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Analyze how to design CLIPS and Jess rules with XTT2. Model HeKatE cases in Clips/Jess



Przykłady systemów ekspertowych w CLIPS

Aby uruchomić program w CLIPS, należy:

  1. otworzyć plik z rozszerzeniem „clp”,
  2. wybrać z menu Buffer→Load Buffer,
  3. Execution→Run.

Jeśli uruchamiamy program ponownie, musimy wyczyścić listę faktów poleceniem Execution→Reset.

Prosty system wybierający metodę leczenia


System poszerza bazę wiedzy zadając pytania na temat stanu zdrowia chorego. W zależności od udzielonych odpowiedzi potrafi zdiagnozować grypę, odrę, alergię, oraz zaleca odpowiednią terapię.

Program nie sprawdza poprawności udzielanych odpowiedzi. Temperaturę chorego należy podać w skali Fahrenheit'a.


System posiada 15 reguł, w tym:

  • 4 reguły bezargumentowe - są aktywowane po każdym uruchomieniu programu. Każda z nich zadaje pytanie i po uzyskaniu odpowiedzi wstawia odpowiedni fakt,
  • 5 reguł jednoargumentowych,
  • 5 reguł dwuargumentowe,
  • 1 reguła trójargumentowa.

Do liczby argumentów nie wliczałem deklaracji priorytetów.

Po lewej stronie reguł (część wyrażająca warunek) wykorzystano następujące kostrukcje CLIPS-a:

  1. wzorce wymagające istnienia pewnego faktu,
  2. deklaracje priorytetów.

Trzy reguły posiadają zmodyfikowany priorytet:

  • „Measles” - diagnozowanie odry. Posiada podwyższony priotytet, ponieważ w pozostałych regułach założono, że chory nie choruje na odrę.
  • „Allergy1” - obniżony priorytet. Jest sprawdzana jako ostatnia spośród reguł diagnozujących.
  • „None” - obniżony priotytet. Sprawdza, czy zdiagnozowano chorobę. Jeśli nie, zaleca wizytę u lekarza. Do poprawnego działania musi zostać aktywowana na końcu.

Kod programu

(defrule GetTemperature
   (printout t "Enter patient temperature: ")
   (bind ?response (read))
   (assert (temperature ?response)))

(defrule GetSpots
   (printout t "Does the patient have spots (yes or no): ")
   (bind ?response (read))
   (assert (spots ?response)))

(defrule GetRash
   (printout t "Does the patient have a rash (yes or no): ")
   (bind ?response (read))
   (assert (rash ?response)))

(defrule GetSoreThroat
   (printout t "Does the patient have a sore throat (yes or no): ")
   (bind ?response (read))
   (assert (sore_throat ?response)))

; We can also ask for certain information only if necessary. For example,
; it doesn't make sense to ask whether the patient has been innoculated
; unless there is a possiblity of measles.

(defrule GetInnoculated
   (fever high)
   (spots yes)
   (printout t "Has the patient been innoculated for measles (yes or no): ")
   (bind ?response (read))
   (assert (innoculated ?response)))

; Rules for concluding fever from temperature.

; Note that these rules find the patient temperature, and then bind
; it to ?t. The next part uses the test keyword to evaluate the
; conditional expression as true or false.

(defrule Fever1
   (temperature ?t)
   (test (>= ?t 101))
   (assert (fever high))
   (printout t "High fever diagnosed" crlf))

(defrule Fever2
   (temperature ?t)
   (test (and (< ?t 101) (> ?t 98.6)))
   (assert (fever mild))
   (printout t "Mild fever diagnosed" crlf))

; Rules for determining diagnosis on the basis of patient symptoms
; Salience added to give this rule priority

(defrule Measles
   (declare (salience 100))
   (spots yes)
   (innoculated no)
   (fever high)
   (assert (diagnosis measles))
   (printout t "Measles diagnosed" crlf))

; Modified to only fire if no measles

(defrule Allergy1
   (declare (salience -100))
   (and (spots yes)
        (not (diagnosis measles)))      
   (assert (diagnosis allergy))
   (printout t "Allergy diagnosed from spots and lack of measles" crlf))   

(defrule Allergy2
   (rash yes)
   (assert (diagnosis allergy))
   (printout t "Allergy diagnosed from rash" crlf))

(defrule Flu
   (sore_throat yes)
   (fever mild|high)
   (assert (diagnosis flu))
   (printout t "Flu diagnosed" crlf))

; Rules for recommedaing treatments on the basis of
; Diagnosis facts created.

