HeKatE Vacation Design
Eliasz Kańtoch,
Tomasz Michalski
This case analysis is based on hekate process.
Vacation is a system which counts the number of vacation days. The number of vacations days depends on age and the number of working years.
Example comes from OpenRules
Original Rules
Model design starts from attribute that indicates all system. In this case it is attribute VacationDays. On the level 1 it is finalized into three physical attributes age, service, days. In the following division is made and the relation between attributes is showed. Level 3 is the last level of ARD diagrams.
The system which counts vacation days was designed in one XTT table.
Conceptual design
General Conceptual Design
Directed Conceptual Design
Full ARD Model
Refined Conceptual Design
Physical Attribute Specification
Name | Type | Range | Description |
age | integer | [0, inf) | age |
service | integer | [0, inf) | years of work |
days | integer | [0, inf) | number of free days |
XTT prototype generated by VARDA:
Logical design