

Opis projektu

Projekt polega na wyszukaniu aplikacji napisanej w technologii j2ee, zrealizowanej zgodnie z modelem MVC oraz na zapisaniu logiki biznesowej w postaci reguł.

Duke's Bank

Jest to case study zastosowania technologii Java EE 5 do stworzenia przykładowego systemu bankowości elektronicznej. System wyposażony jest w interfejs web, w którym klienci banku mogą zlecać przelewy oraz przeglądać historię transakcji. Pracownicy banku posiadają dostęp do systemu poprzez klienta desktop, w którym mogą zarządzać kontami i użytkownikami.

Architektura aplikacji

Architektura aplikacji

Aplikacje klienckie

Klient web Klient desktop
Klient desktop Klient web


Aplikacja jest napisana w technologii Java EE 5. Warstwa prezentacji została zrealizowana zgodnie z wzorcem MVC (JavaServer Faces 1.2). Aplikację uruchomiliśmy na serwerze aplikacji GlassFish V2.


Reguły opisujące warstwę logiki EJB projektu.

Rule 1:
TxController.checkAccountArgs(BigDecimal amount, String description, Long accountId, Account account)
if amount > 0
and !isEmpty(description)
and exists(accountId)
then account is selectAccount(accountId).
Rule 2:
TxController.withdraw(BigDecimal amount, String description, Long accountId, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankCustomer'
and amount > 0
and checkAccountArgs(amount, description, accountId, account)
and !isCreditAccount(account.type)
and account.balance - amount > 0
then executeTx(-amount, description, account.balance - amount, account).
Rule 3:
TxController.deposit(BigDecimal amount, String description, Long accountId, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankCustomer'
and amount > 0
and checkAccountArgs(amount, description, accountId, account)
and !isCreditAccount(account.type)
then executeTx(amount, description, account.balance + amount, account).
Rule 4:
TxController.makeCharge(BigDecimal amount, String description, Long accountId, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankCustomer'
and amount > 0
and checkAccountArgs(amount, description, accountId, account)
and isCreditAccount(account.type)
and account.balance + amount > account.creditLine
then executeTx(amount, description, account.balance + amount, account).
Rule 5:
TxController.makePayment(BigDecimal amount, String description, Long accountId, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankCustomer'
and amount > 0
and checkAccountArgs(amount, description, accountId, account)
and isCreditAccount(account.type)
then executeTx(amount, description, account.balance - amount, account).
Rule 6:
TxController.transferFunds.rule1(BigDecimal amount, String description, Long fromAccountId, Long toAccountId, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankCustomer'
and amount > 0
and checkAccountArgs(amount, description, fromAccountId, fromAccount)
and checkAccountArgs(amount, description, toAccountId, toAccount)
and isCreditAccount(fromAccount.type)
and isCreditAccount(toAccount.type)
and fromAccount.balance + amount <= fromAccount.creditLine
then executeTx(amount, description, fromAccount.balance + amount, fromAccount), 
     executeTx(-amount, description, toAccount.balance - amount, toAccount).
Rule 7:
TxController.transferFunds.rule2(BigDecimal amount, String description, Long fromAccountId, Long toAccountId, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankCustomer'
and amount > 0
and checkAccountArgs(amount, description, fromAccountId, fromAccount)
and checkAccountArgs(amount, description, toAccountId, toAccount)
and isCreditAccount(fromAccount.type)
and !isCreditAccount(toAccount.type)
and fromAccount.balance + amount <= fromAccount.creditLine
then executeTx(amount, description, fromAccount.balance + amount, fromAccount), 
     executeTx(amount, description, toAccount.balance + amount, toAccount).
Rule 8:
TxController.transferFunds.rule3(BigDecimal amount, String description, Long fromAccountId, Long toAccountId, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankCustomer'
and amount > 0
and checkAccountArgs(amount, description, fromAccountId, fromAccount)
and checkAccountArgs(amount, description, toAccountId, toAccount)
and !isCreditAccount(fromAccount.type)
and isCreditAccount(toAccount.type)
and fromAccount.balance - amount >= 0
then executeTx(-amount, description, fromAccount.balance - amount, fromAccount), 
     executeTx(-amount, description, toAccount.balance - amount, toAccount).
Rule 9:
TxController.transferFunds.rule4(BigDecimal amount, String description, Long fromAccountId, Long toAccountId, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankCustomer'
and amount > 0
and checkAccountArgs(amount, description, fromAccountId, fromAccount)
and checkAccountArgs(amount, description, toAccountId, toAccount)
and !isCreditAccount(fromAccount.type)
and !isCreditAccount(toAccount.type)
and fromAccount.balance - amount >= 0
then executeTx(-amount, description, fromAccount.balance - amount, fromAccount), 
     executeTx(amount, description, toAccount.balance + amount, toAccount).
Rule 10:
TxController.executeTx(BigDecimal amount, String description, BigDecimal newBalance, Account account, UserPrincipal userPricipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankCustomer'
then tx is Tx(account, TimeNow, amount, newBalance, description), persist(tx).
Rule 11:
AccountController.createAccount(AccountDetails details, Long customerId, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankAdmin' 
and !isEmpty(details.type)
and !isEmpty(details.description)
and !isEmpty(details.beginBalanceTimeStamp)
and exists(cusomerId) 
then account is Account(details), persist(account), add(customerId, account).
Rule 12:
AccountController.removeAccount(Long accountId, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankAdmin' 
then remove(accountId).
Rule 13:
AccountController.addCustomerToAccount(Long customerId, Long accountId, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankAdmin' 
and exists(customerId)
and exists(accountId)
then add(customerId, accountId).
Rule 14:
AccountController.removeCustomerFromAccount(Long customerId, Long accountId, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankAdmin' 
and exists(customerId)
and exists(accountId)
then remove(customerId, accountId).
Rule 15:
AccountController.getAccountsOfCustomer(Long customerId, List<AccountDetails> accountDetails)
if exists(customerId)
then accountDetails is selectAccountByCustomer(customerId).
Rule 16:
AccountController.getCustomerIds(Long accountId, List<Long> customers)
if exists(accountId)
then customers is selectAccountCustomers(customerId).
Rule 17:
AccountController.getDetails(Long accountId, AccountDetails accountDetails)
if exists(accountId)
then accountDetails is selectAccount(accountId).
Rule 18:
CustomerController.createCustomer(CustomerDetails details, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankAdmin' 
and !isEmpty(details.firstName)
and !isEmpty(details.lastName)
then customer is Customer(details), persist(customer).
Rule 19:
CustomerController.removeCustomer(Long customerId, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankAdmin' 
and exists(customerId)
then remove(customerId).
Rule 20:
CustomerController.getDetails(Long customerId, CustomerDetails customerDetails)
if exists(customerId)
then Customer(customerDetails) is selectCustomer(customerId).
Rule 21:
CustomerController.getCustomersOfAccount(Long accountId, List<CustomerDetails> customerDetails)
if exists(accountId)
then account is selectAccount(accountId), Customer(customerDetails) is account.customers.
Rule 22:
CustomerController.getCustomersOfLastName(String lastName, List<CustomerDetails> customerDetails, UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
if userPrincipal = 'bankAdmin' 
and !isEmpty(lastName)
then Customer(customerDetails) is selectCustomerByName(lastName).