(defrule Penicillin
   (diagnosis measles)
   (assert (treatment penicillin))
   (printout t "Penicillin prescribed" crlf))

(defrule Allergy_pills
   (diagnosis allergy)
   (assert (treatment allergy_shot))
   (printout t "Allergy shot prescribed" crlf))

(defrule Bed_rest
   (diagnosis flu)
   (assert (treatment bed_rest))
   (printout t "Bed rest prescribed" crlf))

(defrule None
   (declare (salience -100))
   (not (diagnosis ?))
   (printout t "No diagnosis possible -- consult human expert" crlf))

Automotive Expert System


System diagnozuje rodzaj awarii samochodu.


Ten przykład jest bardziej złożony od poprzedniego. Program wykorzystuje dwie funkcje służące do zadawania pytań: ask-question wymaga, aby odpowiedź należała do określonego zbioru, natomiast yes-or-no-p jest zawężeniem poprzedniej - akceptuje odpowiedzi yes i no.

System zawiera 14 reguł:

  • 1 regułę bezagrumentową - banner wyświetlany zaraz po uruchomieniu,
  • 3 reguły jednoargumentowe,
  • 4 reguły dwuargumentowe,
  • 4 reguły trójargumentowe,
  • 2 reguły czteroargumentowe.

Po lewej stronie reguł (część wyrażająca warunek) wykorzystano następujące kostrukcje CLIPS-a:

  1. wzorce wymagające instnienia pewnego faktu,
  2. wzorce wymagające nieistnienia pewnego faktu,
  3. połączenie przypadków 1 i 2 łącznikami logicznymi and, or,
  4. deklaracje priorytetów.

Po prawej stronie (część wykonywana po spełnieniu warunku) wielokrotnie znalazły się istrukcje if-then-else w celu zadania dodatkowego pytania.

W systemie zmodyfikowano priorytety reguł:

  • podwyższony priorytet normal-engine-state-conclusions i unsatisfactory-engine-state-conclusions -

zapewniają wstawienie faktów związanych ze stanem silnika przed dalszą pracą,

  • podwyższony priorytet system-banner - wypisuje powitalny banner po uruchomieniu,
  • podwyższony priorytet print-repair - wypisuje po zakończeniu diagnostyki, co musimy naprawić,
  • obniżony priorytet no-repairs - informuje, że nie udało się zdiagnozować uszkodzenia.

Kod programu

;;;   Automotive Expert System
;;;     This expert system diagnoses some simple
;;;     problems with a car.
;;;     CLIPS Version 6.0 Example
;;;     To execute, merely load, reset and run.


(deffunction ask-question (?question $?allowed-values)
   (printout t ?question)
   (bind ?answer (read))
   (if (lexemep ?answer) 
       then (bind ?answer (lowcase ?answer)))
   (while (not (member ?answer ?allowed-values)) do
      (printout t ?question)
      (bind ?answer (read))
      (if (lexemep ?answer) 
          then (bind ?answer (lowcase ?answer))))

(deffunction yes-or-no-p (?question)
   (bind ?response (ask-question ?question yes no y n))
   (if (or (eq ?response yes) (eq ?response y))
       then TRUE 
       else FALSE))


(defrule normal-engine-state-conclusions ""
   (declare (salience 10))
   (working-state engine normal)
   (assert (repair "No repair needed."))
   (assert (spark-state engine normal))
   (assert (charge-state battery charged))
   (assert (rotation-state engine rotates)))

(defrule unsatisfactory-engine-state-conclusions ""
   (declare (salience 10))
   (working-state engine unsatisfactory)
   (assert (charge-state battery charged))
   (assert (rotation-state engine rotates)))


(defrule determine-engine-state ""
   (not (working-state engine ?))
   (not (repair ?))
   (if (yes-or-no-p "Does the engine start (yes/no)? ") 
       (if (yes-or-no-p "Does the engine run normally (yes/no)? ")
           then (assert (working-state engine normal))
           else (assert (working-state engine unsatisfactory)))
       (assert (working-state engine does-not-start))))

(defrule determine-rotation-state ""
   (working-state engine does-not-start)
   (not (rotation-state engine ?))
   (not (repair ?))   
   (if (yes-or-no-p "Does the engine rotate (yes/no)? ")
       (assert (rotation-state engine rotates))
       (assert (spark-state engine irregular-spark))
       (assert (rotation-state engine does-not-rotate))       
       (assert (spark-state engine does-not-spark))))

(defrule determine-sluggishness ""
   (working-state engine unsatisfactory)
   (not (repair ?))
   (if (yes-or-no-p "Is the engine sluggish (yes/no)? ")
       then (assert (repair "Clean the fuel line."))))

