Trees game
A game tree
Source: PROLOG programming for artificial intelligence, 3rd Edition, Harlow, 2001, ISBN 0-201-40375-7.
% A game tree (Figure 22.2 translated to Prolog)
% moves( Position, PositionList): possible moves
moves( a, [b,c]).
moves( b, [d,e]).
moves( c, [f,g]).
moves( d, [i,j]).
moves( e, [k,l]).
moves( f, [m,n]).
moves( g, [o,p]).
% min_to_move( Pos): Player 'min' to move in Pos
min_to_move( b).
min_to_move( c).
% max_to_move Pos): Player 'max' to move in Pos
max_to_move( a).
max_to_move( d).
max_to_move( e).
max_to_move( f).
max_to_move( g).
% staticval( Pos, Value): Value is the static value of Pos
staticval( i, 1).
staticval( j, 4).
staticval( k, 5).
staticval( l, 6).
staticval( m, 2).
staticval( n, 1).
staticval( o, 1).
staticval( p, 1).