Źródła i dokumentacja

Kod źródłowy jest do pobrania ze strony producenta Java EE Downloads - należy wybrać „Java EE 5 Samples”. Dokumentacja dostępna jest tu Java EE 5 Tutorial.

Sprint (e-Protokół)

Sprint jest to aplikacja stworzona na potrzeby wydziału EAIiE. Umożliwia obsługę rejestracji użytkowników, tworzenia newsów, zarządzania artykułami, zarządzania kalendarzem. Dodatkowo został stworzony moduł e-Protokół, umożliwiający automatyzację procesu obsługi protokołów w obrębie wydziału EAIiE. E-protokół, obsługuje przepływ e-protokołów od momentu stworzenia, lub importu poprzez obsługę w dziekanacie, dziekanatach katedr, przez prowadzących zajęcia do momentu zamknięcia, wydruku i eksportu e-protokołu.

Sprint e-protokół na borg

Poniżej zaprezentowany jest przepływ biznesowy e-protokołu.

Aplikacja obecnie jest wdrożona na środowisku developerskim. Główne funkcjonalności systemu zostaną wdrożone produkcyjnie w najbliższym czasie, natomiast wdrożenie produkcyjne modułu e-Protokołu przewidziane jest na wrzesień bieżącego roku.

Obecny adres serwisu na środowisku developerskim (dostępny z wewnątrz sieci AGH, bez modułu e-Protokół)

Adres środowiska testowego (zawiera moduł e-Protokół)


Aplikacja jest napisana w technologii Java EE 5. Wzorzec MVC został zrealizowany przy użyciu technologii JavaServer Faces 1.2 (implementacja Facelets) oraz frameworku Seam. Aplikacja jest uruchamiana na serwerze aplikacji JBoss 4.2.2. Silnik bazy danych to PostgreSQL.