(defrule determine-misfiring ""
   (working-state engine unsatisfactory)
   (not (repair ?))
   (if (yes-or-no-p "Does the engine misfire (yes/no)? ")
       (assert (repair "Point gap adjustment."))       
       (assert (spark-state engine irregular-spark)))) 

(defrule determine-knocking ""
   (working-state engine unsatisfactory)
   (not (repair ?))
   (if (yes-or-no-p "Does the engine knock (yes/no)? ")
       (assert (repair "Timing adjustment."))))

(defrule determine-low-output ""
   (working-state engine unsatisfactory)
   (not (symptom engine low-output | not-low-output))
   (not (repair ?))
   (if (yes-or-no-p "Is the output of the engine low (yes/no)? ")
       (assert (symptom engine low-output))
       (assert (symptom engine not-low-output))))

(defrule determine-gas-level ""
   (working-state engine does-not-start)
   (rotation-state engine rotates)
   (not (repair ?))
   (if (not (yes-or-no-p "Does the tank have any gas in it (yes/no)? "))
       (assert (repair "Add gas."))))

(defrule determine-battery-state ""
   (rotation-state engine does-not-rotate)
   (not (charge-state battery ?))
   (not (repair ?))
   (if (yes-or-no-p "Is the battery charged (yes/no)? ")
       (assert (charge-state battery charged))
       (assert (repair "Charge the battery."))
       (assert (charge-state battery dead))))  

(defrule determine-point-surface-state ""
   (or (and (working-state engine does-not-start)      
            (spark-state engine irregular-spark))
       (symptom engine low-output))
   (not (repair ?))
   (bind ?response 
      (ask-question "What is the surface state of the points (normal/burned/contaminated)? "
                    normal burned contaminated))
   (if (eq ?response burned) 
      (assert (repair "Replace the points."))
       else (if (eq ?response contaminated)
                then (assert (repair "Clean the points.")))))

(defrule determine-conductivity-test ""
   (working-state engine does-not-start)      
   (spark-state engine does-not-spark)
   (charge-state battery charged)
   (not (repair ?))
   (if (yes-or-no-p "Is the conductivity test for the ignition coil positive (yes/no)? ")
       (assert (repair "Repair the distributor lead wire."))
       (assert (repair "Replace the ignition coil."))))

(defrule no-repairs ""
  (declare (salience -10))
  (not (repair ?))
  (assert (repair "Take your car to a mechanic.")))


(defrule system-banner ""
  (declare (salience 10))
  (printout t crlf crlf)
  (printout t "The Engine Diagnosis Expert System")
  (printout t crlf crlf))

(defrule print-repair ""
  (declare (salience 10))
  (repair ?item)
  (printout t crlf crlf)
  (printout t "Suggested Repair:")
  (printout t crlf crlf)
  (format t " %s%n%n%n" ?item))

Animal Identification Expert System


System zadaje pytania dotyczące pewnego, nie znanego mu zwierzęcia. Na podstawie udzielonych informacji podejmuje próbę jego identyfikacji.


Jest to najbardziej złożony przykład spośród prezentowanych. Używa specjalnego silnika symulującego wnioskowanie wsteczne (backward chaining inference engine) symulowanego za pomocą standardowego silnika CLIPS-a. Dzięki temu program posiada nieco inną postać - cała baza wiedzy dotycząca identyfikacji zwierzęcia (zarówno fakty, jak i reguły) jest w całości przedstawiona jako fakty, w formie narzuconej przez silnik. Uzyskano w ten sposób większą przejrzystość. Silnik wstecznego wnioskowania składa się z kilku wydzielonych reguł. Nadano mu ogólną formę, która umożliwia łatwe zastosowanie go w innym programie - wystarczy go przekopiować i dodać fakty w ustalonej konwencji.

