Hekate Markup Language
<!-- attml starts here -->
<!-- attml ends here -->
<!-- ardml starts here -->
<!-- ardml ends here -->
<!-- xttml starts here -->
<!-- xttml ends here -->
<!-- extra system state specification -->
HeKatE markup history
2004 - first markup for XTT in GJN PhD → XTTML0
2007 - first markup for ARD+ in VARDA
2007 - second version of markup for XTT in early versions of HQEd → XTTML
2007 - third version of markup for XTT in HQEd M5_* → XTTML2
2008 - first version markup proposal for HeKatE, ARD+, XTT+ →
HML1: ATTML1, ARDML1, XTTML3 (proposal for XTT+, partially supported by design tools)
2009 - second version of HML, ARD+ XTT2 → HML2: ATTML2, ARDML2, XTTML4 (supported by HQEd M6_* from 05.2009)
HML syntax
HeKatE markup language DTD:
hml.dtd (for HML2).
For syntax test purposes there is example XML file:
(Note: the above files are versioned in the HaDEs CVS repo in the HatHoR module.)
HML syntax
HML syntax
An additional attribute (id
) is introduced to guarantee that types, attributes, properties and groups can be uniquely referenced.
It can be forced, using DTD, that an attribute has a unique value within an XML document, it becomes a unique identifier.
Similarly, it can be forced that an attribute references an element by its unique identifier.
Making attribute names unique identifiers prevents naming a group, or type, with the same name as the attribute, since unique identifiers are unique within entire document regardless of the element they regard to.
HML syntax
It is possible to validate a HML file using a validator i.e. xmlstarlet
xmlstarlet val -e -d hml.dtd hml-test.xml
For information on attributes see here.
<type id="tpe_1" name="Temperature" base="numeric" length="5" scale="0">
<desc>represents a temperature</desc>
<value from="1" to="5"/>
<value is="7" />
<value from="20" to="22"/>
<value is="26" />
<value is="27" />
<type id="tpe_2" name="Integer" base="numeric" length="5" scale="0">
<desc>represents an integer number</desc>
<value from="-10000" to="10000"/>
<attr id="att_1" type="tpe_1" name="temp" abbrev="t1" class="simple" comm="in">
<desc>input temperature from sensor number 1</desc>
<attr id="att_2" type="tpe_1" name="temp-aux" abbrev="t1a" class="general" comm="in">
<desc>input temperature from sensor number 1, aux reading, including historic data</desc>
<agroup id="grp_1" name="sensors" abbrev="sns">
<desc>temperatures from sensors</desc>
<attref ref="att_1"/>
<attref ref="att_2"/>
Both in the case of types and attributes groups can be specified.
Example: types day, hour, month can form a type group date.
The same could apply to specific attributes.
In the example above there is set of attributes describing sensor readings formed out of values of temp and corresponding temp-aux.
Attributes in groups and types are ordered.
For ARD see ardplus
<attr name="Thermostat" id="att_0"/>
<attr name="Time" ... />
<property id="prp_1">
<attref ref="att_0"/>
<property id="prp_2">
<attref ref="att_0"/>
<attref ref="att_1"/>
<property id="prp_3">
<attref ref="att_0"/>
<property id="prp_4">
<attref ref="att_1"/>
<property id="prp_5">
<attref ref="att_0"/>
<hist id="hst_01" src="prp_1" dst="prp_2"/>
<hist id="hst_02" src="prp_2" dst="prp_3"/>
<hist id="hst_03" src="prp_2" dst="prp_4"/>
<hist id="hst_04" src="prp_4" dst="prp_5"/>
<dep id="dep_01" independent="prp_1" dependent="prp_2"/>
<dep id="dep_02" independent="prp_2" dependent="prp_3"/>
<dep id="dep_03" independent="prp_3" dependent="prp_4"/>
<dep id="dep_04" independent="prp_2" dependent="prp_4"/>
ARDML - Defining ARD+ Properties
<property id="prp_1">
<attref ref="att_0"/>
<attref ref="att_ad003"/>
<property id="prp_2">
<attref ref="att_44"/>
<attref ref="att_2"/>
ARDML - Defining ARD+ Properties
Properties are defined in <properties>…</properties>
section. This section must contain all properties which are being used in an ARD diagram.
Single property is defined by <property>
Single property contains any number of attributes. A list of attributes is defined by <attref>
ARDML - Defining TPH Diagram
<hist src="prp_1" dst="prp_2"/>
<hist src="prp_2" dst="prp_3"/>
<hist src="prp_2" dst="prp_4"/>
<hist src="prp_n" dst="prp_m"/>
TPH diagram is definied in <tph>…</tph>
section. TPH diagram contains relationships called transformations.
A transformation is defined with the <hist>
tags and it describes the development between a source (src
) and destination (dst
) properties.
ARDML - Defining Dependencies
<dep independent="prp_1" dependent="prp_2"/>
<dep independent="prp_2" dependent="prp_3"/>
<dep independent="prp_x" dependent="prp_y"/>
<dep independent="prp_x" dependent="prp_z"/>
For information on the XTT itself see here.
<table id="tab_1" name="first">
<attref ref="att_1"/>
<attref ref="att_0"/>
<rule id="rul_1">
<relation name="in">
<attref ref="att_0"/>
<value from="1" to="5"/>
<value is="8"/>
<attref ref="att_1"/>
<expr name="add">
<attref ref="att_1"/>
<value is="1"/>
<attref ref="att_1"/>
<expr name="add">
<value is="5"/>
<expr name="sin">
<attref ref="att_0"/>
<tabref ref="tab_1"/>
An XTT diagram (xtt
element) consists of some number of XTT tables (the table
The above example can be read as:
rule_1: if att_0 in <1,5>u{8} then att_1 = att_0 + 1 and att_1 = 5 + sin(att_0)
XTTML - Schema
XTTML - Rule
A rule (rule
) consists of a condition (condition
) part and a decision part (decision
The condition is composed of the
ALSVFD formulas, that specify certain
s between attribute values and given set of values.
The decision part is decomposed into two parts:
state trans
istion that can specify new state (attribute values), and
external action
to be executed; it is assumed it does not infulences the state in any way.
Each rule can explicitly transef the inference to a next table (possibly also a rule).
State specification
<state id="sta_1" name="start">
<attref ref="att_0"/>
<value from="1" to="5"/>
<value is="8"/>
<attref ref="att_1"/>
<value from="1" to="5"/>
HML implementation and support