Opisanie modułu e-Protokół w postaci reguł

Rule 1:
EProtocolEditForSecretariatBean.editEProtocol.rule1(EProtocolEditForSecretariatBean bean, Boolean isEditingEnabled)
if isEditingEnabled = true
then bean.cancelEditingEProtocol().
Rule 2:
EProtocolEditForSecretariatBean.enableEditingEProtocol.rule1(List assignedLecturersList, Boolean isEditingEnabled)
if assignedLecturersList.length > 0
then isEditingEnabled is false.
Rule 3:
EProtocolEditForSecretariatBean.enableEditingEProtocol.rule2(List assignedLecturersList, Boolean isEditingEnabled)
if assignedLecturersList.length = 0
then isEditingEnabled is true.
Rule 4:
EProtocolEditForSecretariatBean.chooseTheLecturer.rule1(EProtocol selectedEProtocol)
if selectedEProtocol.state = ACCEPTED
then selectedEProtocol.state is NEW.
Rule 5:
EProtocolEditForSecretariatBean.prepareToDeleteTheAssigment.rule1(List lecturersMark, Boolean deletingEnabled)
if markToDelete.length > 0
then deletingEnabled is false.
Rule 6:
EProtocolEditForSecretariatBean.prepareToDeleteTheAssigment.rule2(List lecturersMark, Boolean deletingEnabled)
if markToDelete.length = 0
then deletingEnabled is true.
Rule 7:
EProtocolEditForSecretariatBean.deleteTheAssigment.rule2(List courseUserRels, EProtocol selectedEProtocol)
if courseUserRel.length = 0 and
if selectedEProtocol.state = ACCEPTED
then selectedEProtocol.state is NEW.
Rule 8:
EProtocolEditForSecretariatBean.deleteTheAssigment.rule3(List courseUserRels, List courseUserRelsNotAccepted, EProtocol selectedEProtocol)
if courseUserRel.length > 0 and
if courseUserRelsNotAccepted.length = 0 and
if selectedEProtocol.state = NEW
then selectedEProtocol.state is ACCEPTED.
Rule 9:
EProtocolEditForSecretariatBean.isChangingEnabled.rule1(EProtocol selectedEProtocol, Boolean changing)
if selectedEProtocol.state = CLOSED
then changing is true.
Rule 10:
EProtocolEditForSecretariatBean.isChangingEnabled.rule2(EProtocol selectedEProtocol, Boolean changing)
if selectedEProtocol.state != CLOSED
then changing is false.
Rule 11:
EProtocolEditForLecturerBean.acceptEProtocol.rule1(CourseUserRel rel, Boolean isAcceptedByLecturer)
if rel.state != ACCEPTED 
then rel.state is ACCEPTED, isAcceptedByLecturer is true.
Rule 12:
EProtocolEditForLecturerBean.acceptEProtocol.rule1(CourseUserRel rel, Boolean isAcceptedByLecturer)
if rel.state = ACCEPTED 
then isAcceptedByLecturer is true.
Rule 13:
EProtocolEditForLecturerBean.acceptEProtocol.rule2(List courseUserRels, EProtocol selectedEProtocol)
if courseUserRel = 0 
then selectedEProtocol.state is ACCEPTED.
Rule 14:
EProtocolEditForLecturerBean.acceptEProtocol.rule3(List courseUserRels, List courseUserRelsNotAccepted, EProtocol selectedEProtocol)
if courseUserRel.length > 0 and
if courseUserRelsNotAccepted.length = 0 
then selectedEProtocol.state is ACCEPTED.
Rule 15:
EProtocolEditForLecturerBean.unAcceptEProtocol.rule1(CourseUserRel rel, Boolean isAcceptedByLecturer, EProtocol selectedEProtocol)
if selectedEProtocol.state = ACCEPTED
then selectedEProtocol.state is NEW, rel.state is NEW, isAcceptedByLecturer is false.
Rule 16:
EProtocolEditForLecturerBean.addMarkDateType.rule1(Mark addingMark, Utils util)
if = false
then is util.getFormattedNowDate().
Rule 17:
EProtocolPrintBean.unlockEProtocol.rule1(EProtocol eProtocol, List courseUserRelsNotAccepted)
if eProtocol.state = CLOSED and
if courseUserRelsNotAccepted = 0
then eProtocol.state is ACCEPTED.
Rule 18:
EProtocolPrintBean.unlockEProtocol.rule2(EProtocol eProtocol, List courseUserRelsNotAccepted)
if eProtocol.state = CLOSED and
if courseUserRelsNotAccepted > 0
then eProtocol.state is NEW.
Rule 19:
EProtocolPrintBean.isClosed.rule1(EProtocol eProtocol, Boolean isClosed)
if eProtocol.state = CLOSED 
then isClosed is true.
Rule 20:
EProtocolPrintBean.isClosed.rule2(EProtocol eProtocol, Boolean isClosed)
if eProtocol.state != CLOSED 
then isClosed is false.
Rule 21:
EProtocolStudentListBean.prepareToDeleteStudent.rule1(List studentMarks, Boolean isDeleteEnabled)
if studentMarks.length > 0
then isDeleteEnabled is false.
Rule 22:
EProtocolStudentListBean.prepareToDeleteStudent.rule2(List studentMarks, Boolean isDeleteEnabled)
if studentMarks.length = 0
then isDeleteEnabled is true.
Rule 23:
EProtocolStudentListForCourseBean.prepareToDeleteStudent.rule1(List studentMarksForCourse, Boolean isDeleteEnabled)
if studentMarksForCourse.length > 0
then isDeleteEnabled is false.
Rule 24:
EProtocolStudentListForCourseBean.prepareToDeleteStudent.rule2(List studentMarksForCourse, Boolean isDeleteEnabled)
if studentMarksForCourse.length = 0
then isDeleteEnabled is true.

Źródło projektów Java Enterprise

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