Opis silnika

  • postać faktu: (variable ?variable ?value)
    • ?variable - nazwa zmiennej,
    • ?value - jej wartość,
  • pytanie o zmienną, gdy nie znamy jej wartości: (question ?variable ? ?text)
  • zmienna, której wartości szukamy: (goal is ?variable)
  • reguła z jednym warunkiem: (rule (if ?variable ? ?value) (then ?var2 ? ?value2))
  • reguła z dwoma warunkami: (rule (if ?variable ? ?value and $var2 ? ?value2) (then…))
  • nie ma możliwości użycia reguł z więcej niż dwoma warunkami,
  • poprawne odpowiedzi (dotyczy wszystkich pytań): (legalanswers answer1 answer2 …)
  • tekst ?text powiadamiający o znalezieniu celu ?goal: (answer ? ?text ?goal)

Właściwości systemu identyfikacji zwierząt

System został zapisany w kowencji wprowadzonej przez używany silnik:

  • cel: type.animal,
  • dozwolone odpowiedzi na pytania: yes, no,
  • 2 reguły z pojedynczym warunkiem,
  • 83 reguły z dwoma warunkami,
  • 40 pytań.

Kod programu

;;;   Animal Identification Expert System
;;;     A simple expert system which attempts to identify
;;;     an animal based on its characteristics.
;;;     The knowledge base in this example is a 
;;;     collection of facts which represent backward
;;;     chaining rules. CLIPS forward chaining rules are
;;;     then used to simulate a backward chaining inference
;;;     engine.
;;;     CLIPS Version 6.0 Example
;;;     To execute, merely load, reset, and run.
;;;     Answer questions yes or no.


(deftemplate rule 
   (multislot if)
   (multislot then))


(defrule propagate-goal ""
   (goal is ?goal)
   (rule (if ?variable $?)
         (then ?goal ? ?value))
   (assert (goal is ?variable)))

(defrule goal-satified ""
   (declare (salience 30))
   ?f <- (goal is ?goal)
   (variable ?goal ?value)
   (answer ? ?text ?goal)
   (retract ?f)
   (format t "%s%s%n" ?text ?value))

(defrule remove-rule-no-match ""
   (declare (salience 20))
   (variable ?variable ?value)
   ?f <- (rule (if ?variable ? ~?value $?))
   (retract ?f))

(defrule modify-rule-match ""
   (declare (salience 20))
   (variable ?variable ?value)
   ?f <- (rule (if ?variable ? ?value and $?rest))
   (modify ?f (if ?rest)))

(defrule rule-satisfied ""
   (declare (salience 20))
   (variable ?variable ?value)
   ?f <- (rule (if ?variable ? ?value)
               (then ?goal ? ?goal-value))
   (retract ?f)
   (assert (variable ?goal ?goal-value)))

(defrule ask-question-no-legalvalues ""
   (declare (salience 10))
   (not (legalanswers $?))
   ?f1 <- (goal is ?variable)
   ?f2 <- (question ?variable ? ?text)
   (retract ?f1 ?f2)
   (format t "%s " ?text)
   (assert (variable ?variable (read))))

(defrule ask-question-legalvalues ""
   (declare (salience 10))
   (legalanswers ? $?answers)
   ?f1 <- (goal is ?variable)
   ?f2 <- (question ?variable ? ?text)
   (retract ?f1)
   (format t "%s " ?text)
   (printout t ?answers " ")
   (bind ?reply (read))
   (if (member (lowcase ?reply) ?answers) 
     then (assert (variable ?variable ?reply))
          (retract ?f2)
     else (assert (goal is ?variable))))


