member( X, L).
delete( X, [X | L], L).
delete( X, [Y | L], [Y | L2]) :-
delete( X, L, L2).