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pl:miw:miw08_rbs_ml:program [2008/06/10 14:22]
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pl:miw:miw08_rbs_ml:program [2008/06/16 13:39]
Linia 1: Linia 1:
-<code = "​csharp">​ 
-using System; 
-using System.Collections.Generic;​ 
-using System.Windows.Forms;​ 
-using System.IO; 
-using System.Text;​ 
-using System.Xml.Serialization;​ 
-namespace Morcinek.Machine_Learning 
- static class Program 
- { 
- /// <​summary>​ 
- /// The main entry point for the application. 
- /// </​summary>​ 
- [STAThread] 
- static void Main() 
- { 
- #region Old 
- object[][] learning; 
- learning = Common.BinaryDeSerialize("​Thermostat_2016.bin"​);​ 
- /​*learning = new object[2016][];​ 
- int index = -1; 
- int day; 
- int oper; 
- int month; 
- for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) // Dni 
- { 
- day = i; 
- for (int j = 0; j < 24; j++) // Godziny 
- { 
- oper = j; 
- for (int k = 0; k < 12; k++) // Miesiące 
- { 
- month = k; 
- learning[++index] = new object[] { (Days)day, oper, (Month)month,​ 0 }; 
- learning[index][3] = Common.CountTemperature(learning[index]);​ 
- } 
- } 
- }*/ 
- int testCollectionLenght = 252; 
- int randValue; 
- Random rand = new Random(); 
- List<​int>​ learningIndexes = new List<​int>​();​ 
- List<​int>​ testingIndexes = new List<​int>​(100);​ 
- for (int i = 0; i < testCollectionLenght;​ i++) 
- { 
- randValue = rand.Next(2015);​ 
- if (!learningIndexes.Contains(randValue)) 
- learningIndexes.Add(randValue);​ 
- else 
- --i; 
- } 
- learningIndexes.Sort();​ 
- for (int i = 0; i < 2016; i++) 
- { 
- if (!learningIndexes.Contains(i)) 
- testingIndexes.Add(i);​ 
- } 
- List<​object[]>​ testingList = new List<​object[]>​();​ 
- foreach (int index in testingIndexes) 
- { 
- testingList.Add(learning[index]);​ 
- } 
- object[][] testing = testingList.ToArray();​ 
- List<​object[]>​ learningList = new List<​object[]>​();​ 
- foreach (int index in learningIndexes) 
- { 
- learningList.Add(learning[index]);​ 
- } 
- object[][] learn = learningList.ToArray();​ 
- //*/ 
- //​Common.BinarySerialize("​Thermostat_2016.bin",​ learning); 
- string[] attributeNames = new string[] { "​DayOfWeek",​ "​Hour",​ "​Month"​ }; 
- //​string[] attributeNames = new string[] { "​Aura",​ "​Temperatura",​ "​Wilgotnosc",​ "​Wiatr"​ }; 
- #​endregion 
- //​DecisionTree decisionTree = new DecisionTree();​ 
- //​decisionTree.Initialize(learn,​ attributeNames);​ 
- int learningLength = 150; 
- Thermostat_252_2016(learningLength);​ 
- } 
- public static void Thermostat_252_2016(int learningLength) 
- { 
- int randValue; 
- object[][] everything; 
- object[][] testing; 
- object[][] learning; 
- DecisionTree decisionTree;​ 
- int goodClassified = 0; 
- everything = Common.BinaryDeSerialize("​Thermostat_2016.bin"​);​ 
- string[] attributeNames = new string[] { "​Day",​ "​Hour",​ "​Month"​ }; 
- Random rand = new Random(); 
- List<​int>​ learningIndexes = new List<​int>​();​ 
- List<​int>​ testingIndexes = new List<​int>​();​ 
- for (int i = 0; i < learningLength;​ i++) 
- { 
- randValue = rand.Next(2015);​ 
- if (!learningIndexes.Contains(randValue)) 
- learningIndexes.Add(randValue);​ 
- else 
- --i; 
- } 
- learningIndexes.Sort();​ 
- for (int i = 0; i < 2016; i++) 
- { 
- if (!learningIndexes.Contains(i)) 
- testingIndexes.Add(i);​ 
- } 
- testing = IndexesToArray(everything,​ testingIndexes);​ 
- learning = IndexesToArray(everything,​ learningIndexes);​ 
- decisionTree = new DecisionTree();​ 
- decisionTree.Initialize(learning,​ attributeNames);​ 
- foreach (object[] row in testing) 
- { 
- if (decisionTree.FindCategory(row) == (int)row[3]) 
- goodClassified++;​ 
- } 
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();​ 
- sb.Append("​Everything is "); 
- sb.Append(goodClassified.ToString());​ 
- sb.Append("/"​);​ 
- sb.Append(testing.Length.ToString());​ 
- Console.Write(sb.ToString());​ 
- string temp = sb.ToString();​ 
- UpdateCorrect(goodClassified);​ //​ Funkcja zapisuje kolejne ilości dobrze sklasyfikowanych przykładów 
- } 
- private static object[][] IndexesToArray(object[][] everything, List<​int>​ indexesList) 
- { 
- List<​object[]>​ testingList = new List<​object[]>​();​ 
- foreach (int index in indexesList) 
- { 
- testingList.Add(everything[index]);​ 
- } 
- return testingList.ToArray();​ 
- } 
- private static void UpdateCorrect(int amount) 
- { 
- List<​int>​ list; 
- XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<​int>​));​ 
- if (File.Exists("​Tests.xml"​)) 
- { 
- TextReader reader = new StreamReader("​Tests.xml"​);​ 
- list = (List<​int>​)serializer.Deserialize(reader);​ 
- reader.Close();​ 
- } 
- else 
- list = new List<​int>​();​ 
- int sum = 0; 
- foreach (int var in list) 
- { 
- sum += var; 
- } 
- double percent = (double) sum / (double)(2016 - 150) / (double)list.Count;​ 
- list.Sort();​ 
- //​list.Add(amount);​ 
- TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter("​Tests.xml"​);​ 
- serializer.Serialize(writer,​ list); 
- writer.Close();​ 
- } 
- } 
pl/miw/miw08_rbs_ml/program.txt · ostatnio zmienione: 2019/06/27 15:50 (edycja zewnętrzna)
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