(deffacts knowledge-base 
   (goal is type.animal)
   (legalanswers are yes no)
   (rule (if backbone is yes) 
         (then superphylum is backbone))
   (rule (if backbone is no) 
         (then superphylum is jellyback))
   (question backbone is "Does your animal have a backbone?")
   (rule (if superphylum is backbone and
          warm.blooded is yes) 
         (then phylum is warm))
   (rule (if superphylum is backbone and
          warm.blooded is no) 
         (then phylum is cold))
   (question warm.blooded is "Is the animal warm blooded?")
   (rule (if superphylum is jellyback and
 is yes) 
         (then phylum is soil))
   (rule (if superphylum is jellyback and
 is no) 
         (then phylum is elsewhere))
   (question is "Does your animal live primarily in soil?")
   (rule (if phylum is warm and
          has.breasts is yes) 
         (then class is breasts))
   (rule (if phylum is warm and
          has.breasts is no) 
         (then type.animal is bird/penguin))
   (question has.breasts is "Normally, does the female of your animal nurse its young with milk?")
   (rule (if phylum is cold and
 is yes) 
         (then class is water))
   (rule (if phylum is cold and
 is no) 
         (then class is dry))
   (question is "Is your animal always in water?")
   (rule (if phylum is soil and
          flat.bodied is yes) 
         (then type.animal is flatworm))
   (rule (if phylum is soil and
          flat.bodied is no) 
         (then type.animal is worm/leech))
   (question flat.bodied is "Does your animal have a flat body?")
   (rule (if phylum is elsewhere and
 is yes) 
         (then class is segments))
   (rule (if phylum is elsewhere and
 is no) 
         (then class is unified))
   (question is "Is the animals body in segments?")
   (rule (if class is breasts and
 is yes) 
         (then order is meat))
   (rule (if class is breasts and
 is no) 
         (then order is vegy))
   (question is "Does your animal eat red meat?")
   (rule (if class is water and
          boney is yes) 
         (then type.animal is fish))
   (rule (if class is water and
          boney is no) 
         (then type.animal is shark/ray))
   (question boney is "Does your animal have a boney skeleton?")
   (rule (if class is dry and
          scally is yes) 
         (then order is scales))
   (rule (if class is dry and
          scally is no) 
         (then order is soft))
   (question scally is "Is your animal covered with scaled skin?")
   (rule (if class is segments and
          shell is yes) 
         (then order is shell))
   (rule (if class is segments and
          shell is no) 
         (then type.animal is centipede/millipede/insect))
   (question shell is "Does your animal have a shell?")
   (rule (if class is unified and
          digest.cells is yes) 
         (then order is cells))
   (rule (if class is unified and
          digest.cells is no) 
         (then order is stomach))
   (question digest.cells is "Does your animal use many cells to digest it's food instead of a stomach?")
   (rule (if order is meat and
          fly is yes) 
         (then type.animal is bat))
   (rule (if order is meat and
          fly is no) 
         (then family is nowings))
   (question fly is "Can your animal fly?")
   (rule (if order is vegy and
          hooves is yes) 
         (then family is hooves))
   (rule (if order is vegy and
          hooves is no) 
         (then family is feet))
   (question hooves is "Does your animal have hooves?")
   (rule (if order is scales and
 is yes) 
         (then type.animal is turtle))
   (rule (if order is scales and
 is no) 
         (then family is noshell))
   (question is "Does the animal have a rounded shell?")
   (rule (if order is soft and
          jump is yes) 
         (then type.animal is frog))
   (rule (if order is soft and
          jump is no) 
         (then type.animal is salamander))
   (question jump is "Does your animal jump?")
   (rule (if order is shell and
          tail is yes) 
         (then type.animal is lobster))
   (rule (if order is shell and
          tail is no) 
         (then type.animal is crab))
   (question tail is "Does your animal have a tail?")
   (rule (if order is cells and
          stationary is yes) 
         (then family is stationary))
   (rule (if order is cells and
          stationary is no) 
         (then type.animal is jellyfish))
   (question stationary is "Is your animal attached permanently to an object?")
   (rule (if order is stomach and
          multicelled is yes) 
         (then family is multicelled))
   (rule (if order is stomach and
          multicelled is no) 
         (then type.animal is protozoa))
   (question multicelled is "Is your animal made up of more than one cell?")
   (rule (if family is nowings and
          opposing.thumb is yes) 
         (then genus is thumb))
   (rule (if family is nowings and
          opposing.thumb is no) 
         (then genus is nothumb))
   (question opposing.thumb is "Does your animal have an opposing thumb?")
   (rule (if family is hooves and
          two.toes is yes) 
         (then genus is twotoes))
   (rule (if family is hooves and
          two.toes is no) 
         (then genus is onetoe))
   (question two.toes is "Does your animal stand on two toes/hooves per foot?")
   (rule (if family is feet and
 is yes) 
         (then genus is water))
   (rule (if family is feet and
 is no) 
         (then genus is dry))
   (question is "Does your animal live in water?")
   (rule (if family is noshell and
