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pl:prolog:pllib:depth-first_search_2 [2019/06/27 15:50] (aktualna)
Linia 1: Linia 1:
 +====== Depth-first search 2 ======
 +{{tag>​trees searching operators}}
 +===== Description =====
 +Depth-first search, This program does not avoid infinite cycling.
 +**Source**: ​ PROLOG programming for artificial intelligence,​ 3rd Edition, Harlow, 2001, ISBN 0-201-40375-7.
 +===== Download =====
 +Program source code: {{depth-first_search_2.pl}}
 +===== Listing =====
 +<code prolog>
 +% Figure 13.8: Depth-first search for AND/OR graphs. This program
 +% does not avoid infinite cycling. Procedure '​solve'​ finds a solution ​
 +% tree, procedure '​show'​ displayes such a tree. '​show'​ assumes that 
 +% each node on output only takes 1 characetr.
 +%  Depth-first AND/OR search
 +%  solve( Node, SolutionTree):​
 +%    find a solution tree for Node in an AND/OR graph
 +:-  op( 500, xfx, :).
 +:-  op( 600, xfx, ---> ).
 +solve( Node, Node)  :-              % Solution tree of goal node is Node itself
 +  goal(Node).
 +solve( Node, Node ---> Tree)  :-
 +  Node ---> or:​Nodes, ​              % Node is an OR-node
 +  member( Node1, Nodes), ​           % Select a successor Node1 of Node
 +  solve( Node1, Tree).
 +solve( Node, Node ---> and:​Trees) ​ :-
 +  Node ---> and:​Nodes, ​             % Node is an AND-node
 +  solveall( Nodes, Trees). ​         % Solve all Node's successors
 +% solveall( [Node1,​Node2,​ ...], [SolutionTree1,​SolutionTree2,​ ...])
 +solveall( [], []).
 +solveall( [Node|Nodes],​ [Tree|Trees]) ​ :-
 +  solve( Node, Tree),
 +  solveall( Nodes, Trees).
 +%  Displaying a solution tree
 +show(Tree) ​ :-                   % Display solution tree
 +  show(Tree,​0),​ !.               % Indented by 0
 +% show( Tree, H): display solution tree indented by H
 +show( Node ---> Tree, H)  :-  !,
 +  write(Node),​ write('​ ---> '),
 +  H1 is H + 7,
 +  show( Tree, H1).
 +show( and:[T], H)  :-  !,        % Display single AND tree
 +  show(T,H).
 +show( and:[T|Ts], H)  :-  !,     % Display AND-list of solution trees
 +  show( T, H),
 +  tab(H),
 +  show( and:Ts, H).
 +show( Node, H) :-
 +  write(Node),​ nl.
 +===== Comments =====
pl/prolog/pllib/depth-first_search_2.txt · ostatnio zmienione: 2019/06/27 15:50 (edycja zewnętrzna)
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