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pl:prolog:pllib:lee_routing [2019/06/27 15:50]
pl:prolog:pllib:lee_routing [2019/06/27 15:50] (aktualna)
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 +====== Lee routing ======
 +===== Description =====
 +Lee routing ​
 +**Source**: ​ The Art of Prolog
 +===== Download =====
 +Program source code: {{lee_routing.pl}}
 +===== Listing =====
 +<code prolog>
 +    lee_route(Source,​Destination,​Obstacles,​Path) :-
 + Path is a minimal length path from Source to
 + Destination which does not cross Obstacles.
 +:-  op( 900, fy, not).
 +     ​lee_route(A,​B,​Obstacles,​Path) :- 
 + waves(B,​[[A],​[]],​Obstacles,​Waves),​
 + path(A,​B,​Waves,​Path).
 +    waves(Destination,​Wavessofar,​Obstacles,​Waves) :-
 + Waves is a list of waves including Wavessofar
 + (except,​perhaps,​its last wave) that leads to Destination
 + without crossing Obstacles.
 +     ​waves(B,​[Wave|Waves],​Obstacles,​Waves) :- member(B,​Wave),​ !.
 +     ​waves(B,​[Wave,​LastWave|LastWaves],​Obstacles,​Waves) :- 
 +         ​next_wave(Wave,​LastWave,​Obstacles,​NextWave), ​
 + waves(B,​[NextWave,​Wave,​LastWave|LastWaves],​Obstacles,​Waves).
 +    next_waves(Wave,​LastWave,​Obstacles,​NextWave) :-
 + Nextwave is the set of admissible points from Wave,
 + that is excluding points from Lastwave, Wave, 
 + and points under Obstacles.
 +     ​next_wave(Wave,​LastWave,​Obstacles,​NextWave) :​-  ​
 +         ​findall(X,​admissible(X,​Wave,​LastWave,​Obstacles),​NextWave).
 +     ​admissible(X,​Wave,​LastWave,​Obstacles) :​-  ​
 +         ​adjacent(X,​Wave,​Obstacles), ​
 + not member(X,​LastWave), ​
 + not member(X,​Wave).
 +     ​adjacent(X,​Wave,​Obstacles) :- 
 + member(X1,​Wave), ​
 + neighbor(X1,​X), ​
 + not obstructed(X,​Obstacles).
 +     ​neighbor(X1-Y,​X2-Y) :- next_to(X1,​X2).
 +     ​neighbor(X-Y1,​X-Y2) :- next_to(Y1,​Y2).
 +     ​next_to(X,​X1) :- X1 is X+1.
 +     ​next_to(X,​X1) :- X > 0, X1 is X-1.
 +     ​obstructed(Point,​Obstacles) :-
 + member(Obstacle,​Obstacles),​ obstructs(Point,​Obstacle).
 +     ​obstructs(X-Y,​obstacle(X-Y1,​X2-Y2)) :- Y1 =< Y, Y =< Y2.
 +     ​obstructs(X-Y,​obstacle(X1-Y1,​X-Y2)) :- Y1 =< Y, Y =< Y2.
 +     ​obstructs(X-Y,​obstacle(X1-Y,​X2-Y2)) :- X1 =< X, X =< X2.
 +     ​obstructs(X-Y,​obstacle(X1-Y1,​X2-Y)) :- X1 =< X, X =< X2.
 +   ​path(Source,​Destination,​Waves,​Path) :-
 + Path is a path from Source to destination going through Waves.
 +     ​path(A,​A,​Waves,​[A]) :-  !.
 +     ​path(A,​B,​[Wave|Waves],​[B|Path]) :- 
 +         ​member(B1,​Wave),​ neighbor(B,​B1),​ !, path(A,​B1,​Waves,​Path).
 +% Testing and Data
 + test_lee(Name,​Path) :-
 +    ​data(Name,​A,​B,​Obstacles),​ lee_route(A,​B,​Obstacles,​Path).
 +% Program 16.6 Lee routing ​
 +===== Comments =====
pl/prolog/pllib/lee_routing.txt · ostatnio zmienione: 2019/06/27 15:50 (edycja zewnętrzna)
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