          limbs is yes) 
         (then type.animal is crocodile/alligator))
   (rule (if family is noshell and
          limbs is no) 
         (then type.animal is snake))
   (question limbs is "Does your animal have limbs?")
   (rule (if family is stationary and
          spikes is yes) 
         (then type.animal is sea.anemone))
   (rule (if family is stationary and
          spikes is no) 
         (then type.animal is coral/sponge))
   (question spikes is "Does your animal normally have spikes radiating from it's body?")
   (rule (if family is multicelled and
 is yes) 
         (then type.animal is snail))
   (rule (if family is multicelled and
 is no) 
         (then genus is noshell))
   (question is "Does your animal have a spiral-shaped shell?")
   (rule (if genus is thumb and
          prehensile.tail is yes) 
         (then type.animal is monkey))
   (rule (if genus is thumb and
          prehensile.tail is no) 
         (then species is notail))
   (question prehensile.tail is "Does your animal have a prehensile tail?")
   (rule (if genus is nothumb and
          over.400 is yes) 
         (then species is 400))
   (rule (if genus is nothumb and
          over.400 is no) 
         (then species is under400))
   (question over.400 is "Does an adult normally weigh over 400 pounds?")
   (rule (if genus is twotoes and
          horns is yes) 
         (then species is horns))
   (rule (if genus is twotoes and
          horns is no) 
         (then species is nohorns))
   (question horns is "Does your animal have horns?")
   (rule (if genus is onetoe and
          plating is yes) 
         (then type.animal is rhinoceros))
   (rule (if genus is onetoe and
          plating is no) 
         (then type.animal is horse/zebra))
   (question plating is "Is your animal covered with a protective plating?")
   (rule (if genus is water and
          hunted is yes) 
         (then type.animal is whale))
   (rule (if genus is water and
          hunted is no) 
         (then type.animal is dolphin/porpoise))
   (question hunted is "Is your animal, unfortunately, commercially hunted?")
   (rule (if genus is dry and
          front.teeth is yes) 
         (then species is teeth))
   (rule (if genus is dry and
          front.teeth is no) 
         (then species is noteeth))
   (question front.teeth is "Does your animal have large front teeth?")
   (rule (if genus is noshell and
          bivalve is yes) 
         (then type.animal is clam/oyster))
   (rule (if genus is noshell and
          bivalve is no) 
         (then type.animal is squid/octopus))
   (question bivalve is "Is your animal protected by two half-shells?")
   (rule (if species is notail and
          nearly.hairless is yes) 
         (then type.animal is man))
   (rule (if species is notail and
          nearly.hairless is no) 
         (then subspecies is hair))
   (question nearly.hairless is "Is your animal nearly hairless?")
   (rule (if species is 400 and
          land.based is yes) 
         (then type.animal is bear/tiger/lion))
   (rule (if species is 400 and
          land.based is no) 
         (then type.animal is walrus))
   (question land.based is "Is your animal land based?")
   (rule (if species is under400 and
          thintail is yes) 
         (then type.animal is cat))
   (rule (if species is under400 and
          thintail is no) 
         (then type.animal is coyote/wolf/fox/dog))
   (question thintail is "Does your animal have a thin tail?")
   (rule (if species is horns and
          one.horn is yes) 
         (then type.animal is hippopotamus))
   (rule (if species is horns and
          one.horn is no) 
         (then subspecies is nohorn))
   (question one.horn is "Does your animal have one horn?")
   (rule (if species is nohorns and
 is yes) 
         (then type.animal is camel))
   (rule (if species is nohorns and
 is no) 
         (then type.animal is giraffe))
   (question is "Does your animal normally live in the desert?")
   (rule (if species is teeth and
          large.ears is yes) 
         (then type.animal is rabbit))
   (rule (if species is teeth and
          large.ears is no the type.animal is rat/mouse/squirrel/beaver/porcupine))
   (question large.ears is "Does your animal have large ears?")
   (rule (if species is noteeth and
          pouch is yes) 
         (then type.animal is "kangaroo/koala bear"))
   (rule (if species is noteeth and
          pouch is no) 
         (then type.animal is mole/shrew/elephant))
   (question pouch is "Does your animal have a pouch?")
   (rule (if subspecies is hair and
          long.powerful.arms is yes) 
         (then type.animal is orangutan/gorilla/chimpanzie))
   (rule (if subspecies is hair and
          long.powerful.arms is no) 
         (then type.animal is baboon))
   (question long.powerful.arms is "Does your animal have long, powerful arms?")
   (rule (if subspecies is nohorn and
          fleece is yes) 
         (then type.animal is sheep/goat))
   (rule (if subspecies is nohorn and
          fleece is no) 
         (then subsubspecies is nofleece))
   (question fleece is "Does your animal have fleece?")
   (rule (if subsubspecies is nofleece and
          domesticated is yes) 
         (then type.animal is cow))
   (rule (if subsubspecies is nofleece and
          domesticated is no) 
         (then type.animal is deer/moose/antelope))
   (question domesticated is "Is your animal domesticated?")
   (answer is "I think your animal is a " type.animal))



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